Severe Tropical Cyclone Monty

22 - 29 April 1983


Like tropical cyclone Naomi, Monty occurred late in the season and remained over the Indian Ocean throughout its life cycle. It was the last cyclone for the season to occur in the Australian region.

For some days prior to the genesis of tropical cyclone Monty , an active monsoon trough was well established across tropical waters of the Indian Ocean near latitude 9°S to 11° S.

At 0600 UTC 22 April a weak tropical low developed just south of the monsoon trough about 300 km north northwest of Cocos Island. Tropical cyclone Naomi also had its genesis in this trough, some fifteen degrees of longitude further west and about 36 hours earlier.

During the next two days the low moved in a general east to east southeast direction and deepened, attaining tropical cyclone intensity at about 1800 UTC 23 April with an estimated central pressure of 994 hPa.

On 24 April the cyclone moved towards the south southeast and continued to intensify. It reached peak intensity at about 0600 UTC with an estimated central pressure of 975 hPa and maximum winds of 120 km/h barely attaining severe tropical cyclone status.

During the next few days Monty moved in a general southward direction, finally dissipating over cooled waters off the west coast during 29 April.

There were no wind reports available close to the centre of Monty . However, ships on the periphery of thee storm reported winds near gale force between 25 and 28 April.

No damage was reported.

Track and intensity

Best Track of Severe Tropical Cyclone Monty