Climate statistics for Australian sites

Western Australia

Sorted by site name

The locations on this page are sorted by site name. An alternative list of locations sorted by site number is also available. Averages for most sites can also be accessed via a map.

Site names   A - D | E - K | L - M | N - R | S - Z
Type of statistic Site number Site name
Monthly Statistics 009500ALBANY
Monthly Statistics 009741ALBANY AIRPORT
Monthly Statistics 003028ANNA PLAINS
Monthly Statistics 002064ARGYLE AERODROME
Monthly Statistics 009037BADGINGARRA RESEARCH STN
Monthly Statistics 010244BAKERS HILL CSIRO
Monthly Statistics 011045BALGAIR
Monthly Statistics 013007BALGO HILLS
Monthly Statistics 011017BALLADONIA
Monthly Statistics 005058BARROW ISLAND
Monthly Statistics 010007BENCUBBIN
Monthly Statistics 009161BENTLEY (CURTIN)
Monthly Statistics 010515BEVERLEY
Monthly Statistics 009240BICKLEY
Monthly Statistics 003030BIDYADANGA
Monthly Statistics 012008BOOYLGOO SPRING
Monthly Statistics 009539BREAKSEA ISLAND
Monthly Statistics 006087BRICKHOUSE WOOLSHED
Monthly Statistics 009510BRIDGETOWN COMPARISON
Monthly Statistics 010524BROOKTON
Monthly Statistics 003003BROOME AIRPORT
Monthly Statistics 003002BROOME POST OFFICE
Monthly Statistics 009965BUNBURY
Monthly Statistics 009514BUNBURY POST OFFICE
Monthly Statistics 009515BUSSELTON SHIRE
Monthly Statistics 003078CADJEBUT
Monthly Statistics 009518CAPE LEEUWIN
Monthly Statistics 003004CAPE LEVEQUE
Monthly Statistics 009519CAPE NATURALISTE
Monthly Statistics 008025CARNAMAH
Monthly Statistics 006011CARNARVON AIRPORT
Monthly Statistics 006062CARNARVON POST OFFICE
Monthly Statistics 013015CARNEGIE
Monthly Statistics 012022CASHMERE DOWNS
Monthly Statistics 003025COCKATOO ISLAND
Monthly Statistics 009628COLLIE
Monthly Statistics 004053CONDON
Monthly Statistics 012018COOLGARDIE
Monthly Statistics 010536CORRIGIN
Monthly Statistics 004054COSSACK
Monthly Statistics 007017CUE
Monthly Statistics 010035CUNDERDIN
Monthly Statistics 003080CURTIN AERO
Monthly Statistics 003057CYGNET BAY
Monthly Statistics 008039DALWALLINU COMPARISON
Monthly Statistics 004097DAMPIER PORT
Monthly Statistics 005061DAMPIER SALT
Monthly Statistics 006044DENHAM
Monthly Statistics 009637DENMARK RES.STN.
Monthly Statistics 003032DERBY AERO
Monthly Statistics 003007DERBY POST OFFICE
Monthly Statistics 012242DIEMALS
Monthly Statistics 009534DONNYBROOK
Monthly Statistics 001025DOONGAN
Monthly Statistics 009538DWELLINGUP


Monthly Statistics 013001EARAHEEDY
Monthly Statistics 009787ECLIPSE ISLAND
Monthly Statistics 006072EMU CREEK STATION
Monthly Statistics 008225ENEABBA
Monthly Statistics 007161ERRABIDDY
Monthly Statistics 009789ESPERANCE
Monthly Statistics 009542ESPERANCE AERO
Monthly Statistics 009541ESPERANCE POST OFFICE
Monthly Statistics 011003EUCLA
Monthly Statistics 011019EYRE
Monthly Statistics 003006FITZROY CROSSING COMP.
Monthly Statistics 011052FORREST
Monthly Statistics 011004FORREST AERO
Monthly Statistics 009843FRANKLAND VINEYARDS
Monthly Statistics 009017FREMANTLE
Monthly Statistics 009083FREMANTLE OVAL
Monthly Statistics 006022GASCOYNE JUNCTION
Monthly Statistics 008051GERALDTON AIRPORT
Monthly Statistics 008050GERALDTON PORT
Monthly Statistics 010554GLEN LOSSIE
Monthly Statistics 004074GOLDSWORTHY
Monthly Statistics 010058GOOMALLING
Monthly Statistics 009106GOSNELLS CITY
Monthly Statistics 009022GUILDFORD POST OFFICE
Monthly Statistics 002012HALLS CREEK AIRPORT
Monthly Statistics 006025HAMELIN POOL
Monthly Statistics 009961HOPETOUN NORTH
Monthly Statistics 010568HYDEN
Monthly Statistics 010905JACUP
Monthly Statistics 009172JANDAKOT AERO
Monthly Statistics 009842JARRAHWOOD
Monthly Statistics 009131JURIEN BAY
Monthly Statistics 009058KALAMUNDA
Monthly Statistics 008251KALBARRI
Monthly Statistics 012039KALGOORLIE POST OFFICE
Monthly Statistics 001021KALUMBURU MISSION
Monthly Statistics 012040KANOWNA
Monthly Statistics 009111KARNET
Monthly Statistics 004083KARRATHA AERO
Monthly Statistics 009560KARRIDALE
Monthly Statistics 010579KATANNING COMPARISON
Monthly Statistics 010073KELLERBERRIN
Monthly Statistics 002014KIMBERLEY RES.STATION
Monthly Statistics 010582KOJONUP
Monthly Statistics 003069KOOLAN ISLAND
Monthly Statistics 001004KUNMUNYA
Monthly Statistics 002038KUNUNURRA
Monthly Statistics 002056KUNUNURRA AERO
Monthly Statistics 001009KURI BAY
Monthly Statistics 009064KWINANA BP REFINERY


Monthly Statistics 010592LAKE GRACE COMPARISON
Monthly Statistics 009114LANCELIN
Monthly Statistics 012045LAVERTON
Monthly Statistics 012305LAVERTON AERO
Monthly Statistics 012158LAWLERS
Monthly Statistics 005007LEARMONTH AIRPORT
Monthly Statistics 012314LEINSTER AERO
Monthly Statistics 012046LEONORA
Monthly Statistics 004019MANDORA
Monthly Statistics 009572MANDURAH PARK
Monthly Statistics 009573MANJIMUP
Monthly Statistics 004020MARBLE BAR COMPARISON
Monthly Statistics 005008MARDIE
Monthly Statistics 009194MEDINA RESEARCH CENTRE
Monthly Statistics 007045MEEKATHARRA AIRPORT
Monthly Statistics 007046MEEKATHARRA POST OFFICE
Monthly Statistics 012052MENZIES
Monthly Statistics 010092MERREDIN
Monthly Statistics 010093MERREDIN RESEARCH STATION
Monthly Statistics 009754METTLER
Monthly Statistics 001012MITCHELL PLATEAU
Monthly Statistics 008091MOORA
Monthly Statistics 008093MORAWA
Monthly Statistics 009581MOUNT BARKER
Monthly Statistics 001018MOUNT ELIZABETH
Monthly Statistics 007057MOUNT MAGNET
Monthly Statistics 007600MOUNT MAGNET AERO
Monthly Statistics 007058MOUNT PHILLIP
Monthly Statistics 008095MULLEWA
Monthly Statistics 007062MUNDIWINDI
Monthly Statistics 011008MUNDRABILLA STATION
Monthly Statistics 012281MUNGLINUP MELALEUCA
Monthly Statistics 006099MURCHISON
Monthly Statistics 010152MURESK AGRIC.COLLEGE
Monthly Statistics 007064MURGOO


Monthly Statistics 008028NABAWA
Monthly Statistics 010612NAREMBEEN
Monthly Statistics 010614NARROGIN
Monthly Statistics 010613NARROGIN STATE FARM
Monthly Statistics 009035NEDLANDS UWA
Monthly Statistics 010692NEWDEGATE RES.STATION
Monthly Statistics 007151NEWMAN
Monthly Statistics 008267NOKANENA
Monthly Statistics 012065NORSEMAN
Monthly Statistics 010111NORTHAM
Monthly Statistics 004027NULLAGINE
Monthly Statistics 002011OLD HALLS CREEK
Monthly Statistics 010622ONGERUP
Monthly Statistics 005016ONSLOW
Monthly Statistics 005017ONSLOW AIRPORT
Monthly Statistics 005069PANNAWONICA
Monthly Statistics 007178PARABURDOO
Monthly Statistics 007185PARABURDOO AERO
Monthly Statistics 004028PARDOO STATION
Monthly Statistics 007139PAYNES FIND
Monthly Statistics 007070PEAK HILL
Monthly Statistics 009053PEARCE RAAF
Monthly Statistics 009592PEMBERTON
Monthly Statistics 009021PERTH AIRPORT
Monthly Statistics 009097PERTH GARDENS
Monthly Statistics 009225PERTH METRO
Monthly Statistics 009034PERTH REGIONAL OFFICE
Monthly Statistics 010626PINGELLY
Monthly Statistics 004032PORT HEDLAND AIRPORT
Monthly Statistics 004002PORT HEDLAND POST OFFICE
Monthly Statistics 010633RAVENSTHORPE
Monthly Statistics 011013RAWLINNA
Monthly Statistics 004043REDMONT
Monthly Statistics 009964ROCKY GULLY
Monthly Statistics 004035ROEBOURNE
Monthly Statistics 009193ROTTNEST ISLAND


Monthly Statistics 012071SALMON GUMS RES.STN.
Monthly Statistics 005064SAND HILL
Monthly Statistics 012072SANDSTONE
Monthly Statistics 012074SOUTHERN CROSS
Monthly Statistics 009151SUBIACO TREATMENT PLANT
Monthly Statistics 009215SWANBOURNE
Monthly Statistics 013030TELFER AERO
Monthly Statistics 007080THREE RIVERS
Monthly Statistics 001007TROUGHTON ISLAND
Monthly Statistics 009067UPPER SWAN RESEARCH STATION
Monthly Statistics 005024VLAMINGH HEAD
Monthly Statistics 010647WAGIN
Monthly Statistics 008151WALEBING
Monthly Statistics 010648WANDERING COMPARISON
Monthly Statistics 013011WARBURTON AIRFIELD
Monthly Statistics 002032WARMUN
Monthly Statistics 008132WATHEROO MAGNETIC OBS.
Monthly Statistics 013012WILUNA
Monthly Statistics 009871WINDY HARBOUR
Monthly Statistics 006066WINNING
Monthly Statistics 005026WITTENOOM
Monthly Statistics 009642WOKALUP
Monthly Statistics 008137WONGAN HILLS
Monthly Statistics 008138WONGAN HILLS RES.STATION
Monthly Statistics 010140WYALKATCHEM
Monthly Statistics 001013WYNDHAM
Monthly Statistics 001005WYNDHAM PORT
Monthly Statistics 007091YALGOO
Monthly Statistics 012219YAMARNA
Monthly Statistics 012090YEELIRRIE
Monthly Statistics 010311YORK
Monthly Statistics 010144YORK POST OFFICE


Page updated: 5 September 2011
