17.13 Entitled diversion of allocated surface water to irrigation scheme

Supporting information

The volume recognised in the water accounting statements (153,697 ML) represents the volume of water diverted for irrigation scheme supply in the Ord region during the 2012–13 year.

Total surface water diverted from the main Ord River channel to the Ord River Irrigation Area during the 2012–13 year is shown in the table below. The volume includes irrigation entitlements for the Ord Irrigation Cooperative and Water Corporation M1 Channel customers (pumpers and siphon users), as well as water used for the flushing of ponding effluent from the M1 Channel.

Volume of water diverted from the Ord River for irrigation during the 2012–13 year

Irrigation licence

Volume diverted (ML)

Ivanhoe and Packsaddle irrigation districts (Ord Irrigation Cooperative)


M1 channel (Water Corporation)




Quantification approach

Data source

Annual reports/meter readings from licensees.

Provided by

Department of Water.


Water inflow into the Ord River Irrigation Area during the year is equal to the total annual water diverted at the main Ord River channel. The water volumes diverted are metered at the M1 off-take and the Packsaddle pump station continuously and reported on a monthly basis.

Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations

Water diversion to the Ord River Irrigation Area was based on both measured and estimated data.

The volume of water diverted to the Ivanhoe and Packsaddle irrigation districts and the M1 channel was measured between 1 July and 31 December 2012, but data for the remaining six months of the reporting period were unavailable at the time this report was prepared. The volume of water diverted during the period of missing data was estimated based on the previous year's water abstraction.

Uncertainty information

Expected error for water meters is +/– 5%.

The Department of Water requires that all water meters, when tested under in situ conditions, must be within 5% accuracy across the full flow rate range (Department of Water 2009).