Murray-Darling Basin
18.12 Groundwater allocation diversion - urban water system

Supporting Information

The volumetric value for the line item for the 2010–11 year was 10,386 ML. The line item represents groundwater allocation diversion for urban water systems in the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB) region. The following table provides detailed volumetric information for the line item. 


Groundwater allocation extraction for urban water systems in the MDB region in the 2010–11 year
Groundwater resource plan area

Groundwater sustainable diversion limit area  


Entitlement class

 Volume (ML) 



GW16 Gwydir Alluvium GS29 Lower Gwydir Alluvium NSW Local water utility 2,139
GW15 Namoi Alluvium GS34 Lower Namoi Alluvium NSW Local water utility 1,913
GS45 Peel Valley Alluvium NSW Local water utility 273
GS51 Upper Namoi Alluvium NSW Local water utility 3,536
GW12 Macquarie–Castlereagh Alluvium GS31 Lower Macquarie Alluvium NSW Local water utility 1,186
Sub-total Northern Basin 9,047
GW10 Lachlan Alluvium GS30 Lower Lachlan Alluvium NSW Local water utility 757
GW9 Murrumbidgee Alluvium GS33 Lower Murrumbidgee Alluvium (shallow: Shepparton Formation and deep: Calivil Formation and Renmark Group) NSW Local water utility 548
Aquifer – town water supply 0


GW8 Murray Alluvium GS32 Lower Murray Alluvium (shallow: Shepparton Formation and deep: Renmark Group and Calivil Formation) NSW Local water utility 5
Aquifer – town water supply 29
Sub-total 34
Sub-total Southern Basin     1,339
Total for the region 10,386

Note: Sustainable diversion limit (SDL) areas not shown in the table may have values relevant to the line item, however, relevant information was not available for the 2011 Account.


Additional information

Values for the Gwydir Alluvium water resource plan area do not distinguish if they are for GS29 Lower Gwydir Alluvium or GS47 Upper Gwydir Alluvium. The volumes for these are reported as a combined value under GS29 Lower Gwydir Alluvium.

GS29 Lower Namoi Alluvium contains volumes sourced from the Lower Namoi Groundwater Source.

It was not possible to distinguish between the volumes for GS51 Upper Namoi Alluvium and GS52 Upper Namoi Tributary Alluvium. Volumes reported here under GS51 Upper Namoi  Alluvium are sourced from the following groundwater sources:

  • Upper Namoi zone 1 Borambil creek

  • Upper Namoi zone 2 Cox's Creek (Mullaley to Boggabri)

  • Upper Namoi zone 3 Mooki Valley (Breeza to Gunnedah)

  • Upper Namoi zone 4 Namoi Valley (Keepit Dam to Gin's Leap)

  • Upper Namoi zone 5 Namoi Valley (Gin's Leap to Narrabri)

  • Upper Namoi zone 6 Tributaries of the Liverpool Range (South to Pine Road)

  • Upper Namoi zone 7 Yarraman Creek (East of Lake Goran to Mooki River)

  • Upper Namoi zone 8 Mooki Valley (Quirindi – Pine road to Breeza)

  • Upper Namoi zone 9 Cox's Creek (upstream Mullaley)

  • Upper Namoi zone 10 Warrah Creek

  • Upper Namoi zone 11 Maules Creek

  • Upper Namoi zone 12 Kelvin Valley.


Water sharing plans were yet to commence or data were unavailable for the groundwater SDL areas listed in the following table.


Groundwater SDL areas for which data were not available for the line item

SDL area code

Groundwater SDL area 

Qld GS63 Sediments above the Great Artesian Basin: Warrego – Paroo – Nebine
Qld GS66 St George Alluvium: Warrego – Paroo – Nebine
Qld GS69 Warrego Alluvium
Qld GS57 Condamine Fractured Rock
Qld GS61 Sediments above the Great Artesian Basin: Condamine–Balonne
Qld GS64 St George Alluvium: Condamine–Balonne (shallow and deep)
Qld GS68 Upper Condamine Basalts
Qld GS67 Upper Condamine Alluvium (Central Condamine Alluvium and Tributaries)
Qld GS62 Sediments above the Great Artesian Basin: Moonie
Qld GS65 St George Alluvium: Moonie
Qld GS58 Qld Border Rivers Alluvium
Qld GS59 Qld Border Rivers Fractured Rock
Qld GS60 Sediments above the Great Artesian Basin: Border Rivers
NSW GS38 NSW Border Rivers Alluvium
NSW GS39 NSW Border Rivers Tributary Alluvium
NSW GS17 Eastern Porous Rock: Macquarie–Castlereagh
NSW GS18 Eastern Porous Rock: Namoi–Gwydir
NSW GS47 Upper Gwydir Alluvium
NSW GS35 Manilla Alluvium
NSW GS37 NSW Alluvium above the Great Artesian Basin
NSW GS40 NSW Sediments above the Great Artesian Basin
NSW GS52 Upper Namoi Tributary Alluvium
NSW GS11 Bell Valley Alluvium
NSW GS15 Collaburragundry–Talbragar Alluvium
NSW GS16 Cudgegong Alluvium
NSW GS49 Upper Macquarie Alluvium
NSW GS21 Lachlan Fold Belt: Lachlan
NSW GS12 Belubula Alluvium
NSW GS48 Upper Lachlan Alluvium
NSW GS26 Lake George Alluvium
NSW GS36 Mid-Murrumbidgee Alluvium
NSW GS13 Billabong Creek Alluvium
NSW GS71 Oaklands Basin
NSW GS46 Upper Darling Alluvium
NSW GS28 Lower Darling Alluvium
Vic GS8 Goulburn–Murray
Vic GS9 Wimmera–Mallee
SA GS2 Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges
SA GS6 SA Murray
SA GS7 SA Murray Salt Interception Schemes
ACT GS56 ACT (Groundwater)


Quantification Approach

Data Source

New South Wales: NSW Office of Water's Water Access Licence Statistics.

Provided by

Murray–Darling Basin Authority.


Metered extractions were as compiled by the states.

Assumptions, Limitations, Caveats and Approximations

The New South Wales Government does not guarantee that data are current nor does it guarantee that the data or the data capturing processes are free from corruption or error. Data provided are preliminary and NSW Office of Water's quality assurance procedures may be incomplete. The NSW Office of Water cannot warrant and does not represent that the material that appears on its website or any linked websites is complete, current, reliable and/or free from error.

Uncertainty Information

The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.

Comparative year

This line item corresponds to line item 16.5.2 Groundwater allocation extraction – urban water access entitlement, reported in the 2010 Account. In the 2011 Account, the following change was made that caused the 2009–10 year value to be restated:

  • Presentation and classification of the line items has changed since the 2010 Account; line items have been regrouped.

The changes and their respective values are detailed in the following table.


Restatement of comparative year information made for the line item 18.12 Groundwater allocation diversion – urban water system
2010 Account line items


Volume for the 2009–10 year reported in the 2010 Account (ML)

Difference due to presentation and classification change (ML)

Volume for the 2009–10 year reported in the 2011 Account (ML)

16.5.2 Groundwater allocation extraction – urban water access entitlement Northern Basin 9,552 0 9,552
Southern Basin 1,748 –6 1,742
Whole region 11,300 –6 11,294


Regrouping of line items was due to the reclassification of Aquifer – research entitlement class in the Lower Murray Alluvium SDL area from urban to non-urban category of entitlements.