1.1 Storages
Supporting Information
This line item represents the volume of water held in storages that is used to administer water against entitlements in the Canberra region.
The volume provided is a sum of the volumes held in the storages in the Canberra region. Specific details of storages are provided in the following table. The total values reported include dead storage capacity.
Water storage name | Total storage capacity (ML) | Dead storage capacity (ML) | 30 June 2011 (ML) | 30 June 2010 (ML) | Change in storage (ML) |
Bendora | 11,540 | 96 | 9,143 | 9,275 | (132) |
Corin | 70,900 | 110 | 67,793 | 42,924 | 24,869 |
Cotter | 3,856 | 9 | 3,248 | 3,856 | (608) |
Googong | 121,083 | 1,674 | 121,068 | 58,593 | 62,475 |
Total | 207,379 | 1,889 | 201,252 | 114,648 | 86,604 |
Quantification Approach
Data Source
Provided by
Storage volume was measured at the start and end of the reporting period by using gauged water level height(s) (metres above Australian Height Datum) for individual storages. The height measurement was converted to a volume using the storage–volume curves provided by the managing authority/operator. The storage volume of individual storages was aggregated to present the total volume for the line item.
Assumptions, Limitations, Caveats and Approximations
- Storage–volume curves represent specifically surveyed parts of the water storage and may not reflect the storage–volume relationship across the entire storage
- Water storages are subject to sedimentation and other physical changes over time, which in turn affect the accuracy of the storage–volume curves.
Uncertainty Information
The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.
Comparative year
This line item corresponds to Line item 1.1 Storages entitlement system, reported in the 2010 Account. The following table presents substantive changes to the 2009–10 volume reported in the 2011 Account with the corresponding line item in the 2010 Account. The reasons for the changes, with their respective values, are detailed in the table and summarised hereafter: An error was committed in the values reported in the 2010 Account, as the volumes reported did not include the dead storage, as required by the Exposure Draft of Australian Water Accounting Standards 1 (the Standards). Improved datasets were made available after the publication of the 2010 Account. Although not required by the Standards, restatement of the value published in the 2010 Account was made as it increase the accuracy of the information provided to the users.
Corresponding 2010 Account line item | Storage names | 2010 Account volume at 30 June 2010 | Correction of error made in the 2010 Account (ML) | 2011 Account volume at 30 June 2010 (ML) |
Line item 1.1 Storages – entitlement system | Bendora | 9,176 | 99 | 9,275 |
Corin | 42,814 | 110 | 42,924 | |
Cotter | 3,847 | 9 | 3,856 | |
Googong | 56,919 | 1,674 | 58,593 | |
Total | 112,756 | 1,892 | 114,648 |