Murray-Darling Basin
10.3 Recharge from landscape

Supporting Information

The volumetric value for the line item for the 2010–11 year was 9,784,419 ML. The following tables provide detailed volumetric information for the line item. 


Summary of groundwater recharge from landscape in the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB) region in the 2010–11 year
Groundwater resource plan area State  Volume (ML) for the 2010–11 year 
Code Name
GW23 Warrego – Paroo – Nebine Qld
GW22 Condamine–Balonne Qld
GW21 Moonie Qld
GW20 Qld Border Rivers Qld
GW19 NSW Border Rivers Alluvium NSW
GW18 New England Fractured Rock and Northern Basalts NSW
GW17 Eastern Porous Rock NSW
GW16 Gwydir Alluvium NSW 63,256
GW15 Namoi Alluvium NSW 5,303,311
GW14 NSW Alluvium above GAB NSW
GW13 NSW Sediments above GAB NSW
GW12 Macquarie–Castlereagh Alluvium NSW 51,184
GW11 Lachlan and South Western Fractured Rock NSW
GW7 Darling Alluvium  NSW
Sub-total Northern Basin 5,417,751
GW11 Lachlan and South Western Fractured Rock NSW
GW7 Darling Alluvium NSW
GW10 Lachlan Alluvium NSW 175,290
GW9 Murrumbidgee Alluvium NSW 432,950
GW8 Murray Alluvium NSW 927,976
GW6 Western Porous Rock NSW
GW2 Goulburn-Murray Vic 2,174,256
GW3 Wimmera–Mallee (groundwater) Vic 467,768
GW5 Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges SA
GW4 SA Murray SA 400,248
GW1 ACT (groundwater) ACT
Sub-total Southern Basin 4,366,668
Total for the region 9,784,419

– = Data not available


Details of groundwater recharge from landscape in the MDB region in the 2010–11 year
Groundwater resource plan area

Groundwater sustainable diversion limit area  


Type of recharge

 Volume (ML) for the 2010–11 year 

Data source1



GW11 Gwydir Alluvium GS29 Lower Gwydir Alluvium  NSW Rainfall recharge 63,256 Bureau 
GW 15 Namoi Alluvium GS34 Lower Namoi Alluvium NSW Rainfall recharge 5,212,583 Bureau 
GS51 Upper Namoi Alluvium NSW Rainfall recharge 77,030 NSW models
Irrigation recharge 13,698 NSW models
GW12 Macquarie–Castlereagh Alluvium GS31 Lower Macquarie Alluvium NSW Rainfall recharge and irrigation channel  31,864 NSW models
Irrigation recharge 19,320 NSW models
Sub-total Northern Basin 5,417,751  
GW 10 Lachlan Alluvium GS30 Lower Lachlan Alluvium  NSW Rainfall recharge 170,500 NSW models
Irrigation recharge 4,790 NSW models
GW 9 Murrumbidgee Alluvium GS33 Lower Murrumbidgee Alluvium, shallow; Shepparton Formation NSW Rainfall recharge  211,820 NSW models
Irrigation recharge 221,130 NSW models
GW8 Murray Alluvium GS32 Lower Murray Alluvium, shallow; Shepparton Formation  NSW Rainfall recharge 927,976 Bureau 
GW2 Goulburn–Murray GS8e Ovens–Kiewa Sedimentary Plain  Vic Rainfall recharge 393,675 Bureau 
GS8f Victorian Riverine Sedimentary Plain, shallow: Shepparton Formation Vic Rainfall recharge 1,780,581 Bureau 
GW3 Wimmera–Mallee (groundwater) GS9a West Wimmera, Murray Group Limestone  Vic Rainfall recharge 286,179 Bureau 
GS9c Wimmera–Mallee Border Zone, Murray group Limestone Vic Rainfall recharge 181,589 Bureau 
GW4 SA Murray GS03 Mallee Murray Group Limestone SA Rainfall recharge 340,661 Bureau 
GS05 Peake – Roby – Sherlock (unconfined) SA Rainfall recharge 59,587 Bureau 
Sub-total Southern Basin 4,366,668  
Total for the region 9,784,419  

1 Bureau = Bureau of Meteorology, NSW models = New South Wales models

Sustainable diversion limit (SDL) areas other than those included in the table exist and may be relevant to the line item, however, relevant information was not available for the 2011 Account.

Quantification Approach

Data Source

(1) Bureau of Meteorology (the Bureau): National Climate Centre (NCC) daily climate grids (rainfall, temperature, vapour pressure and solar radiation), (2) Australian Soil Resources Information System (ASRIS): Soil data, (3) Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences: Land-use data, and (4) inputs to the New South Wales groundwater models draw from knowledge of the hydrogeology and surface water processes and outputs from same models received from NSW Office of Water.

Provided by

The Bureau and NSW Office of Water.


For the SDL areas for which 'Data source' is shown as Bureau in the tables provided under Supporting information 

The Bureau estimated the diffuse groundwater recharge volumes using the Water Atmosphere Vegetation Energy and Solutes (WAVES) model (Zhang and Dawes 1998; Dawes et al. 1998). In the recharge calculations, depth to watertable was considered for all regions where the depth to watertable was shallow. A shallow watertable was assumed to be where the depth to the watertable was 4 m or less below the ground surface. Where the watertable was not shallow, free drainage conditions were assumed. The recharge within the MDB region was determined by summing the spatially interpolated positive recharge estimates.

For the SDL areas for which 'Data source' is shown as New South Wales models in the tables provided under Supporting information

Recharge volumes were calculated for selected SDL areas applying New South Wales groundwater models based on MODFLOW (United States Geological Survey 2011) modelling process.

Groundwater recharge is both an input to and, an output from, a groundwater model. There is no single method for estimating recharge used in the New South Wales groundwater models; however, several models estimate recharge as a percentage of rainfall. The magnitude of recharge (as a percentage of rainfall) can be adjusted during the calibration of a groundwater model so that the observed groundwater levels are reproduced in model outputs as accurately as possible, typically for a period of around 20 years if data are available.

Assumptions, Limitations, Caveats and Approximations

The Bureau:

  • The assumptions made in developing the WAVES model as described in Dawes et al. (1998) were all applicable to the recharge estimations carried out for the MDB region.

  • The national land use grid (Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences 2010) was reclassified to three vegetation classes that include annuals, perennials, and trees.  The major vegetation classes modelled were C3 annual pasture, C3 perennial pasture and Eucalypt trees with a grass understorey for SDL areas to the south of 31oS and C4 annual pasture, C4 perennial pasture and Eucalypt trees with a grass understorey for the SDL areas to the north of 31oS.

  • Annual recharge was estimated using a shallow watertable surface estimated by interpolating measured groundwater levels.

New South Wales groundwater models:

  • Groundwater models make many assumptions and approximations to represent water balance (United States Geological Survey 2011).

  • Several of the New South Wales groundwater models assume estimation of recharge volume as a percentage of rainfall.

Uncertainty Information

The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.

For the Bureau method:

  • The uncertainty in the input parameters and the corresponding impacts on the modelled recharge values were not studied.

  • The uncertainty of the estimated recharge resulting from different recharge interpolation methods was not estimated.

For New South Wales groundwater models:

  • Uncertainty of a recharge estimate is not evaluated for the groundwater models.

Comparative year

This line item corresponds to line item 15.2.1 Diffuse groundwater recharge from landscape water, reported in the 2010 Account. In the 2011 Account, the following changes were made that caused the 2009–10 year value to be restated:

  • The scope of the line item was changed.

  • The presentation of the line items has changed since the 2010 Account.

  • The methodology used to quantify the line item was improved and resulted in a material change in volume.

The changes and their respective values are detailed in the following table.


Restatement of comparative year information made for the line item 10.3 Recharge from landscape
2010 Account line items


Volume for the 2009–10 year reported in the 2010 Account (ML)

Difference due to scope change  (ML)

Difference due presentation and calculation methodology change  (ML)

Volume for the 2009–10 year reported in the 2011 Account (ML)

15.2.1 Diffuse groundwater recharge from landscape water Northern Basin 123,215 4,147,725 1,284 4,272,224
Southern Basin 1,630,496 –166,336 69,321 1,533,481
Whole region 1,753,711 3,981,389 70,605 5,805,705


The scope change was due to the following reasons:

  • Northern Basin – expansion of Lower Namoi Alluvium (4,147,725 ML) to cover whole area instead of a part of the area (for which groundwater models were available) considered in the 2010 Account

  • Southern Basin – inclusion of Ovens–Kiewa Sedimentary Plain (change: 182,059 ML)

  • Southern Basin – exclusion of Upper Lachlan Alluvium (339,527 ML) and Upper Murray Alluvium (8,868 ML) to maintain consistency with the asset information provided in line item 2.5.

The presentation change was due to the following reason:

  • The restated value for the 2011 Account was an estimate of recharge only while the values reported for the 2010 Account was estimated as the net recharge, which is the difference between the recharge and discharge.