Statement of Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities

2012 ML 2011 ML
Water asset increases
Surface water increases 1,679,022 1,548,078
9.1 Precipitation on surface water 21,110 19,713
9.2 River inflow to region 582,184 287,899
9.4 Runoff to surface water 1,075,728 1,240,466
9.6 Overbank flood return to river channel - -
Total Surface water increases 1,679,022 1,548,078
Groundwater increases - -
10.1 Groundwater inflow from outside region - -
10.3 Recharge from landscape - -
Total Groundwater increases - -
Urban water system increases 38,429 39,457
11.1 Precipitation on urban water system - -
11.4 Wastewater collected 38,429 39,457
Total Urban water system increases 38,429 39,457
Total water asset increases 1,717,451 1,587,535
Water liability decreases
Total water liability decreases 0 0
Water asset decreases
Surface water decreases 1,618,051 1,165,058
17.1 Evaporation from surface water 20,097 18,982
17.2 River outflow from the region 1,596,539 1,144,888
17.4 Leakage to landscape - -
17.5 Overbank flood spilling - -
17.6 Surface water diversions – other statutory rights - -
17.7 Entitled diversion of non–allocated surface water to users 1,415 1,188
Total Surface water decreases 1,618,051 1,165,058
Groundwater decreases 770 770
18.1 Groundwater outflow to outside region - -
18.3 Discharge to landscape - -
18.5 Discharge to off–channel water storage - -
18.7 Groundwater extractions – other statutory rights 435 435
18.8 Entitled extraction of non–allocated groundwater to users 335 335
Total Groundwater decreases 770 770
Urban water system decreases 43,735 41,368
19.1 Evaporation from urban water system 3,838 4,353
19.2 Leakage to landscape - -
19.4 Delivery to urban water system users 39,117 37,015
19.20 Other urban water system decreases 780 0
Total Urban water system decreases 43,735 41,368
Total water asset decreases 1,662,556 1,207,196
Water liability increases
Total water liability increases 0 0
Unaccounted–for difference
Unaccounted–for difference 53,835 293,767
25.1 Unaccounted–for difference 53,835 293,767
Total Unaccounted–for difference 53,835 293,767
Total unaccounted-for difference 53,835 293,767
Change in net water assets 1,060 86,572