21.2 Surface water allocation announcements – urban system
Supporting information
The volume recognised in the surface water statements (71,000 ML) represents the total water allocation for surface water supply to the urban water system in the Canberra region during the 2011–12 year. It is the volume of water allocated to ACTEW for use based on its licence to take water from the Cotter, Queanbeyan and Murrumbidgee rivers for the purpose of urban water supply. As the 2012 Account defines water storages as part of the surface water, ACTEW Water (as the urban water system operator) has the ability to order water from the surface water reservoirs operated by ACTEW Water. This ability to order water is, for the purpose of the 2012 Account, seen as an urban claim on surface water or a surface water liability.
Although an allocation announcement does not occur for ACTEW's licence each year, for the purpose of the 2012 Account it has been assumed that an allocation announcement occurs. This allocation announcement has been assumed as 100% of the licensed volume.
Diversions on this licence are from various water storages and from the Murrumbidgee River. Despite the Murrumbidgee River diversions being physically unregulated, the right to divert the water has been included in this line item, and the diversions included in line item 11.12 Entitlement diversion of allocated water surface to urban water system because the licence could not be separated.
Urban water access entitlements are available for inspection on a public register at the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Government, Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate (ESDD), Macarthur House, 12 Wattle Street, Lyneham ACT 2602.
Quantification approach
Data source
ACT Water Resource Information Database.
Provided by
Water access entitlement volumes for 2011–12 were obtained from the ACT Water Resource Information Database.
The total annual announced allocation for 2011–12 assumed, for the purpose of the 2012 Account, to be 100% of the ACTEW urban water licence.
Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations
There is no distinction between regulated and unregulated flows in ACTEW's urban water access entitlement. Water to service this licence is obtained from both regulated and unregulated sources, and therefore has been included in this line item.
Uncertainty information
The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.