South East Queensland
19.2 Urban water system leakage to landscape

Supporting information

The volumetric value for the line item at the end of 2012–13 year was zero.

This line item represents the volume of leakage resulting from pipe bursts from the urban water system. The volume for the South East Queensland region could not be quantified due to lack of data. Where a combined volume of pipe bursts and background leakage from the urban water supply system was reported by water authorities, that volume is presented as part of line items 19.3 Urban water system leakage to groundwater and 19.20 Other urban water decreases.

There was no reporting on spilling events and volumes, except Queensland Urban Utilities reported that there were 2,767 spilling evenets during 2012-13 but the volume overflowed could not be estimated.

Comparative year

This line item corresponds to line item 19.2 'Leakage to landscape' reported in the 2012 Account.