South East Queensland
3.2 Wastewater system

Supporting information

This water asset exists in the South East Queensland (SEQ) region, but the volume could not be quantified in a way that is complete, neutral, and free from material error due to the lack of both data and a suitable quantification approach.

Wastewater collection systems within the SEQ region are managed by Council of the City of Gold Coast, Logan City Council, Redland City Council, Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU) and Unitywater. Outside of major urban centres, wastewater collection systems may be managed by local councils. The majority of the urbanised part of the SEQ region will have centrally managed wastewater collection systems.

Although a volume was not able to be calculated for the wastewater collection systems, length of sewerage mains and number of sewage pumping stations managed by different utilities are provided in the following table.


Sewer mains and sewer pump stations for urban utilities in South East Queensland in 2012-13

Sewer main (km)

Sewer pump station (no.)


Council of the City of Gold Coast 3,143 527 Council of the City of Gold Coast 2014
Logan City Council 2,045 118 Logan City Council 2014
QUU 9,076 336 Australian Water Management Review 2014a
Redland City Council 1,144 134 Redland City Council
Unitywater 5,352 777 Australian Water Management Review 2014b
Total 20,760 1,892  


Qldwater were able to provide Statewide Water Information Management (SWIM) system data on the length of sewerage mains and number of sewage pumping stations managed by QUU (9,020 km and 334 pumping stations) and Unitywater (5,216 km and 782 pumping stations). These values are for the whole retailer network, and include pipes and pumping stations located outside of the 2013 Account SEQ region.

The volume of water held within wastewater collection systems was considered to be an important part of the urban water system storage volume but not its variation from year to year. Therefore, the omission of this information from the water accounting statements will have a material impact on the water balance of the urban water system store. Further information may be found in the section of the Urban water system note.