19.4 Delivery to urban water system users
Supporting Information
This line item is made up of the potable, non-potable and recycled water provided for residential, commercial, industrial and municipal uses, and individual agricultural users. Volumes were calculated for each water quality and each user category for both ActewAGL and Queanbeyan City Council (QCC). This information can be seen in the following table.
Organisation |
Type of water based on water quality |
Water usage |
Volume (ML) |
ActewAGL | Potable | Residential | 25,204 |
Commercial, industrial, municipal | 8,644 |
Other including agriculture | |||
Environment | |||
Recycled |
Residential | ||
Commercial, industrial, municipal | 158 |
Other including agriculture | |||
Environment | |||
Subtotal for ActewAGL | 34,006 |
QCC | Potable | Residential | 2,414 |
Commercial, industrial, municipal | 547 |
Other including agriculture | |||
Environment | |||
Recycled | Residential | ||
Commercial, industrial, municipal | |||
Other including agriculture | 48 |
Environment | |||
Subtotal for QCC | 3,009 |
Total | 37,015 |
Quantification Approach
(1) Queanbeyan City Council
Data Source
Provided by
Data with a residential charge code were extracted from the billed metered consumption for 2010–11. The value is derived from measured data, with some postprocessing of the data. There is potential for errors in the data; for example, where an incorrect charge code has been applied to some meters.
Assumptions, Limitations, Caveats and Approximations
The uncertainty is estimated to be of the order of +/– 10%.
Uncertainty Information
The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.
(2) ActewAGL
Data Source
Provided by
Data were extracted from the billed metered consumption for 2010–11 and sorted into categories according to charge codes. The value is derived from measured data, with some post processing of the data. There is potential for errors in the data; for example, where an incorrect charge code has been applied to some meters.
Assumptions, Limitations, Caveats and Approximations
Uncertainty Information
The uncertainty is estimated to be of the order of +/– 10%.
Comparative year
In the 2010 Account, water use was not included within the Water accounting statements, but was included within the urban water notes. A change of scope in the 2011 Account has resulted in the inclusion of potable, non–potable and recycled water use within line item 19.4 Delivery to urban water system users.