Murray-Darling Basin
1.3 Regulated river

Supporting Information

The volumetric value for the line item for the 2010–11 year was 1,296,701 ML. This line item represents: the regulated river channel volumes and the volume of water held in weirs, other ponds and storages in the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB) region that are on regulated rivers.


Summary of the regulated river channel volumes and the volume of water held in weirs, other ponds and storages that are on regulated rivers in the MDB region in the 2010–11 year
Surface water resource plan area State  Volume (ML) as at 30 June 2011 
 Code Name
SW19 Warrego – Paroo – Nebine Qld
SW18 Condamine–Balonne Qld 16,584
SW17 Moonie Qld
SW16 Qld Border Rivers Qld
SW15 NSW Border Rivers NSW
SW11 Barwon–Darling watercourse NSW
SW12 NSW Intersecting Streams NSW
SW14 Gwydir NSW 935
SW13 Namoi  NSW 1,715
SW10 Macquarie–Castlereagh NSW
Sub-total Northern Basin 19,234
SW9 Lachlan  NSW
SW8 Murrumbidgee NSW NSW 13,366
SW7 NSW Murray and Lower Darling NSW 635,215
SW3 Northern Victoria  Vic 34,090
SW2 Vic Murray Vic 98,042
SW4 Wimmera–Mallee  Vic
SW6 Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges SA
SW5 SA Murray SA 496,754
Sub-total Southern Basin 1,277,467
Total for the region 1,296,701

– = Data not available

Note: Volumes shown against SW7 New South Wales Murray and Lower Darling and SW2 Victorian Murray reflect the total volume prior to the South Australian border in the River Murray. The volume in the River Murray is shared between New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.


Volumes stored in river channel

Volumes stored in river channel represent in-channel storage volume excluding the water held in locks and weirs in the regulated River Murray system and the Lower Darling. The Edward and Wakool rivers, and the associated escapes and channels are part of the regulated River Murray system.


Details of the regulated river channel volumes in the MDB region in the 2010–11 year
Water resource plan area

Sustainable diversion limit area

In-channel storage


Volume (ML)



As at 30 June 2010

As at 30 June 2011

NSW Murray and Lower Darling SS18 Lower Darling Lower Darling NSW 2,745 10,583
SS14 NSW Murray1 Edward and Wakool rivers NSW 8,954 43,754
River Murray NSW 105,683 450,992
Vic Murray SS2 Vic Murray Mitta Mitta River Vic 100 100
SA Murray SS11 SA Murray River Murray SA 236,115 247,355
Sub-total Southern Basin 353,597 752,784

1 The volume shown for SS14 New South Wales Murray is the total volume in the River Murray, prior to the South Australian border, excluding the weir pools. Whilst it has been shown against New South Wales the volume is available for sharing between New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.


Volumes stored in river weirs and locks

Volumes held in the weirs and locks are provided in the following table.

Details of the volume of water held in weirs and locks that are on regulated rivers in the MDB region in the 2010–11 year
Water resource plan area

Sustainable diversion limit area


Weir/lock name

Data source

Total capacity (ML)

Total storage volume on 30 June 2011





Condamine–Balonne SS26 Condamine–Balonne QLD Buckinbah Weir Bureau 5,120 4,495 88
Jack Taylor Weir Bureau 10,270 9,977 97
Moolabah Weir Bureau 2,580 2,112 82
Gwydir SS22 Gwydir NSW Tareelaroi Weir Bureau 2,500 935 37
Namoi  SS21 Namoi  NSW Gunidgera Weir Bureau 1,900 1,707 90
Mollee Weir Bureau 3,250 8 0
 Northern Basin 25,620 19,234 75
Murrumbidgee NSW SS15 Murrumbidgee  NSW NSW Berembed Weir Bureau 3,415 627 18
Hay Weir Bureau 14,300 7,084 50
Maude Weir Bureau 4,920 3,709 75
Tombullen Bureau 11,230 702 6
Gogeldrie Weir Bureau 7,391 1,244 17
NSW Murray and Lower Darling SS14 NSW Murray NSW Lock 7 – Rufus River1 MDBA 10,227 10,680 104
Lock 8 – Wangumma1 MDBA 14,984 15,346 102
Lock 9 – Kulnine1 MDBA 32,938 33,680 102
Wentworth Weir (Lock 10) MDBA 48,378 48,380 100
Euston Weir (Lock 15) MDBA 21,807 21,700 100
Northern Victoria SS6 Goulburn Vic Goulburn Weir  Bureau 25,525 24,919 97
SS8 Loddon Vic Laanecoorie Reservoir Bureau 7,932 6,140 77
Newlyn Reservoir Bureau 3,215 3,030 94
Vic Murray SS2 Vic Murray  VIC Mildura Weir MDBA 36,586 36,670 100
Torrumbarry Weir Bureau 36,809 36,817 100
Yarrawonga Weir – Lake Mulwala Bureau 117,548 24,555 21
SA Murray SS11 SA Murray SA Lock 1 – Blanchetown Bureau 56,480 56,944 101
Lock 2 – Waikerie Bureau 40,368 40,822 101
Lock 3 – Overland Corner Bureau 50,533 50,984 101
Lock 4 – Bookpurnong Bureau 29,366 29,453 100
Lock 5 – Renmark Bureau 36,933 36,897 100
Lock 6 – Murtho MDBA 33,882 34,300 101
Southern Basin 644,767 524,683 81
Total for the MDB region 670,387 543,917 81

Bureau = Bureau of Meteorology, MDBA = Murray–Darling Basin Authority

1 Locks 7 to 9 that are managed by South Australia are physically located within New South Wales Murray sustainable diversion limit (SDL) area.


Quantification Approach

Data Source

(1) Volume stored in river channels: (a) Upstream of South Australia border: volumes held on Murray–Darling Basin Authority HYDRO database, (b) Downstream of Lock 1: generated from Murray–Darling Basin Authority's levels held on HYDRO database and height-volume relationship; and (2) Volume stored in weirs and locks: (a) Bureau of Meteorology (the Bureau): Water Storages, Australian Water Resources Information System (AWRIS) and (b) Murray–Darling Basin Authority's HYDRO database.

Provided by

(1) Volume stored in river channels: Murray–Darling Basin Authority; (2) Volume stored in weirs and locks: (a) River Murray weirs and locks (except locks 1 to 5) by the Murray–Darling Basin Authority, and (b) all other weirs and locks by the Bureau.


Volume stored in river channels

Upstream of South Australian border: modelled. This volume does not include dead storage.

Downstream of Lock 1: Interpolated from capacity table established by the Murray–Darling Basin Authority.

Volume stored in weirs and locks

The Bureau:

  • Volume was calculated at the start and end of the year by using gauged water level height(s) in metres Australian Height Datum for each individual weir/lock.
  • The height measurement was converted to a volume using the storage-volume curve(s) of the weir/lock.

Murray–Darling Basin Authority:

  • River levels were directly measured and converted into volumes using capacity tables for the individual locks.

Assumptions, Limitations, Caveats and Approximations

Volume stored in river channels

Reliable information on dead storage for the volumes upstream of the South Australian border is not available. Dead storage calculation within the reach is complex and is assumed to remain static over the years.

Data included in this line item has been compiled specifically for this account.

Information provided in this line item may have been based on Cap valleys in the HYDRO database, which may not align perfectly with SDL areas.

Volume stored in weirs and locks

The Bureau:

  • Storage-volume curves represent specifically surveyed parts of a river, and may not reflect the storage-volume relationship across the entire river.

  • Rivers are subject to sedimentation and other physical changes over time, which in turn affects the accuracy of the storage-volume curves.

Murray–Darling Basin Authority:

  • The capacity of the lock is taken to be the volume contained in the lock at target storage/full supply level.

  • The dead storage associated with the locks is taken to be the volume in storage at the lower level of the operating range.

  • This approach allows for comparative measure across years and is preferred to estimating the total volume behind the lock wall, which cannot be accurately measured.

  • The accuracy of the capacity tables employed was not evaluated.

  • Euston Weir volume excludes the Euston Lakes.

  • Information provided in this line item may have been based on Cap valleys in the HYDRO database, which may not align perfectly with SDL areas.

Uncertainty Information

The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.

Comparative year

This line item corresponds to line item 1.3 Regulated channel, reported in the 2010 Account. In the 2011 Account, the following change was made that caused the 2009–10 year value to be restated:

  • A correction was made as a result of an error committed in the in the consideration of inputs for the calculation of volume provided for regulated rivers in New South Wales Murray SDL area reported in the 2010 Account.

The changes and their respective values are detailed in the following table.

Restatement of comparative year information made for the line item 1.3 Regulated river
2010 Account line items


Volume at 30 June 2010 reported in the 2010 Account (ML)

Difference due to prior period error correction (ML)

Volume at 30 June 2010 reported in the 2011 Account (ML)

1.3 Regulated channel Northern Basin 17,086 0 17,086
Southern Basin 953,571 –2,131 951,440
Whole region 970,657 –2,131 968,526