5.6 Other surface water liability

Supporting information

The volume of 0 ML stated for this line item represents the liability remaining for banked environmental flow for the Sydney region.

The Sydney Catchment Authority manages banked environmental flow. Between 1 June 2005 and 3 March 2008, due to the continuing drought, environmental flow releases into the Hawkesbury–Nepean River required under the Sydney Catchment Authority's water management licence were halved as directed by the Minister for Water in New South Wales. A condition of halving the flows was that the Sydney Catchment Authority would maintain an environmental water bank in storages. The banked water was to be released only under the direction of the Minister for Water in New South Wales.

With the implementation of the Water Sharing Plan for the Greater Metropolitan Region Unregulated River Sources and also as a result of spills that occurred during flooding in March 2012 the New South Wales Office of Water directed that releases from banked environmental water would cease from 1 July 2011 and the water remaining in the bank was deleted.

Quantification approach

Data source

The Sydney Catchment Authority and New South Wales Office of Water agreement, Sydney Catchment Authority database of daily requirements and releases, and compliance reporting to the New South Wales Office of Water.

Provided by

Sydney Catchment Authority.


The volume for this line item is derived from discussions with the Sydney Catchment Authority.

Reconciliation of this line item is shown in the table below.

Volume of surface water allocation remaining at the start and end of the 2012–13 year



Volume (ML)


Opening balance (at 30 June 2012)



21.6 Other surface water liability increases



17.16 Other delivery of allocated water



13.6 Adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation


Closing balance (at 30 June 2012)


Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations


Uncertainty information
