2011 ML |
2010 ML |
Water inflows |
Surface water inflows |
78,792,890 |
44,144,779 |
9.1 Precipitation on surface water |
2,019,620 |
937,737 |
9.2 River inflow to region |
0 |
0 |
9.4 Runoff to surface water |
74,210,965 |
41,293,377 |
9.5 Point return from irrigation scheme |
216,917 |
23,531 |
9.6 Overbank flood return to river channel |
- |
- |
9.9 Discharge from urban water system |
34,897 |
29,143 |
9.10 Direct discharge by user |
- |
- |
9.11 Delivery of water under inter-region agreement |
2,310,491 |
1,860,991 |
Total Surface water inflows |
78,792,890 |
44,144,779 |
Groundwater inflows |
9,937,295 |
5,813,377 |
10.1 Groundwater inflow from outside region |
2,879 |
2,578 |
10.2 Groundwater inflow from outside region at coast |
62 |
57 |
10.3 Recharge from landscape |
9,784,419 |
5,805,705 |
10.5 Leakage from off-channel water storage |
- |
- |
10.6 Leakage from urban water system |
- |
- |
10.7 Leakage from irrigation scheme |
- |
- |
10.8 Managed aquifer recharge - private user |
4,158 |
5,037 |
10.13 Other groundwater increases |
145,777 |
- |
Total Groundwater inflows |
9,937,295 |
5,813,377 |
Total water inflows |
88,730,185 |
49,958,156 |
Water outflows |
Surface water outflows |
65,694,601 |
40,212,126 |
17.1 Evaporation from surface water |
3,505,568 |
2,676,953 |
17.2 River outflow from the region |
12,849,073 |
0 |
17.4 Leakage to landscape |
- |
- |
17.5 Overbank flood spilling |
652,699 |
398,250 |
17.6 Diversions - other statutory rights |
47,286 |
47,286 |
17.7 Non-allocated diversions to users |
2,016,782 |
1,217,589 |
17.8 Non-allocated diversions - urban water system |
20,588 |
7,951 |
17.10 River and floodplain leakage, evaporation and errors |
42,314,414 |
31,861,181 |
17.11 Surface water allocation diversion |
4,020,807 |
3,697,650 |
17.12 Surface water allocation diversion - urban water system |
267,384 |
305,266 |
Total Surface water outflows |
65,694,601 |
40,212,126 |
Groundwater outflows |
692,400 |
1,097,192 |
18.1 Groundwater outflow to outside region |
3 |
1 |
18.2 Groundwater outflow to outside region at coast |
1,663 |
1,668 |
18.3 Discharge to landscape |
308,128 |
248,229 |
18.7 Extraction - other statutory rights |
23,683 |
18,791 |
18.11 Groundwater allocation extraction |
333,912 |
817,209 |
18.12 Groundwater allocation diversion - urban water system |
10,386 |
11,294 |
18.18 Other groundwater decreases |
14,625 |
- |
Total Groundwater outflows |
692,400 |
1,097,192 |
Total water outflows |
66,387,001 |
41,309,318 |
Unaccounted-for difference |
Unaccounted-for difference |
9,423,489 |
4,906,419 |
25.1 Unaccounted-for difference |
9,423,489 |
4,906,419 |
Total unaccounted-for difference |
9,423,489 |
4,906,419 |
Opening water storage |
10,795,362 |
7,052,943 |
Add/(Less): Change in water storage |
12,919,695 |
3,742,419 |
Closing water storage |
23,715,057 |
10,795,362 |