Murray-Darling Basin
Resources and Systems

Surface water

Purpose of note

The purpose of this note is to provide a consolidated report on the surface water store within the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB) region during the 2010–11 year. Information on all water flows to and from the surface water store are presented here, including between store flows (e.g. flows between surface water and groundwater stores) and transfers that are not presented in the water accounting statements.


A description of the MDB region's surface water resources is provided in the Surface water section of the Contextual information.

Water in store

Table 1 shows that the total surface water store increased during the 2010–11 year in the MDB region.


Table 1. Surface water store volume at the start and end of the 2010–11 year for the MDB region
Description 30 June 2011 (ML) 30 June 2010 (ML)
Northern Basin Southern Basin Whole region Northern Basin Southern Basin Whole region
1 Surface water

1.1 Storages







1.2 Unregulated river

1.3 Regulated river







1.4 Lakes and wetlands







1.10 Other surface water assets














Table 1 includes information only for five lakes: Lake Albert, Lake Alexandrina, Lake Burley Griffin, Lake Ginninderra and Lake Tuggeranong. Volume of water stored in other lakes and wetlands could not be quantified accurately due to a lack of available data.

The location of major storages within the MDB region, and the volume of water, including dead storage, in each storage as a percentage of total storage capacity (% full) at the end of the 2010–11 year, is shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Location map of major storages within the MDB region. The % full volume on 30 June 2011 for major storages is also shown
Figure 1. Location map of major storages within the MDB region. The % full volume on 30 June 2011 for major storages is also shown


The water volume in majority of the storages within the MDB region at the end of the 2010–11 year was greater than that at the start (see line item 1.1 Storages). The large increase in surface water storage during the year is primarily attributed to the record high inflows into the storages during the 2010–11 year. This situation reflects the well above average rainfall conditions observed throughout the region in the 2010–11 year. Some areas, both in the Northern Basin and the Southern Basin, recorded their highest annual rainfall on record (see Rainfall in Climate overview 2010–11).

Water flows
Surface water inflows and outflows

A schematic diagram representing all the inflows and outflows associated with the surface water store in the MDB region is provided in Figure 2. The inflow and outflow volumes for the surface water store during the 2010–11 year are given in Table 2. In addition to flows reported in the water accounting statements, Figure 2 and Table 2 also show flows between the surface water and groundwater stores within the region.

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of water inflows (blue arrows) and outflows (red arrows) for the surface water store within the MDB region during the 2010–11 year
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of water inflows (blue arrows) and outflows (red arrows) for the surface water store within the MDB region during the 2010–11 year

Note: Solid arrows indicate water transfers; dotted arrows indicate natural water movement; waved arrows indicate leakage. Line item numbers are provided next to the flows.


Table 2. Volume of inflows and outflows for the surface water store within the MDB region during the 2010–11 year
 Description Volume (ML)
Northern Basin Southern Basin Whole region
9 Surface water inflows      
Line item number and name

9.1 Precipitation on surface water




9.2 River inflow to region




9.3 Groundwater discharge




9.4 Runoff to surface water




9.5 Point return from irrigation scheme




9.6 Overbank flood return to river channel




9.9 Discharge from urban water system 




9.10 Direct discharge by user




9.11 Delivery of water under inter–region agreement




Total 9 Surface water inflows




17 Surface water outflows      
Line item number and name

17.1 Evaporation from surface water




17.2 River outflow from the region




17.3 Leakage to groundwater




17.4 Leakage to landscape




17.5 Overbank flood spilling




17.6 Diversions: other statutory rights




17.7 Non-allocated diversions to users




17.8 Non-allocated diversions – urban system




17.10 River and floodplain leakage, evaporation and errors




17.11 Surface water allocation diversion




17.12 Surface water allocation diversion – urban system




Total 17 Surface water outflows




Balancing item – surface water store 









Change in surface water storage 









Opening surface water storage 




Closing surface water storage




Note: Line items in italic indicate between-stores flows, which are not presented in the water accounting statements as they occur within the region. Volumes shown for the balancing item – surface water store are not equal to zero for the Southern Basin and the whole region due to rounding of the volumes for the line items to the nearest integer. Information on line items (presented in the table) and their values are available through the links provided.

Surface water diversions

Allocation diversions, non-allocated diversions, and water abstraction under other statutory rights are the main forms of surface water diversions within the MDB region.

The allocation diversions are associated with a water access entitlement. When an allocation is announced, an obligation (water liability) is created on the surface water to deliver water to the user. The entitlement holder (an individual or water supply organisation, where necessary) then orders the release or delivery of the allocated water and diverts it, which reduces the water liability. Allocation diversions, 4,288,191 ML, account for 67% of all diversions within the region for the 2010–11 year.

Non-allocated diversions are also associated with a water access entitlement, but are primarily unregulated diversions. Other statutory rights for surface water diversions are non-entitled water rights. They may be conferred by jurisdictional water acts or be written in water management plans and include land owner basic rights, riparian rights, indigenous rights and stock and domestic rights.

The entitlement, allocation announcement and forfeiture for water rights associated with surface water diversion during the 2010–11 year are provided in the Water rights, entitlements, allocations and restrictions note.

Figure 3 compares surface water diversions within the MDB region for the 2009–10 year and the 2010–11 year. Allocation diversions from storages during the 2010–11 year for urban supply have decreased but increased for all other categories compare to diversions made during the 2009–10 year.


Figure 3. Graph of surface water diversions from storages within the MDB region during the 2010–11 year and the 2009–10 year comparison
Figure 3. Graph of surface water diversions from storages within the MDB region during the 2010–11 year and the 2009–10 year comparison


Balancing item – surface water store

The volume of the balancing item represents the volume necessary to reconcile the opening and closing balances of the surface water store with the physical water inflows and outflows (Table 3). Inter-store flows between groundwater and surface water stores were included in calculating balancing volume for the surface water store (these flows were excluded in calculating unaccounted-for difference for the water accounting statements).


Table 3. Balancing item for the surface water store for the 2010–11 year

Volume (ML)

Northern Basin

Southern Basin

Whole region

  Opening balance (30 June 2010)





Total 9 Surface water inflows





Total 17 Surface water outflows





Closing balance (30 June 2011)





 Balancing item – surface water store





The volume of the balancing item for the MDB region should be zero (Value 2 ML is shown for the Southern Basin and the whole region due to rounding-off errors).  This is because line item 17.10 River and floodplain leakage, evaporation and errors was calculated applying a water balance approach. Therefore, any balancing volume for the region is included in that line item.

Storages inflows and outflows

Information on 49 storages for which data were available is included in line item 1.1 Storages. Table 4 presents information on increases and decreases for the storages for which data were available.

All the volumes given in Table 4 relate to water flows into and out of the following surface water storages:

  • Menindee Lake
  • Hume Reservoir
  • Dartmouth Reservoir
  • Lake Victoria.

These flows are different from the flows reported in the water accounting statements or in Table 2, which refer to flows affecting the surface water store as a whole, including all storages recognised for the region, rivers and weirs.

Table 4. Volume of inflows and outflows for storages that are associated with surface water diversion in the MDB region during the 2010–11 year
Description Volume (ML)
Opening storage


41 Storage inflows  
Line item and name

41.1 Precipitation on storages


41.2 Groundwater discharge into storages

41.3 Runoff into storages


41.4 Transfer of water into storages

Total 41 Storage inflows


42 Storage outflows  
Line item and name

42.1 Evaporation from storages


42.2 Groundwater recharge from storages

42.3 Leakage from storages

42.4 Spillage from storages


42.5 Releases from storages


42.6 Diversions from storages


Total 42 Storage outflows


Closing storage


Net change in volume


– = data not available during the data collection period for the 2011 Account.


Purpose of note

The purpose of this note is to provide a consolidated report on the groundwater store within the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB) region during the 2010–11 year. Information on all water flows to and from the groundwater store are presented here, including between store flows and transfers that are not presented in the water accounting statements.


A description of the MDB region's groundwater resources are provided under Groundwater in the physical information section of the Contextual information.

Water in store and groundwater asset

Information on groundwater assets in the region is included in line item 2.5 Other groundwater assets. Long-term estimates of volumes for extraction (include volume of supplementary access licence that was available for use in New South Wales in the 2010–11 year) and basic landholder rights are defined as the groundwater assets considered for the region. These assets do not reflect temporal fluctuation of groundwater levels. Therefore, groundwater assets for the region are not responsive to groundwater storage changes resulting from water table fluctuations. As a result, groundwater assets are constant except for administrative changes to long-term estimates of volumes for extraction and landholder rights. Increases to administrative groundwater asset volumes may be the result of the commencement of a water resource plan for a groundwater source area within the basin. Decreases in administrative groundwater asset volume in New South Wales may be a result of the reduction of supplementary access licence volumes as outlined in the relevant water resource plans. Information for asset volumes separately on water table aquifers and underlying aquifers are not available for the region.


Table 5. Groundwater store volume at the start and end of the 2010–11 year

30 June 2011 (ML)

30 June 2010 (ML)

Northern Basin

Southern Basin

Whole region

Northern Basin

Southern Basin

Whole region

2 Groundwater

2.1 Water table aquifer

2.2 Underlying aquifers

2.5 Other groundwater assets














– = Data not available


Water flows

A schematic diagram representing all the inflows and outflows associated with the groundwater store in the MDB region is provided in Figure 4. The inflow and outflow volumes for the groundwater store during the 2010–11 year are given in Table 6. In addition to flows reported in the water accounting statements, Figure 4 and Table 6 also show flows between the surface water and groundwater stores.

Figure 4. Schematic diagram of water inflows and outflows for the groundwater store within the MDB region during the 2010–11 year
Figure 4. Schematic diagram of water inflows and outflows for the groundwater store within the MDB region during the 2010–11 year

Note: Dotted lines indicate natural flows while solid lines represent flows induced by human activities. Line item numbers are provided next to the flows.


Table 6. Volume of inflows and outflows for the groundwater store during the 2010–11 year

Volume (ML)

Northern Basin

Southern Basin

Whole region

10 Groundwater inflows      
Line item number and name

10.1 Groundwater inflow from outside region




10.2 Groundwater inflow from outside region at coast




10.3  Recharge from landscape 




10.4 Recharge from surface water 




10.5 Leakage from off-channel water storage 




10.6 Leakage from urban system




10.7 Leakage from irrigation scheme 




10.8 Managed aquifer recharge – private user 




10.13 Other groundwater increases 




Total 10 Groundwater inflows





17 Surface water outflows      
 Line item number and name

18.1 Groundwater outflow to outside region 




18.2 Groundwater outflow to outside region at coast 




18.3 Discharge to landscape 




18.4 Discharge to surface water 




18.7 Extraction: other statutory rights 




18.11 Groundwater allocation extraction 




18.12 Groundwater allocation extraction – urban water system 




18.18 Other groundwater decreases 




Total 18 Groundwater outflows








Balancing item – groundwater store1 









Change in groundwater storage 








Opening groundwater storage 




Closing groundwater storage




 1 See Supporting information of line item 25.1 Unaccounted–for difference for details.

Line items in italic indicate between-store flows. These flows are not presented in the water accounting statements as they occur within the region.


Allocations and extractions

 Allocation extraction and water abstraction under other statutory rights are the main forms of groundwater extractions within the MDB region. The allocation extractions are associated with a water access entitlement.

Figure 5 compares groundwater extractions within the MDB region for 2009–10 and 2010–11 years. Allocation extractions reported in line item 18.11 (primarily for non-urban purposes), of 333,912 ML, account for 91% of all extractions within the region for the 2010–11 year. These extractions during the 2010–11 year were decreased by 59% compared to 2009–10 extractions. No major change in extractions was observed for other water use categories.



Figure 5. Graph of extractions from aquifers within the MDB region during the 2010–11 year and 2009–10 comparison
Figure 5. Graph of extractions from aquifers within the MDB region during the 2010–11 year and 2009–10 comparison



The entitlement, allocation announcement and forfeiture for water rights associated with groundwater extraction during the 2010–11 year are provided in the Water rights, entitlements, allocations and restrictions note.

Balancing item – groundwater store

Information on balancing item – groundwater store is available under Supporting information of line item 25.1

Unaccounted–for difference.

Changes in groundwater stored in aquifers

Changes in the groundwater store volume of the water table aquifers during the 2010–11 year were evaluated using aquifer characteristics and groundwater level measurements (see quantification methods given below).

Changes in store volumes are not reported in the water accounting statements for the MDB region because asset volumes were based on long term estimates of volumes for extraction and landholder rights.

Table 7 reports on changes in the groundwater store volume of the watertable aquifers for the sustainable diversion limit (SDL) areas within region for which data were available.


Table 7. Volumetric values of changes in groundwater storage in the MDB region for the 2010–11 year
Groundwater resource plan area

Groundwater SDL area  


Change in groundwater storage in the 2010–11 year (ML)1

Method used to quantify change in groundwater storage

Groundwater asset volume (ML)

Change in groundwater storage relative to groundwater asset (%)



Gwydir Alluvium GS29 Lower Gwydir Alluvium  NSW


The Bureau method



Namoi Alluvium GS34 Lower Namoi Alluvium  NSW


The Bureau method



GS51 Upper Namoi Alluvium  NSW


NSW model zone 2-12  



Macquarie–Castlereagh Alluvium GS31 Lower Macquarie Alluvium  NSW


NSW model zone 1 to 6



Sub-total Northern Basin



Lachlan Alluvium GS30 Lower Lachlan Alluvium  NSW


NSW model



Murrumbidgee Alluvium GS33 Lower Murrumbidgee Alluvium, shallow: Shepparton Formation  NSW


NSW model

Murray Alluvium GS32 Lower Murray Alluvium, shallow: Shepparton Formation  NSW


The Bureau method

Goulburn–Murray GS8e Goulburn–Murray: Ovens–Kiewa Sedimentary Plain  Vic


The Bureau method

GS8f Goulburn-Murray: Victorian Riverine Sedimentary Plain, shallow: Shepparton Formation Vic


The Bureau method

Wimmera–Mallee (groundwater) GS9a Wimmera–Mallee: West Wimmera, Loxton Parilla Sands Vic


The Bureau method, unconfined aquifer

Wimmera-Mallee: West Wimmera, Murray Group Limestone  Vic
GS9c Wimmera-Mallee: Wimmera–Mallee Border Zone, Loxton Parilla Sands  Vic
Wimmera-Mallee: Wimmera–Mallee Border Zone, Murray Group Limestone Vic
South Australian Murray GS3 Mallee, Pliocene Sands SA
Mallee Murray, Group Limestone SA
GS5 Peake – Roby – Sherlock, unconfined SA
Sub-total Southern Basin



Total for the region



1 Change in groundwater storage is the estimated difference between all inflows to the store and outflows from the store for the 2010–11 year (see Method in quantification approaches for more details).

NSW = New South Wales, VIic = Victoria, SA = South Australia, The Bureau = Bureau of Meteorology

Table 7 also indicates what method was used to quantify the change in groundwater storage in each SDL area: either the Bureau method based on measured groundwater levels or the New South Wales groundwater model results (NSW models).

With time, trends in the yearly changes in groundwater storages will provide more useful information about the adequacy of the extraction limits set in the groundwater management plans. For instance, a long-term trend of negative changes in groundwater storage may indicate that groundwater in an area may be over allocated.

Quantification approaches for the estimation of changes in groundwater stored in aquifers

Data source: The Bureau method

Bore locations and groundwater level data in South Australia were sourced from the Drill-hole Enquiry System (Department for Water 2011c).

Bore locations and groundwater level data in Victoria were sourced from the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) and Victorian Department of Primary Industries (DPI) through a database developed by the University of Melbourne.

Bore locations and groundwater level data in New South Wales were sourced from NSW Office of Water.

Bore locations and groundwater level data in Queensland were sourced from Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM).

The geographic information system (GIS) data relating to the boundaries of the aquifers and SDL regions were extracted from the Interim Groundwater Geodatabase developed for the Bureau by Sinclair Knight Merz (Bureau of Meterology 2011b).

Data source: NSW Office of Water method

The outputs of the New South Wales groundwater models available within selected SDL areas were used.

Data provider

The Bureau and NSW Office of Water (groundwater models).

Method: The Bureau method

Change in extractable storage is estimated using a simple GIS approach based on measured groundwater levels and aquifer properties. Firstly, groundwater levels at the start (1 July 2010) and the end (30 June 2011) of the 2010–11 year were estimated. This was achieved by considering all groundwater level measurements between March 2010 to October 2010 and March 2011 to October 2011, respectively, and using the measurements closest in time to interpolate the start and end levels. The estimated groundwater levels on the start and end dates were then spatially interpolated to grids using the ArcGIS Topo-to-Raster tool. The change in volume within the sedimentary area was calculated using these interpolated groundwater level surfaces. By comparison the change was also calculated using only the interpolation of the change in level within each bore.

These volumes were multiplied by appropriate specific yield values (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and Sinclair Knight Merz 2010a and 2010b) to convert the volume to a change in groundwater storage. Finally, change in storage was only considered within a 10 km mask of each groundwater observation bore to ensure an appropriate influence from the change in each bore.

The two estimates were compared for consistency and the average of these volumes was reported for the unconfined aquifers only. 

Figure 6. SDL areas used to estimate changes in groundwater storage
Figure 6. SDL areas used to estimate changes in groundwater storage


Method: NSW Office of Water method

NSW groundwater (see list of applicable SDL areas in Table 7) model outputs were used to evaluate the changes in groundwater storage. The change in groundwater storage derived from the groundwater models in New South Wales included all the groundwater model layers (not just the water table aquifer layer).

Uncertainty: The Bureau method

Uncertainty estimate was not quantified.

The uncertainty in the field-measured data (e. g. groundwater levels, specific yield) was not specified and hence the impacts of such uncertainty on the change in storage were not estimated.

The change in storage estimations were calculated from the interpolated groundwater level grids produced using ArcGIS Topo-to-Raster tool. Use of other interpolation methods may impact the values of the groundwater level grids and hence the estimated values for change in groundwater storage.

Uncertainty: NSW Office of Water method

The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.

It is currently not feasible to estimate the uncertainty of modelled change in extractable storage from outputs of a MODFLOW groundwater model.

Approximations, assumptions, caveats and limitations

The Bureau method:

  • Change in groundwater storage was not calculated for confined aquifers. Under normal circumstance, the annual change in storage is considered to be negligible for confined aquifers due to their very low storage coefficient, which is much lower than the specific yield of unconfined aquifers (Freeze and Cherry 1979, Johnson 1967). As long as confined aquifers remain saturated, changes in piezometric levels (i. e. aquifer pressure) usually cause small changes in water volumes stored in the aquifers; the changes are equivalent to the volumetric expansion/contraction of the water and the pore space.

  • The specific yield values used in each watertable aquifer are presented in the following table.

NSW groundwater models (see list of applicable SDL areas concerned in Table 7):

  • Details on the limitations of groundwater models used by NSW Office of Water can be accessed through its webpage on Water accounting.


Table 8. Specific yield values used in calculating the change in groundwater storage with the Bureau method
SDL area

Specific Yield

Code  Name  
Northern Basin   
GS29 Lower Gwydir Alluvium 


GS34 Lower Namoi Alluvium 


Southern Basin  
GS32  Lower Murray Alluvium, shallow: Shepparton Formation 


GS8e Goulburn–Murray: Ovens–Kiewa Sedimentary Plain 


GS8f Goulburn–Murray: Victorian Riverine Sedimentary Plain, shallow: Shepparton Formation


GS3 Mallee, Pliocene Sands

0.115, Unconfined aquifer

Mallee Murray, Group Limestone
GS5 Peake – Roby – Sherlock, unconfined
GS9a Wimmera–Mallee: West Wimmera, Loxton Parilla Sands
Wimmera–Mallee: West Wimmera, Murray Group Limestone 
GS9c Wimmera–Mallee: Wimmera–Mallee Border Zone, Loxton Parilla Sands 
Wimmera–Mallee: Wimmera–Mallee Border Zone, Murray Group Limestone


Groundwater inflow to a SDL area from other SDL areas within a segment

Groundwater inflow from other SDL areas within a segment has been calculated for selected SDL areas. Tables 9 and 10 provide details for the Northern Basin and the Southern Basin.


Table 9. Details of groundwater inflow to a SDL area from other SDL areas within the Northern Basin
SDL area

Volume (ML) for the 2009–10 year

Volume (ML) for the 2010–11 year



GS29 Lower Gwydir Alluvium 



GS34 Lower Namoi Alluvium 



Table 10. Details of groundwater inflow to a SDL area from other SDL areas within the Southern Basin
SDL area Other details Volume (ML) for the 2009–10 year Volume (ML) for the 2010–11 year
Code Name
GS3 Mallee, Pliocene Sands Unconfined aquifer



Mallee Murray, Group Limestone
GS5 Peake–Roby–Sherlock, unconfined
GS9a Wimmera–Mallee: West Wimmera, Loxton Parilla Sands
Wimmera–Mallee: West Wimmera, Murray Group Limestone 
GS9c Wimmera–Mallee: Wimmera–Mallee Border Zone, Loxton Parilla Sands 
Wimmera–Mallee: Wimmera–Mallee Border Zone, Murray Group Limestone
GS3 Mallee, Renmark Group Confined aquifer



GS5 Peake–Roby–Sherlock, confined
GS9a Wimmera–Mallee: West Wimmera, Tertiary Confined Sands
GS9c Wimmera–Mallee: Wimmera–Mallee Border Zone, Tertiary Confined Sand Aquifer
GS8e Goulburn–Murray: Ovens–Kiewa Sedimentary Plain 



Goulburn–Murray: Ovens–Kiewa Confined 



GS8f Goulburn–Murray: Victorian Riverine Sedimentary Plain, deep: Calivil and Renmark Formations



Goulburn–Murray: Victorian Riverine Sedimentary Plain, shallow: Shepparton Formation



GS30 Lower Lachlan Alluvium 



GS32 Lower Murray Alluvium, deep: Renmark Group and Calivil Formation



Lower Murray Alluvium, shallow: Shepparton Formation 



GS33 Lower Murrumbidgee Alluvium, deep: Calivil Formation and Renmark Group



Lower Murrumbidgee Alluvium, shallow: Shepparton Formation 



Quantification approaches for the estimation of inflow to a SDL area from other SDL areas within a segment – Northern Basin

Two estimation methods, the Bureau method and NSW Office of Water method were applied in calculations (see line Item 10.1 Groundwater inflow from outside region for more details on the methods).

Data source

The Bureau method:

  • Bore locations and groundwater level data in New South Wales were sourced from NSW Office of Water.

  • Bore locations and groundwater level data in Queensland were sourced from Department of Environment and Resource Management.

  • The GIS data relating to the boundaries of the SDL regions were provided by the Murray–Darling Basin Authority.

NSW Office of Water method:

  • The outputs of the New South Wales groundwater models available within selected SDL areas were used.

 Data Provider

The Bureau and NSW Office of Water.

 Method: The Bureau method

The regional groundwater flow across selected SDL areas within the Northern Basin was considered. The selected SDL areas represent major groundwater resources for the Northern Basin. The boundaries through which groundwater flow was estimated are shown in Figure 7. Groundwater flow was estimated for the unconfined and selected confined aquifers that underlie these boundaries.

Groundwater flow was calculated using a simple GIS approach based on Darcy's Law. Groundwater levels were interpolated for seasons using the ArcGIS Topo-to-Raster tool from reduced groundwater levels measured at monitoring bores. Seasonal groundwater flow-grids were derived from groundwater level grids, aquifer thickness and hydraulic conductivity using a modification of the ArcGIS Darcy Velocity tool. Groundwater flow across selected flow boundaries was then calculated using a simple GIS analysis and seasonal values were aggregated to the 2010–11 year.



Figure 7. Through flow boundaries considered for inflow calculations
Figure 7. Through flow boundaries considered for inflow calculations


Method: NSW Office of Water method

The outputs of the New South Wales groundwater models available within selected SDL areas were used.

Uncertainty information: The Bureau method

The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.

The uncertainty in the field-measured data (e.g. groundwater levels, hydraulic conductivity) was not specified and unknown and hence the impacts of such uncertainty on the calculated groundwater flow were not estimated.

The regional flow estimations were based on the interpolated groundwater level grids produced using ArcGIS Topo-to-Raster tool. Use of different interpolation methods may impact on the values of the groundwater level grids and hence the estimated regional flow.  However, a comparison of this methodology was carried out using a simple groundwater flow model developed on MODFLOW model (United States Geological Survey 2011). The results from the two methodologies indicated a 6% to 7% difference.

Groundwater flow was estimated for a simplified boundary constructed from a series of line segments. Groundwater flow across this boundary was calculated using the method described above. The uncertainty surrounding this simplification was not analysed.

Uncertainty Information: NSW Office of Water method

The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.

It is currently not feasible to estimate the uncertainty of modelled regional flow from outputs of a MODFLOW groundwater model.

Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations

The Bureau method:

  • Regional flow estimations are provided for the SDL areas indicated in Table 9 only. Due to the fact that not all the hydrological processes within the Northern Basin have been taken into consideration, the total regional inflows to the Northern Basin are not comparable with that provided in Table 9.

  • Constant aquifer thicknesses were assumed for the Lower Gwydir SDL region. The thicknesses were consistent with those reported in the RAAM report (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and Sinclair Knight Merz 2010a and 2010b) and Lower Gwydir Valley Groundwater Model (Huseyin 2002). Aquifer conductivity values were also used from the Lower Gwydir Valley Groundwater Model (Huseyin 2002). Transmissivity values are calculated by multiplying the aquifer thickness with the relevant hydraulic conductivity.

  • For the Lower Namoi SDL region, spatially distributed aquifer transmissivity values were provided by the NSW Office of Water.

NSW Office of Water method:

Quantification approaches for the estimation of inflow to a SDL area from other SDL areas within a segment – Southern Basin

Two estimation methods, the Bureau method and NSW Office of Water method, were applied in calculations (see line Item 10.1 Groundwater inflow from outside region for more details on the methods).

Data source

The Bureau method:

  • Bore locations and groundwater level data in South Australia were sourced from the Drillhole Enquiry System (Department for Water 2011c).

  • Bore locations and groundwater level data in Victoria were sourced from the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) and Victorian Department of Primary Industries (DPI) through a database developed by the University of Melbourne

  • Bore locations and groundwater level data in New South Wales were sourced from NSW Office of Water.

NSW Office of Water method:

  • The NSW Office of Water has developed a series of groundwater models for selected areas using the groundwater flow simulation computer program MODFLOW. The outputs of the New South Wales groundwater models available within selected SDL areas were used.

Data Provider

The Bureau and NSW Office of Water.

Method: The Bureau method

The regional groundwater flow across selected SDL areas within the Southern Basin was considered.  The boundaries through which groundwater flow was estimated are shown in Figure 7. Groundwater flow was estimated for the unconfined and selected confined aquifers that underlie these boundaries.

Groundwater flow was calculated using a simple GIS approach based on Darcy's Law. Groundwater levels were interpolated for seasons using the ArcGIS Topo-to-Raster tool from reduced groundwater levels measured at monitoring bores. Seasonal groundwater flow-grids were derived from groundwater level grids, aquifer thickness and hydraulic conductivity using a modification of the ArcGIS Darcy Velocity tool. Groundwater flow across selected flow boundaries was then calculated using a simple GIS analysis and seasonal values were aggregated to the 2010–11 year.

Method: NSW Office of Water method

The outputs of the New South Wales groundwater models available within selected SDL areas were used.

Uncertainty information: The Bureau method

The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.

The uncertainty in the field-measured data (e.g. groundwater levels, hydraulic conductivity) was not specified and unknown and hence the impacts of such uncertainty on the calculated groundwater flow were not estimated.

The regional flow estimations were based on the interpolated groundwater level grids produced using ArcGIS Topo-to-Raster tool. Use of different interpolation methods may impact on the values of the groundwater level grids and hence the estimated regional flow.  However, a comparison of this methodology was carried out using a simple groundwater flow model developed on MODFLOW model (United States Geological Survey 2011). The results from the two methodologies indicated a 6% to 7% difference.

Groundwater flow was estimated for a simplified boundary constructed from a series of line segments. Groundwater flow across this boundary was calculated using the method described above. The uncertainty surrounding this simplification was not analysed.

Uncertainty information: NSW Office of Water method

The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.

It is currently not feasible to estimate the uncertainty of modelled regional flow from outputs of a MODFLOW groundwater model.

Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations

The Bureau method:

  • Regional flow estimations were provided for the aquifers indicated in Table 10 only and also due to the fact that not all the hydrological processes within the Southern Basin have been taken into consideration, the total regional inflows to the Southern Basin are not comparable with that provided in Table 10.

  • The Geofabric version 2 (Bureau of Meteorology 2011a), and Southern Riverine Plains Groundwater Model (Goode and Barnett 2008) were used to estimate aquifer thicknesses. The hydraulic conductivity values were sourced from Mallee Prescribed Wells Area – Murrayville Water Supply Protection Area Groundwater Model (Barnett and Osei-bonsu 2006), Southern Riverine Plains Groundwater Model (Goode and Barnett 2008) and the report on Sustainable Extraction Limits Derived from the Recharge Risk Assessment Method – New South Wales (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and Sinclair Knight Merz 2010a and 2010b). The transmissivity values were calculated by multiplying the aquifer thickness with the relevant hydraulic conductivity.

  •  It is possible that small differences occur between the University of Melbourne database and the DSE groundwater database (from which bore locations and groundwater level data in Victoria were sourced).

Groundwater outflow from a SDL area to other SDL areas within a segment

Groundwater outflow to other SDL areas within a segment has been calculated for selected SDL areas. Tables 11 and 12 provide details for the Northern Basin and the Southern Basin.


Table 11. Details of groundwater outflow from a SDL area to other SDL areas within the Northern Basin
SDL area

Volume (ML) for 2009–10

Volume (ML) for the 2010–11 year



GS29 Lower Gwydir Alluvium 



GS34 Lower Namoi Alluvium 




Table 12. Details of groundwater outflow from a SDL area to other SDL areas within the Southern Basin
SDL area

Other details

Volume (ML) for 2009–10

Volume (ML) for the 2010–11 year

Code Name
GS3 Mallee, Pliocene Sands Unconfined aquifer



Mallee Murray, Group Limestone
GS5 Peake–Roby–Sherlock, unconfined
GS9a Wimmera–Mallee: West Wimmera, Loxton Parilla Sands
Wimmera–Mallee: West Wimmera, Murray Group Limestone 
GS9c Wimmera–Mallee: Wimmera–Mallee Border Zone, Loxton Parilla Sands 
Wimmera–Mallee: Wimmera–Mallee Border Zone, Murray Group Limestone
GS3 Mallee, Renmark Group Confined aquifer



GS5 Peake–Roby–Sherlock, confined
GS9a Wimmera–Mallee: West Wimmera, Tertiary Confined Sands
GS9c Wimmera–Mallee: Wimmera–Mallee Border Zone, Tertiary Confined Sand Aquifer
GS8e Goulburn–Murray: Ovens–Kiewa Sedimentary Plain 



Goulburn–Murray: Ovens–Kiewa Confined 



GS8f Goulburn–Murray: Victorian Riverine Sedimentary Plain, deep: Calivil and Renmark Formations



Goulburn–Murray: Victorian Riverine Sedimentary Plain, shallow: Shepparton Formation



GS30 Lower Lachlan Alluvium 



GS32 Lower Murray Alluvium, deep: Renmark Group and Calivil Formation



Lower Murray Alluvium, shallow: Shepparton Formation 



GS33 Lower Murrumbidgee Alluvium, deep: Calivil Formation and Renmark Group



Lower Murrumbidgee Alluvium, shallow: Shepparton Formation 




Quantification approaches for the estimation of outflow from a SDL area to other SDL areas within a segment

Two estimation methods, the Bureau method and NSW Office of Water method, were applied in calculations (see line Item 10.1 Groundwater inflow from outside region for more details on the methods).

Data source

The Bureau method:

  • Bore locations and groundwater level data in New South Wales were sourced from NSW Office of Water.

  • Bore locations and groundwater level data in Queensland were sourced from Department of Environment and Resource Management.

NSW Office of Water method:

  •  The outputs of the New South Wales groundwater models available within selected SDL areas were used.

Data provider

The Bureau and NSW Office of Water.

Method: The Bureau method

The regional groundwater flow across selected SDL areas within a segment was considered. The selected SDL areas represent major groundwater resources for the segment. The boundaries through which groundwater flow was estimated are shown in Figure 7. Groundwater flow was estimated for the unconfined and selected confined aquifers that underlie these boundaries.

Groundwater flow was calculated using a simple GIS approach based on Darcy's Law. Groundwater levels were interpolated for seasons using the ArcGIS Topo-to-Raster tool from reduced groundwater levels measured at monitoring bores. Seasonal groundwater flow-grids were derived from groundwater level grids, aquifer thickness and hydraulic conductivity using a modification of the ArcGIS Darcy Velocity tool. Groundwater flow across selected flow boundaries was then calculated using a simple GIS analysis and seasonal values were aggregated to the 2010–11 year.

Method: NSW Office of Water method

The outputs of the New South Wales groundwater models available within selected SDL areas were used.

Uncertainty information: The Bureau method

The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.

The uncertainty in the field-measured data (e.g. groundwater levels, hydraulic conductivity) was not specified and unknown and hence the impacts of such uncertainty on the calculated groundwater flow were not estimated.

The regional flow estimations were based on the interpolated groundwater level grids produced using ArcGIS Topo-to-Raster tool. Use of different interpolation methods may impact on the values of the groundwater level grids and hence the estimated regional flow.  However, a comparison of this methodology was carried out using a simple groundwater flow model developed on MODFLOW model (United States Geological Survey 2011). The results from the two methodologies indicated a 6% to 7% difference.

Groundwater flow was estimated for a simplified boundary constructed from a series of line segments. Groundwater flow across this boundary was calculated using the method described above. The uncertainty surrounding this simplification was not analysed.

Uncertainty information: NSW Office of Water method

The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.

It is currently not feasible to estimate the uncertainty of modelled regional flow from outputs of a MODFLOW groundwater model.

Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations

The Bureau of Meteorology method:

  • Regional flow estimations were provided for the SDL areas shown in tables 11 and 12 only. Due to the fact that not all the hydrological processes within the segments have been taken into consideration, the total regional outflow are not comparable with that provided in tables 11 and 12.

NSW Office of Water method:

Details on the limitations of groundwater models used by the NSW Office of Water are available in General Purpose Water Accounting Reports - Groundwater methodologies.

Off-channel storages

Purpose of note

The purpose of this note is to provide a consolidated report on the off-channel water storages within the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB) region during the 2010–11 year. Information on storage volumes, inflows and outflows for the off-channel water storages is provided in this note.


The off-channel water storages consists of all private reservoirs that are used to harvest runoff before reaching the surface water store or that are filled by pumping from a watercourse or groundwater.

The store includes constructed storages that are not connected either seasonally or perennially to rivers, filled predominantly by local catchment runoff. They include off-channel farm dams, run-off dams, hill-side dams, industrial, commercial and mining water storages. They exclude on-channel farm dams and other storages.

The off-channel water storages for the 2011 Account were determined from waterbody mapping conducted by Geoscience Australia as those that are:

  • not named storages (assuming that any storage with a name is unlikely to be a off-channel storage)

  • above 600 m in elevation or are in areas that receive greater than 400 mm per annum in precipitation and are not within 50 m of a major or perennial stream.

The above rules attempt to divide storages into those that are likely to be filled primarily by local catchment runoff and those which are filled by abstraction from surface water, groundwater or floodplain harvesting.

As discussed in General description in Physical information section in the Contextual information, the off-channel water store has been excluded from the scope of the MDB region for the purposes of the 2011 Account, because it is constituted of water already abstracted from the shared pool of water resources. Therefore off-channel water store reporting line items do not appear in the water accounting statements. Off-channel water storages influence water assets and water liabilities recognised in the water accounting statements though, as they harvest water from the landscape and thus reduce groundwater recharge and runoff into surface water.

Water in store

Table 13 shows that the total off-channel water store increased during the 2010–11 year in the MDB region.


Table 13. Off-channel water storage volume at the start and end of the 2010–11 year for the MDB region
Description 30 June 2011 (ML) 30 June 2010 (ML)
Northern Basin Southern Basin Whole region Northern Basin Southern Basin Whole region

27.1 Off-channel water storages







27.2 Rainwater tanks








 –  = Data not available


The water volume held in off-channel water storages within the MDB region at the end of the 2010–11 year was more than that at the start (1 July 2010). This was primarily attributed to the record high rainfalls and inflows in the region during the 2010–11 year. Some areas, both in the Northern Basin and the Southern Basin, recorded their highest annual rainfall on record (see Rainfall in Climate overview 2010–11 section in the Contextual information).

Off-channel water inflows and outflows

The inflow and outflow volumes for the off-channel water store during the 2010–11 year are given in Table 14.


Table 14. Volume of inflows and outflows for the off-channel water store during the 2010–11 year
 Description Volume (ML)
Northern Basin Southern Basin Whole region
Off-channel water inflows      

30.1 Precipitation on off-channel water store




30.2 Groundwater discharge into off-channel water store


30.3 Runoff harvesting into off-channel water store




30.4 Surface water diversion into off-channel water store


30.5 Groundwater extraction into off-channel water store


Total Off-channel water inflows




Off-channel water outflows      

31.1 Evaporation from off-channel water storages




31.2 Leakages from off-channel water storages


31.3 Water use




Total Off-channel water outflows




Balancing item – off-channel water




Change in off-channel water storage




Opening off-channel water storage 




Closing off-channel water storage




– = data not available


Precipitation on off-channel water store and runoff harvesting into them increased by 47% and 8% respectively for the 2010–11 year compared to the 2009–10 year. Most likely due to that reason, water use from off-channel storages increased by 61% in the 2010–11 year compared to the previous years' use.

Balancing item – off-channel water

This volume represents the volume necessary to reconcile the opening and closing balances of the off-channel water storage with the physical water inflows and outflows. The difference was calculated according to Table 15.


Table 15. Balancing item – off-channel water 2010–11 year
  Account Volume (ML)
  Opening balance (30 June 2010)


add Total 30 Off-channel water inflows


Total 31 Off-channel water outflows


Closing balance (30 June 2011)


  Balancing item – off-channel water store



The calculation of the water balance on the off-channel water store yielded a balance of 158 ML. This is negligible compared to the opening and closing balances. Despite this, one should note that the values presented for off-channel storages remain broad estimates based on numerous assumptions and simplifications (see quantification approaches of the various line items linked from the tables).