21.4 Increase of inter–region commitment on surface water
Supporting information
The volume recognised in the water accounting statements (36,300 ML) represents the total allocation of water from Mundaring Reservoir to the Kalgoorlie Goldfields and Agricultural region, located outside of the Perth region boundary, during the 2011–12 year.
Quantification approach
Data source
Provided by
Mundaring Reservoir is part of the urban water supply system, so it has the same licence agreements for abstraction of water as the other major storages within the Perth region (see line item 21.2).
The total surface water allocation announcement is assumed to equal 100% of the annual entitlement.
Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations
The announced allocation is made after a review by the Department of Water of the storage water level of Mundaring Reservoir in October of every year.
Uncertainty information
There is no uncertainty associated with this value.