South East Queensland
19.2 Leakage to landscape

Supporting information

The volumetric value for the line item at the end of 2011–12 year was zero.

This line item consists of urban water supply system (including potable and non-potable water), recycled water supply system pipe bursts, and wastewater collection system overflows or spills.

Logan City Council has estimated its leakage volume to landscape as less than 1 ML.  Reliable information on leakage to landscape was not available from other reporting partners. 


Volume and number of wastewater collection system overflows
Urban utility

Spill volume

Number of spill events


Logan City Council1



Queensland Urban Utilities2



Total SEQ region




1 Logan City Council provided estimated spill volume of 0.025 ML

2 Queensland Urban Utilities do not have spill volume data

Quantification approach

Data source

Queensland Urban Utilities, Logan City Council (LCC), Qldwater Statewide Water Information Management (SWIM) system indicator AS36 (number of spills).

Provided by



The number of spills from the wastewater collections systems for each urban utility were obtained from the Qldwater SWIM system indicator AS36. Logan City Council provided spill numbers and estimated spill volume.

Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations

As no data were available on the volume involved, an estimate of the magnitude compared to wastewater spills could not be quantified.

Uncertainty information

The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.