Murray–Darling Basin region

Overview: 2013–14

The Murray–Darling Basin (MDB) region covers an area of over 1 million km2, which is equal to 14% of mainland Australia. This includes 75% of New South Wales, more than 50% of Victoria, large portions of Queensland and South Australia, and all of the Australian Capital Territory. The region is defined by the catchment areas of Australia's two longest rivers: the Darling River (2,740 km) and the River Murray (2,520 km). The region has a population of over 2 million, and irrigated agriculture is a major industry.

In the 2013–14 year, there were distinct differences in the rainfall pattern in the northern section (the Northern Basin) and the southern section (the Southern Basin) of the MDB region. Rainfall in the Northern Basin was well below average, with some areas experiencing their lowest rainfall on record. It was the Northern Basin's second consecutive year of below average rainfall, resulting in drought in parts of Queensland and New South Wales. Conversely, the Southern Basin experienced generally average rainfall conditions.

Successive below average rainfall conditions for the MDB region contributed to decreased inflows into the storages, resulting in a 12% reduction in storage volume from 69% of capacity at 30 June 2013 to 57% at 30 June 2014. As a result of the decrease in surface water availability in the region, surface water diversions decreased during the 2013–14 year; an increase in groundwater availability resulted in increased extractions during the 2013–14 year.

Closing net water assets for the MDB region were 16,921,345 ML at the end of the 2013–14 year compared with 19,001,937 ML at the end of the 2012–13 year. For more information on the region's water assets, refer to Water accounting statements.

The key water account information for the MDB region during the 2013–14 year is presented in the following table. Information on the uncertainty associated with the volumes presented is provided in the relevant sections of the account.


Contextual information


Climate Overview2013–142012–13Long–term average (1900–2014)
Rainfall: 388 mmRainfall: 377 mmRainfall: 470 mm
For more detail on the MDB climate, refer to Climate overview.


Water overviewRiver Murray at Doctors Point (Albury)Darling River at BourkeOvens River at Peechelba
below mean annual flowwell below mean annual flowabove mean annual flow
For more detail on streamflow in the MDB region, refer to Water overview.


Water accounting statements
Accounting statements 2013–142012–131
Total water assets as at 30 June (ML)19,947,75723,350,732
Total water liabilities as at 30 June (ML)3,026,4124,348,795
Change in net water assets (ML)(2,080,592)(2,970,036)
Closing net water assets (ML)16,921,34519,001,937
For more detail on water assets and water liabilities, refer to Water accounting statements.

1These volumes vary from those published in the 2013 Account. Please refer to Water accounting policies for more details.


Notes: supporting information

Surface water storage
Surface water 30 June 201430 June 2013
Total capacityVolume% of capacityVolume% of capacity
23,203,628 ML13,156,647 ML57%16,021,763 ML69%
For more detail on surface water in the MDB region, refer to Surface water.


Water abstractions
GroundwaterTotal water abstracted 
2013–142012–13Recent activity
Surface water:
8,420,121 ML1
Surface water:
11,547,686 ML

Surface water diversions decreased and groundwater extractions increased.

1,370,363 ML

Environmental surface water:
801,616 ML2

Environmental groundwater:
5,674 ML

1,209,855 ML

Environmental surface water:
1,807,828 ML

Environmental groundwater:
0 ML

For more detail on the water abstraction in the MDB region, refer to Surface water store and Groundwater store.

1The volume includes basic right diversions and excludes change in storage volumes in Waranga Basin (see downloadable table for details). Surface water non-environmental diversion volumes for South Australia were not available at time of account publication.

2Surface water environmental diversion volumes for South Australia were not available at time of account publication.


Urban water supply
Urban water supplyTotal water supplied 
2013–142012–13Recent activity
370,117 ML422,571 MLAbstraction decreased for urban water supply.
For more detail on the urban water supplied in the MDB region, refer to Surface water  and Groundwater store.


Irrigation water supply
Irrigation schemeTotal water supplied 
2013–142012–13Recent activity

Surface water:
7,992,770 ML1

1,109,020 ML

Surface water:
11,066,618 ML

942,181 ML

Surface water use decreased.

For more detail on the irrigation water supply in the MDB region, refer to Irrigation note.

1Surface water diversion volumes for South Australia were not available at the time of account publication.


Surface water trade
Surfacewater tradeVolume traded 
2013–142012–13Recent activity
1,957,514 ML
961,334 ML
Increased entitlement trade and decreased allocation trade.

5,217,964 ML

5,985,629 ML
For more detail on surface water trade in the MDB region, refer to Water market activity.