11.12 Entitled diversion of allocated surface water to urban water system

Supporting information

a. Surface water diverted to the urban water system in the 2011–12 year

The volume reported in the water accounting statements (374,198 ML) represents the volume of water diverted from surface water for distribution via the urban water supply system under the various bulk entitlements held by Melbourne's retail water authorities, including Western Water. The volume reported includes:

  • Bulk water supplied by Melbourne Water to the City West Water, South East Water and Yarra Valley Water  from the Yarra, Tarago and Bunyip rivers and to Western Water from the Melbourne Headworks system.
  • Surface water diverted from the Maribyrnong and Werribee river basins by Western Water under various bulk entitlements. Surface water is primarily diverted from storages managed by Southern Rural Water, but also includes diversions from smaller storages operated by Western Water.

Refer to line item 3.7 Urban claim on surface water for more information on these bulk entitlements.

The following table shows the volumes of surface water diverted for urban water supply by Melbourne Water and Western Water during the 2011–12 year. 

Total volume of allocated surface water diversions to the urban water system
Authority 2012 Volume (ML)
Melbourne Water—bulk water supplied to retail water authorities
Western Water—surface water diverted from the Maribyrnong and Werribee rivers
Total 374,198

The volume of surface water diverted for bulk water supply by Melbourne Water is derived from the volume of water supplied to the retail authorities accounting for losses between the point of diversion and the point of supply to the authorities. This is explained in more detail in the quantification approach.

The volume of surface water diverted by Western Water is the metered volume at various offtake points. This is explained in more detail in the quantification approach.

The volume reported does not include water delivered by Melbourne Water to Gippsland Water (see 17.14 Surface water transfer under inter–region commitment).

Melbourne Water reports estimated proportions of water released from each of the seasonal reservoirs as an indication of the proportion of water intake from each reservoir to supply the total volume of bulk water (see following table).

Estimated proportions of water released from surface water storages
Release location Percentage of total released
Cardinia 27%
Silvan 38%
Winneke 27%
Tarago 2% 
Yan Yean <1%
Greenvale 6%
Yarra Valley (small treatment plants) <1%
Total 100 %

b. Urban water supply system overview

The urban water supply system is one of three sub-components of Melbourne's urban water system. The three sub-components are the:

  • Urban water supply system
  • Wastewater system
  • Recycled water system.

During the 2011–12 year Melbourne's urban water was sourced exclusively from surface water [11.12]; however in some years a very small proportion is sourced from groundwater [11.13]. While a desalination plant has been built to supplement Melbourne's urban water supply, this was not operational during the 2011–12 year.

Urban water consumption [19.4] of potable and non-potable water was 330,632 ML during the 2011–12 year, representing almost 90% of all urban water supply system outflows. A very small volume of water was transferred out of the region via normal operations in Western Water's service area [19.11]. Non-revenue water, including pipes bursting [19.2], background leakage [19.3] and other losses [19.20], made up the remaining urban water supply system outflows.

The following figure shows all the inflows and outflows for the urban water supply system. For more detail on a particular flow associated with the urban water supply system, refer to the line item notes.

Schematic diagram of water inflows and outflows for Melbourne's urban water supply system during the 2011–12 year. Line item numbers are provided in brackets.
Schematic diagram of water inflows and outflows for Melbourne's urban water supply system during the 2011–12 year. Line item numbers are provided in brackets.

A small misbalance (0.1%) is shown in the previous figure and can be attributed to possible differences in metering accuracies and unaccounted losses associated with water intake and supply.

Quantification approach

Melbourne Water

Data source

Waterworks database.

Provided by

Melbourne Water.


The total volume of surface water diverted for bulk water supply was calculated from the following two components:

  • Volume of potable and non-potable water supplied to the retail water authorities
  • Volume of losses from the potable water system. 
The breakdown of these volumes is shown in the following table.

Calculation of the total volume of surface water diverted for bulk water supply
Component Individual items 2012 Volume (ML)
Total volume of water
provided to the urban
retail water authorities
by Melbourne Water 
Potable water provided to City West Water 96,338
Potable water provided to South East Water 129,844
Potable water provided to Yarra Valley Water 133,646
Potable water provided to Western Water 5,108
Non-potable water provided to Yarra Valley Water—water taken from Maroondah aqueduct as direct supply to customers 272
Non-potable water provided to South East Water—water taken from Bunyip River as direct supply to customers 64
Subtotal—volume provided to urban retail water authorities  365,272
Total volume of
losses and leakage 
Loss of potable water from major pipes—line item 19.2 129
Loss of potable water due to minor leaks—line item 19.2 20
Loss of potable water through service reservoir and tank dewatering—line item 19.20 580
Loss of potable water through operational activities—line item 19.20 1,772
Subtotal—losses from the potable water system 2,501
Total 367,773

Bulk water supplied to retailers

Volumes were calculated using the weekly metered volume of bulk water supplied by Melbourne Water to urban retail water authorities. Metered volumes are based on Melbourne Water bulk meters. 

Losses from the potable water system
Refer to the individual line item quantification approaches (as shown in the table) for the methods used to estimate losses from the potable water system.

Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations


Uncertainty information

In the above tables, meters are generally ultrasonic flow meters for larger pipes (greater than 600 mm diameter) and magnetic flow meters for smaller pipes (less than 600 mm diameter). Both types of meters have an accuracy of +/– 1% as reported by the manufacturers.

Western Water

Data source

Western Water metering database; Southern Rural Water database.

Provided by

Western Water.


The volume of surface water diverted for urban supply was calculated using the weekly metered volume of surface water diverted from the Merrimu, Rosslynne, Pykes Creek, Kerrie, Djerriwarrah, Garden Hut and Wright reservoirs and treated at the Myrniong, Merrimu, Rosslyne, Romsey and Lancefield water filtration plants (WFP). It also includes water diverted from Macedon and Mt Macedon storages to supplement surface water storages in Woodend. Meters are located on outlet pipes from reservoirs.

Volume of surface water diverted by Western Water during the 2011–12 year
Surface water intake point Water Filtration Plant 2012 Volume (ML)
Forster and Wright reservoirs Romsey 0
Garden Hut Creek Reservoir Lancefield1 168
Kerrie Reservoir Romsey 321
Macedon and Mt Macedon storages Reservoir C
Merrimu and Djerriwarrh reservoirs Merrimu2 5,599
Pykes Creek Reservoir Myrniong 39
Rosslynne Reservoir Rosslynne 152
Total     6,425

1–2 This volume included non-potable and potable water supplied to users.

Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations


Uncertainty information

Uncertainty is +/– 5% in accordance with the manufacturer's annual bulk meter test.

Comparative year

In the 2011 Account, the following volumes were omitted from this line item:

  • volume of surface water diverted by Western Water from Garden Hut Creek Reservoir (Lancefield WFP), Macedon storage, Wright Reservoir (Romsey Creek WFP) and Kerrie Reservoir (Romsey WFP)
  • volume of potable water system losses from the calculation of the volume of surface water diverted for bulk supply
  • volume of surface water diverted by Melbourne Water and subsequently supplied to Southern Rural Water for the Bacchus Marsh Irrigation district (This volume is zero in the 2012 Account).

In the 2012 Account, this omission was rectified from the 2011 Account to provide improved and more accurate information to users.

Consequently, the volume has been restated from 353,431 ML (as published in the 2011 Account) to 355,241 ML as shown in the following table.

Comparative year information for line item 11.12 Entitled diversion of allocated surface water to urban water system
Component Individual item 2012 Account volume
at 30 June 2011 (ML)
2011 Account volume
at 30 June 2011 (ML)
Total volume of bulk water provided to the urban retail water authorities by Melbourne Water  Potable water provided to City West Water 92,562 92,562
Potable water provided to South East Water 123,390 123,390
Potable water provided to Yarra Valley Water 127,314 127,314
Potable water provided to Western Water 7,881 7,881
Non-potable water provided to Yarra Valley Water—water taken from Maroondah aqueduct as direct supply to customers 307 307
Non-potable water provided to South East Water—water taken from Bunyip River as direct supply to customers 72 72
Subtotal—volume of bulk water provided to urban retail water authorities  351,526 351,526
Potable water provided to Southern Rural Water via Western Water for supply to irrigators in the Bacchus Marsh Irrigation District 46 0
Total volume of losses and leakage  Loss of potable water from major pipes— line item 19.2 183 0
Loss of potable water due to minor leaks— line item 19.3 75 0
Loss of potable water through service reservoir and tank dewatering—line item 19.20 28 0
Loss of potable water through operational activities—line item 19.20 781 0
Subtotal – losses from the potable water system 1067 0
Total volume of surface water diverted by Western Water Baringo Creek 33 0
Garden Hut Creek Reservoir for treatment at Lancefield WFP 155 0
Macedon and Mt Macedon storages—for Reservoir C 175 0
Merrimu and Djerriwarrh reservoirs—for treatment at Merrimu WFP 1,817 1,804
Pykes Creek Reservoir—for treatment at Myrniong WFP 28 28
Forster and Wright reservoirs—for treatment at Romsey WFP 14 0
Kerrie Reservoir—for treatment at Romsey WFP 307 0
Rosslynne Reservoir—for treatment at Rosslynne WFP 73 73
Subtotal—volume of surface water diverted by Western Water 2,602 1,905
Total 355,241 353,431