Murray-Darling Basin
18.18 Other groundwater decreases

Supporting Information

The volumetric value for the line item for the 2010–11 year was 14,625 ML. The line item represents the reduction of supplementary entitlements during the 2010–11 year in New South Wales as stipulated in water sharing plans (see the following table). New South Wales supplementary access licence volumes are included in line item 2.5 Other groundwater assets as groundwater assets. These licence volumes are set to decrease each year until they disappear completely to bring all groundwater entitlements to a level of extraction that is sustainable.


Other groundwater decreases in the Murray–Darling Basin region in the 2010–11 year
Groundwater resource plan area Groundwater sustainable diversion limit area   State Volume (ML)
Code Name
GW 16 Gwydir Alluvium GS29 Lower Gwydir Alluvium NSW


GW 15 Namoi Alluvium GS34 Lower Namoi Alluvium NSW


GS51  Upper Namoi Alluvium NSW


GW 12 Macquarie–Castlereagh Alluvium GS31 Lower Macquarie Alluvium NSW


Sub-total Northern Basin


GW 10 Lachlan Alluvium GS30 Lower Lachlan Alluvium NSW


GW 9 Murrumbidgee Alluvium GS33 Lower Murrumbidgee Alluvium (deep: Calivil Formation and Renmark Group) NSW


Sub-total Southern Basin


Total for the region


– = Data not available

Quantification Approach

Data Source

Data was sourced from jurisdictional groundwater plans.

Provided by

Murray–Darling Basin Authority.


Values were extracted from jurisdictional groundwater plans.

Assumptions, Limitations, Caveats and Approximations


Uncertainty Information

The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.

Comparative year

There was no corresponding line item in the 2010 Account.  The value for the 2009–10 year was not quantified.