South East Queensland
Statement of Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities

for the year ended 30 June 2013

2013 ML 2012 ML
Water asset increases
Surface water increases 7,447,889 6,122,618
9.1 Precipitation on surface water 260,396 241,032
9.3 Groundwater discharge - -
9.4 Runoff to surface water 7,182,219 5,874,622
9.6 Overbank flood return to river channel - -
9.10 Direct discharge by user 5,274 6,964
Total Surface water increases 7,447,889 6,122,618
Groundwater increases - -
10.1 Groundwater inflow from outside region - -
10.3 Recharge from landscape - -
10.4 Recharge from surface water to groundwater - -
10.5 Leakage from off-channel water storage - -
Total Groundwater increases - -
Urban water system increases 271,987 272,384
11.1 Precipitation on urban water system - -
11.4 Wastewater collected 244,668 246,055
11.5 Delivery of water from outside region to urban water system 24,514 22,902
11.6 Delivery of desalinated water to urban water system 2,805 3,427
11.7 Stormwater ingress - -
11.8 Infiltration from groundwater to urban water system - -
Total Urban water system increases 271,987 272,384
Total water asset increases 7,719,876 6,395,002
Water liability decreases
Surface water liability decreases 67,318 67,399
13.1 Adjustment and forfeiture of surface water allocation 67,318 67,399
Total Surface water liability decreases 67,318 67,399
Groundwater liability decreases 7,262 7,567
14.1 Adjustment and forfeiture of groundwater allocation 7,262 7,567
Total Groundwater liability decreases 7,262 7,567
Total water liability decreases 74,580 74,966
Water asset decreases
Surface water decreases 7,712,685 4,128,138
17.1 Evaporation from surface water 279,163 245,731
17.2 River outflow from the region 7,154,690 3,631,308
17.3 Discharge from surface water to groundwater - -
17.4 Surface water leakage to landscape 259,661 232,271
17.5 Overbank flood spilling - -
17.6 Surface water diversions – other statutory rights 3,628 3,628
17.7 Entitled diversion of non-allocated surface water to users 9,035 9,035
17.21 Other surface water decreases 6,508 6,165
Total Surface water decreases 7,712,685 4,128,138
Groundwater decreases 3,064 2,003
18.1 Groundwater outflow to outside region - -
18.2 Groundwater outflow to outside region at coast - -
18.3 Discharge to landscape - -
18.4 Discharge to surface water - -
18.6 Infiltration to urban water system - -
18.7 Groundwater extractions – other statutory rights - -
18.8 Entitled extraction of non-allocated groundwater to users 3,064 2,003
Total Groundwater decreases 3,064 2,003
Urban water system decreases 429,363 465,924
19.1 Evaporation from urban water system - -
19.2 Urban water system leakage to landscape 0 0
19.4 Delivery to urban water system users 236,941 259,039
19.7 Wastewater discharge outside of region 183,894 203,228
19.8 Other wastewater discharge 892 645
19.11 Transfer of water outside of region 419 3,012
19.20 Other urban water system decreases 7,217 0
Total Urban water system decreases 429,363 465,924
Total water asset decreases 8,145,112 4,596,065
Water liability increases
Surface water liability increases 73,304 73,304
21.1 Surface water allocation announcements 73,304 73,304
Total Surface water liability increases 73,304 73,304
Groundwater liability increases 9,340 9,340
22.1 Groundwater allocation announcements 9,340 9,340
Total Groundwater liability increases 9,340 9,340
Total water liability increases 82,644 82,644
Unaccounted-for difference
Unaccounted-for difference (509,383) 1,529,858
25.1 Unaccounted-for difference (509,383) 1,529,858
Total Unaccounted-for difference (509,383) 1,529,858
Total unaccounted-for difference (509,383) 1,529,858
Change in net water assets 76,083 261,401