Murray-Darling Basin
42.4 Spillage from storages

Supporting Information

The volumetric value for the line item for the 2010–11 year was 7,100,000 ML. The value applies only to the Southern Basin. Line item includes spill volumes from Menindee Lake (4,880,000 ML) and Hume Reservoir (2,220,000 ML) to downstream river.

Lake Victoria spillage was calculated to be 11,760,000 ML, however as this is an off-river storage, the volume has not been included above as it would result in double counting spill volumes, most notably the spill volumes from Menindee Lakes.  Dartmouth Reservoir volume was excluded because its spill volume is an inflow to Hume Reservoir. Information from other storages is not available or not relevant to the line item due to cascading effect.

Quantification Approach

Data Source

Murray–Darling Basin Authority's River Murray Operations.

Provided by

Murray–Darling Basin Authority.


Volumes have been estimated by Murray–Darling Basin Authority's River Murray Operations team based on storage and streamflow data.

Assumptions, Limitations, Caveats and Approximations


Uncertainty Information

The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.

Comparative year

There was no corresponding line item in the 2010 Account. A value for the 2009–10 year is not available.