17.8 Entitled diversion of non–allocated surface water to urban water system
Supporting information
This line item consists of diversions from surface water that are not counted against ACTEW Water's entitlement. To take advantage of storage capacity, ACTEW Water can transfer water from the Murrumbidgee River to the Googong reservoir. For the 2012 year the volume transferred was 0 ML.
Quantification approach
Data source
Data Warehouse.
Provided by
ACTEW Water.
ACTEW Water's flow meter measures the release from the water distribution system to Googong Reservoir.
Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations
Uncertainty information
Derived from measured data. Estimated uncertainty is +/– 5%.
Comparative year
In the 2010–11 account line item 11.2 'Non–allocated diversion of surface water' was not reported. A transfer of 4,365 ML did occur in the 2010–11 year and should have been reported. The volume has been restated.