Climate Data Online

Additional data available

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Use either the Text search OR the Map search to find local weather stations.

You can get daily and monthly statistics, historical weather observations, rainfall, temperature and solar tables, graphs and data.

Related information

Text search

Select your data type, your location, then select from the list of stations.
If you prefer to see the station locations, use the map search instead.


OR - search by

Matching towns (click one to select it)

More information:
Geoscience Australia
(opens new window)

Find a station near your position
km of:
Nearest Bureau stations (click one to select it)

More information:
for the selected station
(opens new window)

Data available for the selected station
No station selected
Select year
Day of the year

If you already know the station number you may enter it below instead of using the search above.
(Opens in new window)

About saving your selection Save | Clear

Click Save to save the Type of data and Station number you have selected. If your web browser and security settings permit cookies to be set, your values will be loaded on your next visit.

About clearing the station numberDon't clear this number Note, most stations do not collect all data types. Searching will ensure relevant stations.

Only keep the number if you know that the station collects all data types you want. Otherwise, use the search to ensure relevant stations.


Map search

Select your data type, then click green station dots for linked information.

Map search is not available for old Microsoft Edge browsers
