South East Queensland
18.8 Entitled extraction of non–allocated groundwater to users
Supporting information
a. Overall
The volumetric value for the line item at the end of the 2011–12 year was 2,003 ML.
This line item represents licensed metered groundwater extraction from the following groundwater management areas (GMAs), where the extraction was not considered in line item 18.11 Entitled extraction of allocated groundwater to users.
- Cressbrook Creek Alluvial GMA
- Lockyer Valley GMA–Implementation Area 1 (Non-Benefitted Area of the Central Lockyer Water Supply Scheme [WSS])
- Warrill–Bremer Alluvial GMA
- Watercourse Buffer Zone GMA.
There are no meters in the other implementation areas of the Lockyer Valley GMA nor in the Warrill–Bremer GMA or the Watercourse Buffer Zone GMA; therefore no data were available for the 2011–12 year.
Despite the groundwater asset in all but the Lockyer Valley GMA Benefitted Area not being recognised as an asset in line item 2.1 Water table aquifer, 2011–12 metered extraction was still included in this line item where data were available.
Groundwater management area | Extraction (ML) |
Cressbrook Creek Alluvial | 522 |
Lockyer Valley (Non-Benefitted Area of Implementation Area 1)1 | 1,481 |
Warrill-Bremer Alluvial | – |
Watercourse Buffer Zone | – |
Total | 2,003 |
1 Only the Non-Benefitted Area of the Lockyer Valley WSS was included in this line item. Benefitted Area extractions are included in line item 18.11 Entitled extraction of allocated groundwater to users. As groundwater licences do not exist in the Upper Lockyer (Flagstone Creek alluvium, Ma Ma Creek alluvium, Tenthill Creek alluvium, Upper Lockyer Creek alluvium and Upper Laidley Creek alluvium) or Lower Lockyer (Lower Lockyer Creek alluvium and Buaraba Creek alluvium) extractions from these aquifers would have been included in line item 18.7 Groundwater extractions – other statutory rights if estimates could have been made.
b. Benefitted Area definition
In the Lockyer Valley GMA, within the Central Lockyer WSS there is an area known as Benefitted Area for which groundwater licences are available. Benefited Areas are the equivalent of a regulated surface water resource. The Benefitted Area uses managed aquifer recharge via discharge of water from water storages to watercourses to recharge the groundwater. Of the Central Lockyer WSS's metered, licensed groundwater extractions, 1,773 ML was extracted from the Benefitted Area during the 2011–12 year. This was included as line item 18.11 Entitled extraction of allocated groundwater to users.
The volume extracted from Non–Benefitted Area during the 2011–12 year was included as line item 18.8 Entitled extraction of non–allocated groundwater to users.
Quantification approach
Data source
Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) water resource plan (WRP), Cressbrook Creek Alluvial GMA data and Central Lockyer WSS interim resource operation licence (IROL) data.
Provided by
Licensed extraction data were compiled for the Cressbrook Creek Alluvial GMA. Metered extraction data from the Central Lockyer WSS Non–Benefitted Area for the 2011–12 year were available.
Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations
The licensed metered extraction data have been underestimated due to the lack of data for three of the four GMAs. In future years, licensed metered extraction data may become available for other GMAs.
Uncertainty information
The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.
Comparative year
This line item corresponds to line item '18.8 Non-allocated extractions to users' reported in the 2011 Account.