Tropical Cyclone David

13 - 19 January 1976


David crossed the Queensland coast just north of St Lawrence (south of Mackay). It passed over Gannet Cay Automatic Weather Station where a central pressure of 970 hPa was recorded. It was intensifying right up to the time of landfall.

A feature was its huge size with gales extending from Papua New Guinea waters down to Lord Howe Is. It generated huge swells and these combined with large tides caused extensive damage to Heron Island as it passed to the north. It crossed the coast in a sparsely populated area however winds unroofed 30 buildings in Yeppoon and several in Mt Morgan. Wind gusts reached 95 knots at Pine Islet and 84 knots at the Gladstone Met. Office.

Large seas combined with high tides caused considerable damage to breakwaters, retaining walls and other structures especially at Rosslyn Bay Harbour (Yeppoon) where the Breakwater was destroyed along with yachts and trawlers. Storm tides flooded houses and shops at Urangan, Noosa and Kirra. Storm surge at Beachmere on Moreton Bay cut all roads into the town. The Port of Brisbane was closed. At wave recording stations the significant wave (peak) height reached 5.8 m (8.9 m) at Double Island Pt and 3.8 m (8.7 m) at Yeppoon. Tides were up to one metre above predicted levels.

Track and intensity

Best Track of Tropical Cyclone David