Water Accounting Statements : Physical Water Flows

2011 ML 2010 ML
Water inflows
Surface water inflows 1,479,408 474,910
9.1 Precipitation on surface water 19,787 11,035
9.2 River inflow to region 279,762 124,326
9.4 Runoff to surface water 1,179,859 339,549
9.6 Overbank flood return to river channel - -
Total Surface water inflows 1,479,408 474,910
Groundwater inflows - -
10.1 Groundwater inflow from outside region - -
10.3 Recharge from landscape - -
10.5 Leakage from off-channel water storage - -
Total Groundwater inflows - -
Urban water system inflows 39,457 35,779
11.4 Wastewater collected 33,281 34,482
11.7 Stormwater ingress 6,176 1,297
Total Urban water system inflows 39,457 35,779
Total water inflows 1,518,865 510,689
Water outflows
Surface water outflows 1,167,765 246,245
17.1 Evaporation from surface water 21,689 20,332
17.2 River outflow from the region 1,144,888 224,093
17.4 Leakage to landscape - -
17.5 Overbank flood spilling - -
17.6 Diversions - other statutory rights - -
17.7 Non-allocated diversions to users 1,188 1,820
Total Surface water outflows 1,167,765 246,245
Groundwater outflows 770 890
18.1 Groundwater outflow to outside region - -
18.3 Discharge to landscape - -
18.5 Discharge to off-channel water storage - -
18.7 Extraction - other statutory rights 435 435
18.8 Non-allocated extractions to users 335 455
Total Groundwater outflows 770 890
Urban water system outflows 41,368 48,726
19.1 Evaporation from urban water 4,353 3,240
19.2 Leakage to landscape - -
19.4 Delivery to urban water system users 37,015 45,486
Total Urban water system outflows 41,368 48,726
Total water outflows 1,209,903 295,861
Unaccounted-For difference
Unaccounted-for difference 222,390 187,651
25.1 Unaccounted-for difference 222,390 187,651
Total Unaccounted-for difference 222,390 187,651
Total unaccounted-for difference 222,390 187,651
Opening water storage 154,035 126,858
Add/(Less): Change in water storage 86,572 27,177
Closing water storage 240,607 154,035