Murray-Darling Basin
21.1 Surface water allocation announcements

Supporting Information

The volumetric value for the line item for the 2010–11 year was 9,743,426 ML. The line item represents surface water allocation announcements (excluding urban water systems) associated with a number of entitlement classes in the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB) region. Information on surface water allocation announcements for urban water systems is included in line item 21.2 Surface water allocation announcements – urban water system.

The following two tables provide a summary and breakdown information on surface water allocation announcements (excluding urban water systems) within the region. 


Summary of surface water allocation announcements (excluding urban water systems) in the MDB region
Surface water resource plan area


 Volume (ML) for 2010–11 



SW19 Warrego – Paroo – Nebine Qld 2,612
SW18 Condamine–Balonne Qld 114,981
SW17 Moonie Qld na
SW16 Qld Border Rivers Qld 96,686
SW15 NSW Border Rivers NSW 278,192
SW11 Barwon–Darling watercourse NSW na
SW12 NSW Intersecting Streams NSW na
SW14 Gwydir NSW 439,864
SW13 Namoi NSW 316,833
SW10 Macquarie–Castlereagh NSW 655,009
Sub-total Northern Basin 1,904,177
SW9 Lachlan NSW 772,092
SW8 Murrumbidgee NSW NSW 2,144,048
SW7 NSW Murray and Lower Darling NSW 1,738,175
SW3 Northern Victoria Vic  1,214,664
SW2 Vic Murray Vic 1,353,675
SW4 Wimmera–Mallee Vic 123,130
SW6 Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges SA
SW5 SA Murray SA 493,465
Sub-total Southern Basin 7,839,249
Total for the region 9,743,426

– = Data not available, na = not applicable


Details of surface water allocation announcements (excluding urban water systems) in the MDB region
Water resource plan area

Sustainable diversion limit area


Entitlement class

 Volume (ML) for the 2010–11 year



Warrego – Paroo – Nebine SS28 Warrego Qld Supplemented 2,612
Condamine–Balonne SS26  Condamine–Balonne  Qld Supplemented 114,981
Qld Border Rivers SS24 Qld Border Rivers Qld Supplemented 96,686
 Sub-total Queensland 214,279
NSW Border Rivers SS23 NSW Border Rivers  NSW High security 1,500
General security 275,679
Stock and domestic 1,013
Sub-total 278,192
Gwydir SS22 Gwydir  NSW High security 14,818
General security 422,242
Stock and domestic 2,744
High security – research 60
Sub-total  439,864
Namoi SS21 Namoi  NSW High security 4,299
General security 309,757
Stock and domestic 2,288
High security – research 489
Sub-total  316,833
Macquarie–Castlereagh SS20 Macquarie–Castlereagh  NSW High security 13,828
General security 631,246
Stock and domestic 5,590
High security – research 4,345
Sub-total  655,009
Lachlan SS16 Lachlan NSW High security 30,905
General security 708,945
Stock and domestic 14,331
Conveyance 17,911
Sub-total  772,092
Murrumbidgee NSW SS15 Murrumbidgee NSW NSW High security 355,401
General security 1,415,597
Stock and domestic 35,946
Conveyance 336,289
High security – research 320
High security – Aboriginal cultural 495
Sub-total  2,144,048
NSW Murray and Lower Darling SS18 Lower Darling NSW High security 7,211
General security 76,058
Supplementary 0
Stock and domestic 1,383
Sub-total  84,652
SS14 NSW Murray NSW High security 168,040
General security 1,192,609
Supplementary 0
Stock and domestic 17,219
Conveyance 275,655
High security – research 0
High security – Aboriginal cultural 0
High security – community and education 0
Sub-total  1,653,523
 Sub-total New South Wales 6,344,213
Northern Victoria SS4 Ovens VIC High reliability water share 26,335
SS5 Broken VIC High reliability water share 18,118
Low reliability water share 3,376
Combined high and low reliability –3,953
Sub-total  17,541
SS6 Goulburn VIC High reliability water share 972,972
Low reliability water share 0
Combined high and low reliability 111,803
Sub-total  1,084,775
SS7 Campaspe VIC High reliability water share 37,116
Low reliability water share 18,661
Combined high and low reliability 5,501
Sub-total  61,278
SS8 Loddon VIC High reliability water share 22,423
Low reliability water share 0
Combined high and low reliability 2,313
Sub-total  24,736
Vic Murray SS2 Vic Murray VIC High reliability water share 1,171,982
Low reliability water share 0
Combined high and low reliability 181,693
Sub-total  1,353,675
Wimmera–Mallee SS9 Wimmera–Mallee VIC High reliability water share 123,130
 Sub-total Victoria 2,691,469
Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges SS13 Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges SA Regulated
SA Murray SS11 SA Murray SA Class 1  – stock and domestic 8,351
Class 2 – other urban (country town) water supply na
Class 3 – irrigation and holding  436,489
Class 4 – recreation 2,964
Class 5 – industrial 5,520
Class 6 – Metro-Adelaide water supply scheme na
Class 7 – environment 25,706
Class 8 – environmental land management 14,435
Combined classes urban na
Combined classes 0
Sub-total  493,465
SS10 SA Non-prescribed areas SA Regulated
Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges SS12 Marne–Saunders SA Regulated
 Sub-total South Australia 493,465
Total for the region 9,743,426

– = Data not available, na = not applicable



In Queensland, the resource operation plans (ROPs) distinguish between high and medium priority of supplemented water allocation. The water audit monitoring (WAM) data, which are the data source for the 2011 Account, only distinguish between supplemented and unsupplemented entitlements. Both urban and non-urban supplemented entitlements are included within supplemented entitlement class. Supplemented urban and supplemented non-urban volumes on allocations, diversions and other attributes were received together and it was not possible for these to be separated out for two purposes. Therefore, this line item includes surface water allocation announcements for both urban and non-urban supplemented entitlements.     

Carry-over did not apply in the water resources plan (WRP) areas within Queensland in the 2010–11 year except in St George (Condamine–Balonne SDL area), Border Rivers and Macintyre Brook (Queensland Border Rivers sustainable diversion limit [SDL] area) water supply schemes which are continuous share schemes. Allocation announcement includes both the allocation announcement during the year and the remaining water available at the end of the previous year. No information was available to separate the water available at the end of the previous year from the allocation announced during the year.  The following information applies to Condamine–Balonne and Queensland Border Rivers WRP areas on allocation announcement:

  • Condamine–Balonne WRP area: the water supply system associated with Beardmore storage is predominantly a capacity share scheme and doesn't have an annual announced allocation. Announced allocation is calculated on use plus available water remaining at the end of the water year.

  • Queensland Border Rivers WRP area: Border River system is a continuous accounting scheme and doesn't have an annual announced allocation. Announced allocation is calculated on use plus available water remaining at the end of the water year. However, a part of Macintyre Brook scheme is subject to announced allocation but it is gradually moving to continuous accounting. Announced allocation is as announced for the bulk share component.

New South Wales

The volume for Murrumbidgee New South Wales includes the allocation announcements associated with river conveyance and bulk irrigation conveyance licences within the Coleambally and Murrumbidgee irrigation areas. These bulk irrigation conveyance licences are held by irrigation corporations to provide for losses within their distribution systems.

Similarly, the volume for Murray New South Wales includes the allocation announcements associated with river conveyance and bulk irrigation conveyance licences within the Murray irrigation area. This bulk irrigation conveyance licence is held by an irrigation corporation to provide for losses within the distribution system.


Victorian allocation announcements are shown in the source valley, even if the water was taken in a different destination valley. Therefore all entitlements in the Goulburn SDL area have their allocation announcements shown in that area, rather than the destination valleys of the Loddon or the Campaspe.

In this line item, allocation announcements that could not be specified under high reliability water share or a low reliability water share were reported as combined high and low reliability water share. In the Broken system the application of the 50% carry-over limit rule meant that the adjusted allocation for the 2010–11 year was shown as combined high and low reliability.

Quantification Approach

Data Source

(1) New South Wales: NSW Office of Water's Water Accounting section, and (2) WAM data received from Queensland (22 December 2011) South Australia (07 February 2012) and Victoria (31 January 2012). WAM data are stored in the Murray–Darling Basin Authority HYDRO database.

Provided by

Murray–Darling Basin Authority.


Allocation announcements are usually the entitlements on issue multiplied by the percentage allocation announced.

Allocation announcement is calculated by the states and provided to the Murray–Darling Basin Authority.

WAM-supplied data are either measured, modelled or estimated.

NSW Office of Water supplied data are prepared on a water balance approach. It implies that the movement of values during the year will balance the opening and closing balances. The forfeitures and adjustments have been checked to ensure that the closing balance reconciles.

Assumptions, Limitations, Caveats and Approximations

Uncertainty reported by NSW Office of Water includes possible errors in the data handling processes.

For Queensland, as the allocation announcement includes both the allocation and water available at the end of the previous year, the carry-over value may be understated and the allocation announcement may be overstated.

Information provided in this line item may have been based on Cap valleys in the HYDRO database which may not align perfectly with SDL areas.

Uncertainty Information

Uncertainty of allocation announcements may in part be due to existing entitlements being converted into a different class, new entitlements issued, or entitlements cancelled following commissioning of a water saving infrastructure project.

The following table shows the WAM uncertainty percentages and the measurement method applied that relates to the reported percentage. 


WAM uncertainty percentages
Percentage  (%)

Accuracy description

10 Estimate based on user meter readings
20 Detailed estimate based on regional surveys
40 Estimate based on user returns


The table below outlines the WAM uncertainty percentage for each entitlement class for each jurisdiction.


Uncertainty percentages for the jurisdictions

Entitlement class

 Uncertainty  (%)

SA Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9 and Combined class metered


SA Combined classes unmetered


NSW All regulated non-urban


ACT All regulated non-urban


Vic Goulburn–Broken


Vic Campaspe


Vic Loddon


Vic Ovens


Vic Murray (including Kiewa)


Qld Condamine–Balonne


Qld Border Rivers


Qld Warrego



Comparative year

This line item corresponds to line items listed in the following table and reported in the 2010 Account. In the 2011 Account, the following change was made that caused the 2009–10 year value to be restated:

  • Presentation and classification of the line items has changed since the 2010 Account: line items were regrouped.

The changes and their respective values are detailed in the following table.


Restatement of comparative year information made for the line item 21.1 Surface water allocation announcements

Northern Basin (ML)

Southern Basin (ML)

Whole region (ML)

Line item names and values reported as at the 2009–10 year in the 2010 Account 25.1 .2.5 Allocation announcement on regulated flows – high security, individual holder for stock and domestic



20,000 Allocation announcement on regulated flows – high security, other lumped holders



563,061 Allocation announcement on regulated flows – general and low security, other lumped holders



1,138,759 Allocation announcement on regulated flows – bulk irrigator holder



486,658 Allocation announcement on regulated flows – individual irrigator holder



147,028 Allocation announcement on regulated flows – other lumped holders




Total value reported for the 2010 Account




Changes in the value reported in the 2010 Account due to regrouping of line items 




Value reported for the 2009–10 year in the 2011 Account 





Changes in the value reported in the 2010 Account due to regrouping of line items were due to the following reasons:

  • The high security entitlement classes within New South Wales for research, industrial, cultural, community and education were reported under urban line items in the 2010 Account.  Allocation announcements associated with these entitlement classes were designated as non-urban and included in this line item for the 2011 Account.   

  • In the 2010 Account, Victorian allocation announcements were not separated into urban and non-urban and reported under line item Allocation announcement of regulated flows – other lumped holders. For the 2011 Account, these volumes were restated after separating into urban and non-urban entitlement classes.