South East Queensland
11.2 Entitled diversion of non-allocated surface water to urban water system

Supporting information

a. Supporting information

The volume shown for this line item during the 2012–13 year was 3,357 ML.

This line item consists of diversions from surface water based on unsupplemented entitlements held by urban utilities and the Seqwater. These diversions may be to water treatment plants (WTP) that supply the South East Queensland (SEQ) water on-grid or off-grid.


Urban unsupplemented diversions from surface water
Water resource plan (WRP) area

SEQ water grid

Water treatment plant

Water authority

Volume (ML)

Gold Coast TOTAL Gold Coast WRP area    


Logan Basin On-grid Capalaba  Seqwater


Off-grid Canungra  Seqwater


TOTAL Logan Basin WRP area Subtotal  


Moreton Off-grid Caboolture  Seqwater


Enoggera  Seqwater


Off-grid Blackbutt & Benarkin South Burnett Regional Council






Somerset Dam Recreation Seqwater


Warrill View    
Yarraman Toowoomba Regional Council


TOTAL Moreton WRP area Subtotal  


Total SEQ region



Table Notes:

1. Water diverted from Cooyar Creek for use by Yarraman township is by licence; therefore it is non-allocated.  

2. – = data not available

b. Urban water supply system overview

South East Queensland's urban water system comprises three sub-components: 

  • urban water supply system
  • wastewater system
  • recycled water system.

There are four main sources of water for SEQ's urban water supply system:

The water intake to the urban water supply system (251,897 ML) is from four sources: surface water (224,420 ML), groundwater (158 ML), desalinated water (2,805 ML), and imported water (24,514 ML).

During the 2012–13 year, the volume of water delivered to urban users (potable and non-potable water supplied amounting to 219,392 ML) was the major outflow from the urban water supply system. This supply for urban consumption represented about 87% of the total outflow. Approximately 11% of the outflow was leakage (19.3 Urban water system leakage to groundwater) and 2% was remaining losses.

Schematic diagram of water inflows and outflows during the 2012–13 year for South East Queensland's urban water supply system; line item numbers are provided in brackets
Schematic diagram of water inflows and outflows during the 2012–13 year for South East Queensland's urban water supply system; line item numbers are provided in brackets

Quantification approach

Data source

Metered volume of water intake at water treatment plants:

Seqwater; Toowoomba Regional Council; South Burnett Regional Council.

Provided by

Seqwater; Toowoomba Regional Council; South Burnett Regional Council.


Seqwater has provided the metered volume of water intake at water treatment plants (WTPs). Total surface water intake within the SEQ region by Seqwater was calculated by adding the water intake at the WTPs located with in the region.  The metered data provided by Toowoomba Regional Council and South Burnett Regional Council also added to the total volume of surface water intake within the SEQ region.

Assumptions, limitations, caveats and approximations


Uncertainty information

The uncertainty estimate was not quantified.