Murray-Darling Basin
Water Accounting Statements : Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities

2011 ML 2010 ML
Water asset increases
Surface water increases 79,619,773 44,355,779
9.1 Precipitation on surface water 2,019,620 937,737
9.2 River inflow to region 0 0
9.4 Runoff to surface water 74,210,965 41,293,377
9.5 Point return from irrigation scheme 216,917 23,531
9.6 Overbank flood return to river channel - -
9.9 Discharge from urban water system 34,897 29,143
9.10 Direct discharge by user - -
9.15 Increase of inter-region claim on water 3,137,374 2,071,991
Total Surface water increases 79,619,773 44,355,779
Groundwater increases 9,937,295 5,813,377
10.1 Groundwater inflow from outside region 2,879 2,578
10.2 Groundwater inflow from outside region at coast 62 57
10.3 Recharge from landscape 9,784,419 5,805,705
10.5 Leakage from off-channel water storage - -
10.6 Leakage from urban water system - -
10.7 Leakage from irrigation scheme - -
10.8 Managed aquifer recharge - private user 4,158 5,037
10.13 Other groundwater increases 145,777 -
Total Groundwater increases 9,937,295 5,813,377
Total water asset increases 89,557,068 50,169,156
Water liability decreases
Surface water liability decreases 1,866,097 179,424
13.1 Adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation 1,594,699 (8,855)
13.2 Adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation - urban water system 271,398 188,279
Total Surface water liability decreases 1,866,097 179,424
Groundwater liability decreases 892,465 336,788
14.1 Adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation 880,045 326,148
14.2 Adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation - urban water system 12,420 10,640
Total Groundwater liability decreases 892,465 336,788
Total water liability decreases 2,758,562 516,212
Water asset decreases
Surface water decreases 62,172,227 36,212,210
17.1 Evaporation from surface water 3,505,568 2,676,953
17.2 River outflow from the region 12,849,073 0
17.4 Leakage to landscape - -
17.5 Overbank flood spilling 652,699 398,250
17.6 Diversions - other statutory rights 47,286 47,286
17.7 Non-allocated diversions to users 2,016,782 1,217,589
17.8 Non-allocated diversions - urban water system 20,588 7,951
17.10 River and floodplain leakage, evaporation and errors 42,314,414 31,861,181
17.17 Decrease of inter-region claim on water 765,817 3,000
Total Surface water decreases 62,172,227 36,212,210
Groundwater decreases 348,102 268,689
18.1 Groundwater outflow to outside region 3 1
18.2 Groundwater outflow to outside region at coast 1,663 1,668
18.3 Discharge to landscape 308,128 248,229
18.7 Extraction - other statutory rights 23,683 18,791
18.18 Other groundwater decreases 14,625 -
Total Groundwater decreases 348,102 268,689
Total water asset decreases 62,520,329 36,480,899
Water liability increases
Surface water liability increases 10,282,270 5,445,899
21.1 Surface water allocation announcements 9,743,426 4,952,889
21.2 Surface water allocation announcements - urban system 538,844 493,010
Total Surface water liability increases 10,282,270 5,445,899
Groundwater liability increases 1,237,055 1,165,291
22.1 Groundwater allocation announcements 1,214,249 1,143,381
22.2 Groundwater allocation announcements - urban system 22,806 21,910
Total Groundwater liability increases 1,237,055 1,165,291
Total water liability increases 11,519,325 6,611,190
Unaccounted-for difference
Unaccounted-for difference 9,423,489 4,906,419
25.1 Unaccounted-for difference 9,423,489 4,906,419
Total unaccounted-for difference 9,423,489 4,906,419
Change in net water assets 8,852,487 2,686,860