21.1 Surface water allocation announcements

Supporting information

The volume stated in this line item of 159,462 ML reflects the total surface water allocation for the 2012–13 year by entitlement holders in the region. The allocation/claim for this line item represents water access licences in the Sydney region by individual holders for stock and domestic, other lumped holders, and industrial and commercial entitlement holders.

As no formal allocation process takes place in the Sydney region, the volume used to allocate volume for stock and domestic and other lumped holders is based on information available in the Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Unregulated River Water Sources. For the purposes of the National Water Account, allocation volumes are assumed to be 100% of the entitlement outlined in the water sharing plan. For major utilities (Delta Electricity and Eraring Energy) the value is based on the entitlements stated in each organisation's water management licence with an assumed allocation of 100% at the beginning of the 2012–13 year.

A breakdown table of the rights associated with this line item is provided in the following table.

Water rights associated with this entitlement itemised by category and subcategory
Category Subcategories Total right  (ML)
major Utility (Power Generation) Delta Electricity's and Eraring Energy's water management licence 29,021
individual holder for stock and domestic domestic and stock, domestic and stock (domestic), domestic and stock (stock) 1,670
other lumped holders unregulated river 128,771
 Total 159,462

Reconciliation of this line item is shown in the following table.

Calculations of the surface water liability for the 2012–13 year
Line item
Volume (ML)


5.1 Opening balance (as at 30 June 2012)



21.1 Surface water allocation announcements



17.11 Surface water allocation diversion



13.1 Adjustment of surface water allocation



5.1 Closing balance (as at 30 June 2013)


Quantification approach

Data source

The Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Unregulated River Water Sources; entitlement data recorded in databases and water management licences for Goulburn Mulwaree Council, Lithgow City Council, Shoalhaven City Council, and Wingecarribee Shire Council.

Provided by

The Bureau calculated opening and closing balance; New South Wales Office of Water, Shoalhaven City Council, Goulburn Mulwaree Council, Palerang City Council and Sydney Water Corporation provided entitlement data.


Mapping entitlement values stated in the Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Unregulated River Water Sources, water management registers, and licence and trading statistics to the relevant categories of entitlements. Diversion data was obtained from the relevant authorities as shown in line item 17.11 Surface water allocation diversion.

For each water management licence, the licensed water management year is from 1 July–30 June. At the end of the water management year, any unused allocation is forfeited. Therefore, the allocation remaining on 30 June of the reporting year is zero, as shown in the previous reconciliation table.

Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations


Uncertainty information

New South Wales Office of Water–values associated with this line item were estimated. Estimated uncertainty is +/– 30% to 50% based on professional judgment and established practice within the New South Wales Office of Water.


Comparative year

The allocation announcement stated in the 2011–12 year was assumed to be 100% of all water entitlements held in the Sydney region. With the implementation of the Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Unregulated River Water Sources in that year, the allocations for all licence categories except 'major utility (power generation)' and 'major utility (urban water)' were 200% to the allow the implementation of the carry-over rules associated with the plan.

The total entitlement volume for the 2011–12 year has been restated to 286,219 ML. A table describing the breakdown of amended volumes is available below.

Amended announced allocation volumes for the 2011–12 year
Category Subcategories 2011–12 stated volume (ML) 2011–12 amended volume (ML)
major utility (power generation) Delta Electricity's and Eraring Energy's water management licence 29,021 29,021
individual holder for stock and domestic domestic and stock, domestic and stock (domestic), domestic and stock (stock) 2,342 4,684
other lumped holders unregulated river 126,257 252,514
Total 157,620 286,219