Murray-Darling Basin
Line Item Notes
- 1.1 Storages
- 1.2 Unregulated river
- 1.3 Regulated river
- 1.4 Lakes and wetlands
- 1.5 Inter-region claim on water
- 1.10 Other surface water assets
- 2.1 Water table aquifer
- 2.2 Underlying aquifers
- 2.5 Other groundwater assets
- 5.1 Surface water allocation remaining
- 5.2 Surface water allocation remaining - urban water system
- 6.1 Groundwater allocation remaining
- 6.2 Groundwater allocation remaining - urban water system
- 9.1 Precipitation on surface water
- 9.2 River inflow to region
- 9.3 Groundwater discharge
- 9.4 Runoff to surface water
- 9.5 Point return from irrigation scheme
- 9.6 Overbank flood return to river channel
- 9.9 Discharge from urban water system
- 9.10 Direct discharge by user
- 9.11 Delivery of water under inter-region agreement
- 9.15 Increase of inter-region claim on water
- 10.1 Groundwater inflow from outside region
- 10.2 Groundwater inflow from outside region at coast
- 10.3 Recharge from landscape
- 10.4 Recharge from surface water
- 10.5 Leakage from off-channel water storage
- 10.6 Leakage from urban water system
- 10.7 Leakage from irrigation scheme
- 10.8 Managed aquifer recharge - private user
- 10.13 Other groundwater increases
- 13.1 Adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation
- 13.2 Adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation - urban water system
- 14.1 Adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation
- 14.2 Adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation - urban water system
- 17.1 Evaporation from surface water
- 17.2 River outflow from the region
- 17.3 Leakage to groundwater
- 17.4 Leakage to landscape
- 17.5 Overbank flood spilling
- 17.6 Diversions - other statutory rights
- 17.7 Non-allocated diversions to users
- 17.8 Non-allocated diversions - urban water system
- 17.10 River and floodplain leakage, evaporation and errors
- 17.11 Surface water allocation diversion
- 17.12 Surface water allocation diversion - urban water system
- 17.17 Decrease of inter-region claim on water
- 18.1 Groundwater outflow to outside region
- 18.2 Groundwater outflow to outside region at coast
- 18.3 Discharge to landscape
- 18.4 Discharge to surface water
- 18.7 Extraction - other statutory rights
- 18.11 Groundwater allocation extraction
- 18.12 Groundwater allocation diversion - urban water system
- 18.18 Other groundwater decreases
- 21.1 Surface water allocation announcements
- 21.2 Surface water allocation announcements - urban system
- 22.1 Groundwater allocation announcements
- 22.2 Groundwater allocation announcements - urban system
- 25.1 Unaccounted-for difference
- 26.1 Soil moisture
- 26.2 Flood waters out of channel
- 26.3 Lakes and wetlands
- 27.1 Off-channel water storages
- 27.2 Rainwater tanks
- 28.1 Precipitation on landscape
- 29.1 Evaporation from landscape
- 29.2 Runoff harvesting
- 30.1 Precipitation on off-channel water store
- 30.2 Groundwater discharge into off-channel water store
- 30.3 Runoff harvesting into off-channel water store
- 30.4 Surface water diversion into off-channel water store
- 30.5 Groundwater extraction into off-channel water store
- 31.1 Evaporation from off-channel water storages
- 31.2 Leakages from off-channel water storages
- 31.3 Water use
- 32.1 Other statutory surface water rights
- 32.2 Surface water access entitlement for direct diversion
- 32.3 Surface water access entitlement for allocation diversion
- 33.1 Other statutory groundwater rights
- 33.3 Groundwater access entitlement for allocation extraction
- 34.1 Combined surface water and groundwater rights
- 35.1 Trade of surface water entitlement within region
- 35.2 Trade of surface water entitlement into region
- 35.3 Trade of surface water entitlement out of region
- 36.1 Lease of surface water entitlement within region
- 37.1 Surface water allocation trade within region
- 37.2 Surface water allocation trade into region
- 37.3 Surface water allocation trade out of region
- 38.1 Trade of groundwater entitlement within region
- 39.1 Lease of groundwater entitlement within region
- 40.1 Groundwater allocation trade within region
- 41.1 Precipitation on storages
- 41.2 Groundwater discharge into storages
- 41.3 Runoff into storages
- 41.4 Transfer of water into storages
- 42.1 Evaporation from storages
- 42.2 Groundwater recharge from storages
- 42.3 Leakage from storages
- 42.4 Spillage from storages
- 42.5 Releases from storages
- 42.6 Diversions from storages