Murray-Darling Basin
13.1 Adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation
Supporting Information
The volumetric value for the line item for the 2010–11 year was 1,594,699 ML. The line item includes adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation (1,488,784 ML) and other surface water liability adjustments (105,915 ML) in the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB) region. The line item does not include details for urban water systems. They are included in line item 13.2 Adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation – urban water system.
Adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation
The following two tables provide a summary and breakdown information on adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation (excluding urban water systems) within the region.
Water resource plan area | State |
Volume (ML) for the 2010–11 year |
Code | Name |
SW19 | Warrego – Paroo – Nebine | Qld | 1,756 |
SW18 | Condamine–Balonne | Qld | – |
SW17 | Moonie | Qld | na |
SW16 | Qld Border Rivers | Qld | –3,668 |
SW15 | NSW Border Rivers | NSW | 4,605 |
SW11 | Barwon–Darling watercourse | NSW | na |
SW12 | NSW Intersecting Streams | NSW | na |
SW14 | Gwydir | NSW | 2,701 |
SW13 | Namoi | NSW | 34,035 |
SW10 | Macquarie–Castlereagh | NSW | 19,956 |
Sub-total Northern Basin | 59,385 | ||
SW9 | Lachlan | NSW | 56,507 |
SW8 | Murrumbidgee NSW | NSW | 932,029 |
SW7 | NSW Murray and Lower Darling | NSW | 221,304 |
SW3 | Northern Victoria | Vic | –106,434 |
SW2 | Vic Murray | Vic | 89,844 |
SW4 | Wimmera–Mallee | Vic | 22,547 |
SW6 | Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges | SA | – |
SW5 | SA Murray | SA | 213,602 |
SW1 | ACT | ACT | na |
Sub-total Southern Basin | 1,429,399 | ||
Total for the region | 1,488,784 |
– = Data not available, na = not applicable
Water resource plan area | Sustainable diversion limit area |
State |
Entitlement class |
Volume (ML) for the 2010–11 year |
Code |
Name |
Warrego – Paroo – Nebine | SS28 | Warrego | Qld | Supplemented | 1,756 |
Qld Border Rivers | SS24 | Qld Border Rivers | Qld | Supplemented | –3,668 |
Sub-total Queensland | –1,912 | ||||
NSW Border Rivers | SS23 | NSW Border Rivers | NSW | High security | 123 |
General security | 3,814 | ||||
Stock and domestic | 668 | ||||
Sub-total | 4,605 | ||||
Gwydir | SS22 | Gwydir | NSW | High security | 99 |
General security | 923 | ||||
Stock and domestic | 1,619 | ||||
High security – research | 60 | ||||
Sub-total | 2,701 | ||||
Namoi | SS21 | Namoi | NSW | High security | 808 |
General security | 31,486 | ||||
Stock and domestic | 1,452 | ||||
High security – research | 289 | ||||
Sub-total | 34,035 | ||||
Macquarie–Castlereagh | SS20 | Macquarie–Castlereagh | NSW | High security | 679 |
General security | 10,959 | ||||
Stock and domestic | 4,575 | ||||
High security – research | 3,743 | ||||
Sub-total | 19,956 | ||||
Lachlan | SS16 | Lachlan | NSW | High security | 15,860 |
General security | 16,340 | ||||
Stock and domestic | 10,743 | ||||
Conveyance | 13,564 | ||||
Sub-total | 56,507 | ||||
Murrumbidgee NSW | SS15 | Murrumbidgee NSW | NSW | High security | 23,263 |
General security | 839,324 | ||||
Stock and domestic | 16,953 | ||||
Conveyance | 52,265 | ||||
High security – research | 174 | ||||
High security – Aboriginal cultural | 50 | ||||
Sub-total | 932,029 | ||||
NSW Murray and Lower Darling | SS18 | Lower Darling | NSW | High security | 0 |
General security | 1 | ||||
Supplementary | 0 | ||||
Stock and domestic | 920 | ||||
Sub-total | 921 | ||||
SS14 | NSW Murray | NSW | High security | 2,372 | |
General security | 208,580 | ||||
Supplementary | 0 | ||||
Stock and domestic | 9,431 | ||||
Conveyance | 0 | ||||
High security – research | 0 | ||||
High security – Aboriginal cultural | 0 | ||||
High security – community and education | 0 | ||||
Sub-total | 220,383 | ||||
Sub-total New South Wales | 1,271,118 | ||||
Northern Victoria | SS4 | Ovens | Vic | High reliability water share | 25,501 |
SS5 | Broken | Vic | Combined high and low reliability | 7,153 | |
SS6 | Goulburn | Vic | Combined high and low reliability | –132,218 | |
SS7 | Campaspe | Vic | Combined high and low reliability | 22,161 | |
SS8 | Loddon | Vic | Combined high and low reliability | –29,031 | |
Vic Murray | SS2 | Vic Murray | Vic | Combined high and low reliability | 89,844 |
Wimmera–Mallee | SS9 | Wimmera–Mallee | Vic | High reliability water share | 22,547 |
Sub-total Victoria | 5,957 | ||||
Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges | SS13 | Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges | SA | Regulated | – |
unregulated | – | ||||
Sub-total | – | ||||
SA Murray | SS11 | SA Murray | SA | Class 1 – stock and domestic | 0 |
Class 2 – other urban (country town) water supply | na | ||||
Class 3 – irrigation and holding | – | ||||
Class 4 – recreation | – | ||||
Class 5 – industrial | 0 | ||||
Class 6 – Metro-Adelaide water supply scheme | na | ||||
Class 7 – environment | – | ||||
Class 8 – environmental land management | – | ||||
Combined classes urban | na | ||||
Combined classes metered | 213,602 | ||||
Sub-total | 213,602 | ||||
SS10 | SA non-prescribed areas | SA | Regulated | – | |
unregulated | – | ||||
Sub-total | – | ||||
Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges | SS12 | Marne–Saunders | SA | Regulated | – |
unregulated | – | ||||
Sub-total | – | ||||
Sub-total South Australia | 213,602 | ||||
Total for the region | 1,488,784 |
– = Data not available, na = not applicable
In Queensland, the resource operation plans (ROPs) distinguish between high and medium priority of supplemented water allocation. The water audit monitoring (WAM) data, which are the data source for the 2011 Account, only distinguish between supplemented and unsupplemented entitlements. Both urban and non-urban supplemented entitlements are included within the supplemented entitlement class. Supplemented urban and supplemented non-urban volumes on allocations, diversions and other attributes were received together and it is not possible for these to be separated out for the two purposes. Therefore, this line item includes adjustment and forfeiture volumes for both urban and non-urban supplemented entitlements.
For continuous accounting systems in Condamine–Balonne and Border Rivers, it was not possible to calculate the adjustment and forfeiture volumes due to lack of information. The volume for Condamine is shown as data not available and the volume reported for Border River is a result of a trade imbalance in the unsupplemented Border Rivers system.
New South Wales
Usually unused allocation balances are forfeited for entitlement classes: stock and domestic, community and education, research and Aboriginal culture. In some cases, the allocation may be overdrawn and the balance is shown in line item 5.1 Surface water allocation remaining.
In the Murrumbidgee water resource plan (WRP) area, irrigators may borrow water from the Snowy Scheme. This borrow is made under a contractual agreement between the irrigator and the Snowy Scheme. The volume contracted is then credited by NSW Office of Water (NOW) to the individual account of the irrigator, allowing the irrigator to order water from the water assets administered by NOW. In parallel, the Snowy Scheme transfers the physical water into Blowering Reservoir in the Murrumbidgee WRP area. When the irrigator is able in subsequent years to repay the debt, they notify NOW, which debits the account from the volume previously borrowed, thus reducing the allocation announced earlier in the year. Line item 1.5 Inter-region claim on water provides details of the inter region transfers from Snowy Hydro.
Adjustment and forfeiture volume for New South Wales Border rivers WRP area accounts for unreconciled water trade between New South Wales and Queensland.
Victorian allocation adjustment and forfeiture are shown in the source valley, even though the water was taken in a different destination valley. Therefore all entitlements in the Goulburn sustainable diversion limit (SDL) area have their allocation adjustments and forfeiture shown in that area, rather than the destination valleys of the Loddon or the Campaspe.
In Victoria, once an allocation has been made, regardless of its class, it goes into a single allocation account. Therefore, adjustment and forfeiture volumes are not specified as high reliability water share or a low reliability water share and are reported as combined high and low reliability water share.
Allocation volumes have the 50% carry-over limit rule applied for the Broken River system. This rule limits the carry-over to a maximum of 50% and the subsequent allocation in the year to a maximum of 50%, rather than the announced allocation of 100%.
South Australia
No carry-over was permitted for South Australian Murray at the end of the 2010–11 year. In this line item for South Australia, adjustment and forfeiture volumes include the classes 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9 as a combined class. Carry-over is not allowed for classes 1, 5 and 8, and therefore all unused water within these classes is forfeited.
Other adjustments made on surface water liabilities
Other adjustments made in this line item include accounting of:
- liabilities arising from allocation and tagged trade in the region
- other unaccounted liabilities.
These two attributes are currently not taken into account in the reconciliation of surface water allocation–related line items in the Bureau of Meteorology (the Bureau)'s accounting process. These attributes have been taken into account as adjustments in this line item to represent them in the water accounting statements. The following table provides information on these adjustments.
Description | Northern Basin (ML) |
Southern Basin (ML) |
Whole region (ML) |
Liability decrease from surface water allocation and tagged trade and unaccounted surface water liabilities | 128,562 | –22,647 | 105,915 |
Details of surface water allocation and tagged trade are available in the Water market activity region note. Unaccounted surface water liability was due to allocation trade imbalance (which has not been reflected in the liability data available for allocation and tagged trade) between New South Wales and Queensland.
Quantification Approach
Data Source
Provided by
NSW Office of Water supplied data are prepared on a water balance approach. The forfeitures and adjustments have been checked to ensure that the closing balance reconciles.
Adjustment and forfeiture for Queensland was calculated using WAM data on a water balance approach. The forfeitures and adjustments have been checked to ensure that the closing balance reconciles. Adjustment and forfeiture does not apply in the St George (Condamine–Balonne SDL area), Border Rivers and Macintyre Brook (Queensland Border Rivers SDL area) water supply schemes, which are continuous share schemes.
Adjustment and forfeiture for South Australia was calculated using WAM data on a water balance approach. The forfeitures and adjustments have been checked to ensure that the closing balance reconciles.
Victorian adjustment and forfeiture was calculated using a water balance approach with data from WAM, and the allocation remaining (carry-over) volumes supplied by the Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE). DSE carry-over was used instead of WAM carry-over as more information was available on how these figures were derived and carry-over volumes were provided for more valleys.
Assumptions, Limitations, Caveats and Approximations
Uncertainty reported by NSW Office of Water accounts for possible errors in the quantification of diversion and in the data handling processes.
Information provided in this line item may have been based on Cap valleys in the HYDRO database, which may not align perfectly with SDL areas.
Uncertainty Information
Comparative year
This line item corresponds to line items listed in the following table and reported in the 2010 Account. In the 2011 Account, the following change was made that caused the 2009–10 year value to be restated:
Presentation and classification of the line items has changed since the 2010 Account.
The changes and their respective values are detailed in the following table.
Description | Northern Basin (ML) |
Southern Basin (ML) |
Whole region (ML) |
Line item names and values reported for the 2009–10 year in the 2010 Account | Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on regulated flows – stock and domestic water access entitlement | 7,673 | 16,343 | 24,016 |
26.1 .2.5 – Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on regulated flows – high security, individual holder for stock and domestic | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on regulated flows – high security, other lumped holders | 5,126 | 20,301 | 25,427 | | Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on regulated flows – general and low security, other lumped holders | 26,144 | 33,669 | 59,813 | | Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on regulated flows – bulk irrigator holder | 0 | 17,275 | 17,275 | | Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on regulated flows – individual irrigator holder | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Adjustment and forfeiture of allocation on regulated flows – other lumped holders | 0 | 366,273 | 366,273 | |
Total value reported for the 2010 Account | 38,943 | 453,861 | 492,804 | |
Changes in the value reported in the 2010 Account due to regrouping of line items | 4,169 | –505,828 | –501,659 | |
Value reported for the 2009–10 year in the 2011 Account | 43,112 | –51,967 | –8,855 |
Changes in the value reported in the 2010 Account due to regrouping of line items were due to the following reasons:
The high security entitlement classes within New South Wales for research, industrial, cultural, community and education were reported under urban line items in the 2010 Account. Adjustment and forfeiture associated with these entitlement classes was designated as non-urban and included in this line item for the 2011 Account.
Liability changes associated with allocation and tagged trade and unaccounted liability were accounted in line item 13.1 (this line item) for the 2011 Account. For the 2010 Account, unaccounted liability was included in line item 25.6 Other lumped surface water liability increases. This regrouping was made because the accounting system currently available for the 2011 Account has limitations in accounting allocation and tagged trade and unaccounted liability.