Burdekin region

Overview: 2013–14

The Burdekin River is one of Australia's largest rivers and is a large source of sediment and fresh water to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. The Burdekin Falls Dam was constructed along the Burdekin River to support irrigated agriculture and possible future hydroelectric generation in the region. The lower Burdekin River area is northern Australia's largest irrigation area covering approximately 800 km2 and is one of Australia's most important sugar producing regions.

Rainfall across the region was 485 mm in 2013–14, which was well below the long-term average. These rainfall conditions contributed to very low streamflows in the primary river systems (Burdekin, Bowen-Broken, Cape and Suttor-Belyando) within the region. Despite these low river flows, closing net water assets in the Burdekin region was 2,003,189 ML, only slightly lower than the opening water assets of 2,003,839 ML. For more information on the region's water assets refer to Water accounting statements.

The key water account information for the Burdekin region during the 2013–14 year is presented in the following table. Information on the uncertainty associated with the volumes presented in the table is provided in the relevant sections of the account.


Contextual information


Climate Overview2013–14Long–term average
Rainfall: 485 mmRainfall: 656 mm
For more detail on the Burdekin climate refer to Climate and water overview.


Water overviewBowen RiverBurdekin RiverCape RiverSuttor–Belyando River
well below mean annual flowbelow mean annual flowbelow mean annual flowwell below mean annual flow
For more detail on streamflow in the Burdekin region refer to Climate and water overview.


Water accounting statements


Accounting statements 2013–14
Total water assets as at 30 June (ML)2,003,189
Total water liabilities as at 30 June (ML)0
Closing net water assets (ML)2,003,189
Change in net water assets (ML)(650)
For more detail on water assets and water liabilities refer to Water accounting statements.


Notes: supporting information


Surface water storage
Surface water 30 June 201430 June 2013
Total capacityVolume% of capacityVolume% of capacity
2,025,831 ML2,003,189 ML99%2,003,839 ML99%
For more detail on surface water storage in the Burdekin region refer to Surface water.


Water abstractions
GroundwaterTotal water abstracted 
Surface water: 967,425 MLMost water abstraction is for irrigation scheme supply.
Groundwater: 45,072 ML
For more detail on water abstraction in the Burdekin region refer to Surface water and Groundwater.


Urban water supply
Urban water systemTotal water supplied 
5,785 MLMost town water supply is from groundwater.
For more detail on urban water supply in the Burdekin region refer to Surface water and Groundwater.


Irrigation scheme supply
Irrigation schemeTotal water supplied 
542,890 MLAll irrigation scheme supply is from surface water; the groundwater contribution could not be quantified.
For more detail on the irrigation scheme in the Burdekin region refer to Surface water.