Statement of Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities

for the year ended 30 June 2013

2013 ML 2012 ML
Water asset increases
Surface water increases 5,119,118 8,433,329
9.1 Precipitation on surface water 134,391 164,426
9.4 Runoff to surface water 4,968,033 8,252,376
9.10 Direct discharge by user 4,860 4,693
9.15 Increase of inter-region surface water claim on water 11,834 11,834
Total Surface water increases 5,119,118 8,433,329
Groundwater increases - -
10.1 Groundwater inflow from outside region - -
10.2 Groundwater inflow from outside region at coast - -
10.3 Recharge from landscape - -
Total Groundwater increases - -
Urban water system increases 510,676 666,287
11.4 Wastewater collected 507,638 601,502
11.5 Delivery of water from outside region to urban water system 1,260 0
11.6 Delivery of desalinated water to urban water system 0 61,290
11.7 Stormwater ingress 0 1,717
11.15 Increase of inter-region claim on water by urban water system 1,778 1,778
Total Urban water system increases 510,676 666,287
Total water asset increases 5,629,794 9,099,616
Water liability decreases
Surface water liability decreases 122,416 259,417
13.1 Adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation 122,416 254,054
13.6 Other surface water liability decreases 0 5,363
Total Surface water liability decreases 122,416 259,417
Total water liability decreases 122,416 259,417
Water asset decreases
Surface water decreases 4,411,383 7,291,430
17.1 Evaporation from surface water 141,766 120,977
17.2 River outflow from the region 4,232,133 7,132,288
17.6 Surface water diversions – other statutory rights 32,529 32,529
17.17 Decrease of inter-region surface water claim on water 4,955 5,636
Total Surface water decreases 4,411,383 7,291,430
Urban water system decreases 979,143 1,006,505
19.1 Evaporation from urban water system 350 -
19.3 Urban water system leakage to groundwater 44,899 43,270
19.4 Delivery to urban water system users 495,132 489,557
19.7 Wastewater discharge outside of region 402,455 472,073
19.11 Transfer of water outside of region 4,468 0
19.14 Adjustment and forfeiture of urban inter-region claim on water 1,182 1,441
19.20 Other urban water system decreases 30,657 164
Total Urban water system decreases 979,143 1,006,505
Total water asset decreases 5,390,526 8,297,935
Water liability increases
Surface water liability increases 159,462 286,219
21.1 Surface water allocation announcements 159,462 286,219
21.6 Other surface water liability increases 0 0
Total Surface water liability increases 159,462 286,219
Total water liability increases 159,462 286,219
Unaccounted-for difference
Unaccounted-for difference 144,360 227,952
25.1 Unaccounted-for difference 144,360 227,952
Total Unaccounted-for difference 144,360 227,952
Total unaccounted-for difference 144,360 227,952
Change in net water assets 57,862 546,927