South East Queensland
Statement of Water Flows

2012 ML 2011 ML
Water inflows
Surface water inflows 5,920,132 12,705,786
9.1 Precipitation on surface water 239,397 417,313
9.3 Groundwater discharge - -
9.4 Runoff to surface water 5,673,771 12,286,627
9.6 Overbank flood return to river channel - -
9.10 Direct discharge by user 6,964 1,846
Total Surface water inflows 5,920,132 12,705,786
Groundwater inflows - -
10.1 Groundwater inflow from outside region - -
10.3 Recharge from landscape - -
10.4 Recharge from surface water - -
10.5 Leakage from off–channel water storage - -
Total Groundwater inflows - -
Urban water system inflows 272,384 307,345
11.1 Precipitation on urban water system - -
11.4 Wastewater collected 246,055 269,214
11.5 Delivery of water from outside region to urban water system 22,902 24,636
11.6 Delivery of desalinated water to urban water system 3,427 13,495
11.7 Stormwater ingress - -
11.8 Infiltration from groundwater to urban water system - -
Total Urban water system inflows 272,384 307,345
Total water inflows 6,192,516 13,013,131
Water outflows
Surface water outflows 4,141,185 12,587,588
17.1 Evaporation from surface water 259,859 270,156
17.2 River outflow from the region 3,631,308 12,043,399
17.3 Leakage to groundwater - -
17.4 Leakage to landscape 232,271 256,778
17.5 Overbank flood spilling - -
17.6 Surface water diversions – other statutory rights 3,628 3,628
17.7 Entitled diversion of non–allocated surface water to users 2,049 2,016
17.11 Entitled diversion of allocated surface water to users 5,905 5,905
17.21 Other surface water outflows 6,165 5,706
Total Surface water outflows 4,141,185 12,587,588
Groundwater outflows 3,776 1,371
18.1 Groundwater outflow to outside region - -
18.2 Groundwater outflow to outside region at coast - -
18.3 Discharge to landscape - -
18.4 Discharge to surface water - -
18.6 Infiltration to urban water system - -
18.7 Groundwater extractions – other statutory rights - -
18.8 Entitled extraction of non–allocated groundwater to users 2,003 258
18.11 Entitled extraction of allocated groundwater to users 1,773 1,113
Total Groundwater outflows 3,776 1,371
Urban water system outflows 465,924 400,806
19.1 Evaporation from urban water system - -
19.2 Leakage to landscape 0 747
19.4 Delivery to urban water system users 259,039 216,376
19.7 Wastewater discharge outside of region 203,228 180,867
19.8 Other wastewater discharge 645 363
19.11 Transfer of water outside of region 3,012 2,453
Total Urban water system outflows 465,924 400,806
Total water outflows 4,610,885 12,989,765
Unaccounted–for difference
Unaccounted–for difference 1,320,311 (98,977)
25.1 Unaccounted–for difference 1,320,311 (98,977)
Total Unaccounted–for difference 1,320,311 (98,977)
Total unaccounted-for difference 1,320,311 (98,977)
Opening water storage 2,230,533 2,108,190
Add/(Less): Change in water storage 261,320 122,343
Closing water storage 2,491,853 2,230,533