5.2 Surface water allocation remaining – urban water system

Supporting information

This line item volume of 0 ML represents the volume of surface water allocation remaining for urban water supply licence entitlements in the Sydney region at the end of the 2012–13 year.

While carry-over of unused surface water allocation is allowed under the Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Unregulated River Water Sources for licences categorised under 'local water utility', the carry-over volume could not be quantified. Therefore, for the purposes of the National Water Account, the opening and closing balance (carry-over volume) has been adjusted to 0 ML.

Quantification approach

Data source

Provided by

Calculated opening and closing balances provided by the Bureau; entitlement data is from the New South Wales Office of Water.


The allocation remaining at 30 June 2013 was calculated as shown in the following table.

Volume of surface water allocation remaining for the urban water system at the start and end of the 2012–13 year

Volume (ML)


Opening balance (as at 30 June 2012)



21.2 Surface water allocation announcements - urban water system



17.12 Entitled diversion of allocated surface water to urban water system



13.2 Adjustment of surface water allocation - urban water system


Closing balance (as at 30 June 2013)


Under the water sharing plan, carry-over of any unused allocation at the end of the year water year (1 July–30 June) is allowed for licences not issued under the 'major utility' category. The maximum volume of carry-over allowed is determined by the rules in the water sharing plan and the volume of water diverted under the licence. The carry-over volume for the licences reported under this line item have not been quantified. Therefore, for the purposes of the National Water Account, the carry-over volume (opening and closing balance as reported here) was assumed to be zero. In order to the balance the account, the liability decrease reported in this line item is equal to any remaining unused allocation.

Calculation methods for the announced allocation and measured diversions are available in:

Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations

Carry-over has not been quantified and assumed to be zero.

Uncertainty information

The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.