National Water Account 2018

South East Queensland: Key findings

For the water account period 1 July 2017–30 June 2018

  • Total annual rainfall was similar to average, following two years of below-average rainfall.
  • End of year storage volume increased by 5% from last year despite below-average rainfall for most of the year.
  • The increase in storage volume is mainly due to very high rainfall in October 2017 and above-average rainfall in February 2018.

Climate and water


Rainfall icon

1,025 mm

similar to the average of 1,042 mm


Streamflow icon

below average

for most of the year


Storage icon

79% full

Upward pointing arrow indicating increase in storage

5% more than last year   

Water use

Water supplied

Graph showing breakdown of water users in the South East Queensland region. A total of 376 gigalitres of water was supplied to users in the 2017-18 year. 91% of total water supply was for the urban system; and 9% of total water supply was for individual users.

376 GL




individual users


Water status


556 GL

total surface water and groundwater allocations

Water assets

2,139 GL

water assets at 30 June 2018

Upward pointing arrow indicating increase in storage

94 GL more than last year



in storage expected during the 2018–19 year