Victoria in January 2019: much warmer and drier than average

Rainfall in January 2019 was below average for Victoria as a whole. Temperatures were warmer than average in all areas of Victoria, with much of the State recording temperatures that were very much above average. Overall, it was Victoria's warmest January on record.

A very dry month

  • Statewide, January rainfall was 72% below the long-term average of 40 mm
  • Large part of southern Victoria had January rainfall totals in the driest 10% on record for the month, while isolated areas in the southwest of the State had rainfall totals which were lowest on record
  • Most of the western part of the State received less than 5 mm of rainfall during the month
  • Thunderstorms, associated with a fast-moving cold front and a low-pressure trough, produced locally heavy falls across central and eastern parts of Victoria on the 31st
  • The highest totals for the month were in the northeast of Victoria, with Mount Hotham the State's wettest site with 70.0 mm
  • Many sites had their lowest total January rainfall on record or their lowest total January rainfall for at least 20 years. Cape Otway Lighthouse had its lowest January rainfall since 1878

Warmest January on record

  • The Victoria's mean temperature was 3.97 °C warmer than the January average, making it the warmest January on record
  • Many sites had their highest January mean temperature on record
  • High temperatures during January were a consequence of a widespread heatwaves which started in December 2018 and continued into January 2019, and are detailed in the Special Climate Statement "Widespread heatwaves during December 2018 and January 2019"
  • Statewide, mean maximum temperature was 4.61 °C above the long-term January average, more than 1.0 °C above the previous highest mean maximum temperature set in 1981
  • Many sites had their highest January temperature on record, mostly on the 25th
  • Kerang recorded 47.6 °C on the 25th - this is a new January temperature record for Victoria (the previous one was 47.2 °C at Mildura Post Office, set on 10 January 1939)
  • A large number of sites had their highest January mean daily maximum temperature on record, including Echuca Aerodrome, Kerang, Ballarat Aerodrome and Rutherglen Research, which all have more than 100 years of data
  • Some sites in Victoria's north had record number of days during the month with daily maximum temperatures equal or above 40 °C, for example Mildura Airport (13), Walpeup Research (12), Ouyen (Post Office) (12), Yarrawonga (11), Hopetoun Airport (10), Kerang (10), Echuca Aerodrome (10) and Rutherglen Research (10)
  • Statewide, the mean minimum temperature was 3.32 °C above the long-term January average
  • In most of Victoria's north and east, mean minimum temperatures were more than 3 °C above average
  • Rutherglen (102 years of data), Dartmouth and Hunters Hill had their highest daily minimum temperature on record on the 25th and 26th
  • Many sites had their highest January mean daily minimum temperature on record
  • The night between the 24th and 25th was exceptionally warm across most of Victoria, with many sites recording their highest overnight (6pm to 9am) minimum temperature

Thunderstorms and strong winds

  • Thunderstorms, associated with a fast-moving cold front and a low-pressure trough, produced damaging winds on the 30th; wind gusts exceeded 70 km/h at many sites across the State and the strongest January wind gust of 113 km/h was recorded at Laverton RAAF on this day
  • The SES has reported more than 800 calls for assistance, mostly due to wind damage

Further information

(03) 9669 4057

Extremes in January 2019
Hottest day 47.6 °C at Kerang on the 25th
Warmest days on average 37.8 °C at Mildura Airport
Coolest days on average 20.9 °C at Mount Baw Baw
Coldest day 7.2 °C at Mount Baw Baw on the 31st
Coldest night 1.0 °C at Mount Hotham on the 6th
Coolest nights on average 9.9 °C at Ararat Prison
Warmest nights on average 20.1 °C at Mildura Airport
Warmest night 29.3 °C at Rutherglen Research on the 25th
Warmest on average overall 28.9 °C at Mildura Airport
Coolest on average overall 15.8 °C at Mount Baw Baw
Wettest overall 70.0 mm at Mount Hotham
Wettest day 37.4 mm at Jindivick on the 31st
Strongest wind gust 113 km/h at Laverton RAAF on the 30th

ObservedAnomalyDecile rank
Map of Rainfall totals Map of Percentage of normal rainfall Map of Rainfall deciles
Map of Mean maximum temperature Map of Anomaly in mean maximum temperature Map of Decile rank of mean maximum temperature
Map of Mean minimum temperature Map of Anomaly in mean minimum temperature Map of Decile rank of mean minimum temperature

Click on a map to show it full size in a pop-up window

Record lowest January total rainfall
New record
Years of
Average for
Portland (Cashmore Airport) 1.4 3.8 in 2001 37 35.8
Aireys Inlet 2.8 4.8 in 2013 25 36.4
Port Fairy AWS 2.0 4.0 in 2013 25 30.8
Rhyll 3.2 4.0 in 2009 25 35.8
Horsham Aerodrome 0.2 = 0.2 in 2013 22 28.4
Balook 12.0 12.6 in 2013 20 65.6

Lowest January total rainfall for at least 20 years
Most recent
Average for
Cape Otway Lighthouse 1.8 0.0 in 1878* 43.7
Nullawarre 2.4 0.0 in 1911 41.1

* note: there are gaps in the historical record at this site, so it is possible a lower value has gone unreported

Record highest January temperature
New record
Years of
Average for
Kerang 47.6 on the 25th 46.1 on the 10th in 1939 106 31.7
East Sale 44.6 on the 25th = 44.6 on the 24th in 1982 74 25.5
Echuca Aerodrome 46.9 on the 25th 45.6 on the 13th in 2016 63 31.0
Ouyen (Post Office) 46.7 on the 4th 46.6 on the 31st in 1968 63 32.4
Mangalore Airport 46.3 on the 25th 44.6 on the 31st in 2009 61 29.8
Maryborough 44.8 on the 25th 43.8 on the 14th in 2014 55 28.8
Tatura Inst Sustainable Ag 44.8 on the 25th 43.5 on the 31st in 2009 55 29.7
Kyabram 47.1 on the 25th 44.8 on the 13th in 2016 54 30.4
Walpeup Research 46.6 on the 4th = 46.6 on the 31st in 1968 53 31.9
Lake Eildon 43.3 on the 25th 43.0 on the 31st in 2009 49 29.0
Melbourne Airport 46.0 on the 25th 44.6 on the 25th in 2003 49 26.5
Castlemaine Prison 45.0 on the 25th 43.7 on the 31st in 1968 48 28.2
Strathbogie 41.9 on the 16th 41.5 on the 24th in 1982 42 27.4
Bairnsdale Airport 45.8 on the 25th 44.6 on the 17th in 2014 38 25.9
Portland (Cashmore Airport) 42.5 on the 24th 42.1 on the 4th in 2013 37 22.1
Morwell (Latrobe Valley Airport) 45.4 on the 25th 45.1 on the 30th in 2009 36 26.6
Bendigo Airport 45.9 on the 25th 43.8 on the 14th in 2014 28 30.0
Mount Hotham 28.1 on the 16th = 28.1 on the 16th in 2014 28 16.4
Gelantipy 38.2 on the 25th 38.0 on the 30th in 2009 27 24.0
Hunters Hill 38.3 on the 16th 37.4 on the 30th in 2009 26 26.0
Mount Moornapa 43.7 on the 25th 43.5 on the 17th in 2014 26 25.6
Redesdale 46.1 on the 25th 43.8 on the 15th in 2014 26 29.6
Wallan (Kilmore Gap) 43.2 on the 25th 40.9 on the 16th in 2014 26 25.0
Yarrawonga 45.8 on the 25th 45.7 on the 5th in 2013 26 32.7
Coldstream 43.8 on the 25th 43.4 on the 29th in 2009 25 27.9
Mount Nowa Nowa 44.5 on the 25th 43.4 on the 17th in 2014 24 24.8
Shepparton Airport 46.2 on the 25th 44.3 on the 31st in 2009 23 31.9
Swan Hill Aerodrome 47.5 on the 25th 46.2 on the 14th in 2001 23 33.2
Warrnambool Airport NDB 44.3 on the 24th 44.0 on the 11th in 2010 21 24.6
Viewbank 44.8 on the 25th 44.7 on the 29th in 2009 20 27.9

Record highest January mean daily maximum temperature
New record
Years of
Average for
Echuca Aerodrome 36.8 35.6 in 1908 137 31.0
Kerang 37.5 36.6 in 1939 111 31.7
Ballarat Aerodrome 30.8 30.1 in 1908 110 25.2
Rutherglen Research 37.2 35.8 in 1939 105 31.4
Ouyen (Post Office) 37.7 36.4 in 1939 81 32.4
East Sale 29.5 28.5 in 1988 73 25.5
Mildura Airport 37.8 37.1 in 2001 72 32.4
Walpeup Research 37.6 36.3 in 2018 70 31.9
Mangalore Airport 35.1 33.4 in 1988 60 29.8
Scoresby Research Institute 31.2 29.3 in 2018 60 26.3
Tatura Inst Sustainable Ag 34.5 32.9 in 1981 54 29.7
Kyabram 36.3 33.9 in 2018 53 30.4
Ararat Prison 31.8 30.4 in 2001 49 27.0
Essendon Airport 30.2 29.7 in 1951 49 26.5
Lake Eildon 34.1 32.3 in 2009 48 29.0
Melbourne Airport 30.4 29.7 in 2001 48 26.5
Point Hicks (Lighthouse) 27.0 26.8 in 1988 48 24.0
Castlemaine Prison 32.9 32.2 in 2018 47 28.2
Warracknabeal Museum 35.2 34.6 in 2001 45 30.9
Strathbogie 32.7 31.2 in 1981 41 27.4
Dartmouth Reservoir 34.4 32.8 in 2006 40 29.4
Bairnsdale Airport 28.6 = 28.6 in 1988 37 25.9
Portland (Cashmore Airport) 24.3 = 24.3 in 2018 36 22.1
Hamilton Airport 30.7 30.2 in 2001 35 26.6
Morwell (Latrobe Valley Airport) 31.7 30.1 in 2009 35 26.6
Mount Buller 22.3 20.6 in 2013 31 17.4
Wangaratta Aero 36.3 34.9 in 2006 31 32.0
Cranbourne Botanic Gardens 28.9 27.6 in 2009 28 25.5
Falls Creek 21.6 20.6 in 2006 28 17.7
Aireys Inlet 26.4 25.7 in 2018 27 23.0
Bendigo Airport 35.7 33.5 in 2018 27 30.0
Mortlake Racecourse 30.1 29.0 in 2018 27 26.1
Mount Hotham 21.1 18.8 in 2013 27 16.4
Rhyll 26.2 25.9 in 2018 27 23.9
Sheoaks 30.5 28.6 in 2009 27 26.0
Gelantipy 27.5 26.2 in 2013 26 24.0
Hunters Hill 30.9 28.8 in 2003 25 26.0
Mount Moornapa 29.5 28.0 in 2017 25 25.6
Redesdale 35.5 33.4 in 2018 25 29.6
Wallan (Kilmore Gap) 30.3 27.7 in 2009 25 25.0
Yarrawonga 37.2 35.7 in 2006 25 32.7
Coldstream 32.1 30.2 in 2009 24 27.9
Combienbar AWS 28.9 28.1 in 2007 24 25.5
Avalon Airport 29.6 28.4 in 2014 23 26.4
Mount Nowa Nowa 27.7 26.8 in 2006 23 24.8
Eildon Fire Tower 31.1 29.6 in 1999 22 27.3
Shepparton Airport 36.2 34.4 in 1999 22 31.9
Stawell Aerodrome 33.1 32.0 in 1999 22 29.3
Swan Hill Aerodrome 37.7 36.0 in 2018 22 33.2
Horsham Aerodrome 34.9 34.0 in 2001 21 31.1
Mount Baw Baw 20.9 20.1 in 2003 20 17.5

Highest January mean daily maximum temperature for at least 20 years
Most recent
Average for
Wilsons Promontory Lighthouse 23.9 24.4 in 1887 20.3
Gabo Island Lighthouse 23.7 24.1 in 1896 21.3
Maryborough 33.9 35.6 in 1908* 28.8
Longerenong 35.3 36.8 in 1908* 30.0
Laverton RAAF 28.5 29.4 in 1981 25.7
Moorabbin Airport 29.0 29.5 in 1981 25.8

* note: there are gaps in the historical record at this site, so it is possible a higher value has gone unreported

Record highest January daily minimum temperature
New record
Years of
Average for
Rutherglen Research 29.3 on the 25th 29.0 on the 12th in 1982 102 13.8
Dartmouth Reservoir 25.1 on the 26th 24.4 on the 25th in 1982 41 13.8
Hunters Hill 25.2 on the 26th 25.0 on the 1st in 2006 26 14.4

Record highest January mean daily minimum temperature
New record
Years of
Average for
Wilsons Promontory Lighthouse 16.8 16.5 in 2018 139 14.1
Gabo Island Lighthouse 18.5 18.2 in 2018 138 15.8
Rutherglen Research 18.5 18.0 in 1939 105 13.8
East Sale 15.4 15.2 in 2018 73 12.9
Tatura Inst Sustainable Ag 17.2 17.0 in 1981 54 14.3
Essendon Airport 16.5 16.4 in 2018 49 13.6
Dartmouth Reservoir 18.1 16.5 in 1999 40 13.8
Bairnsdale Airport 15.4 15.1 in 1999 37 12.9
Morwell (Latrobe Valley Airport) 15.1 14.8 in 2018 35 12.8
Mount Buller 13.2 12.9 in 1993 31 8.9
Wangaratta Aero 17.3 16.5 in 1999 31 14.2
Falls Creek 12.6 11.4 in 2001 28 8.8
Bendigo Airport 16.5 = 16.5 in 1999 27 14.3
Mount Hotham 12.0 10.5 in 2001 27 8.0
Rhyll 17.4 17.3 in 2018 27 15.5
Gelantipy 14.2 13.4 in 2006 26 11.8
Hunters Hill 18.3 16.9 in 2006 25 14.4
Mallacoota 17.8 17.2 in 2018 25 15.7
Redesdale 15.1 = 15.1 in 1995 25 13.2
Yarrawonga 19.7 18.9 in 1999 25 15.9
Combienbar AWS 16.8 15.2 in 2006 24 13.6
Mount Nowa Nowa 16.0 15.6 in 2006 23 14.3
Eildon Fire Tower 15.9 15.4 in 2001 22 13.6
Shepparton Airport 18.1 17.1 in 2001 22 15.3
Swan Hill Aerodrome 18.7 18.4 in 2001 22 16.2
Mount Baw Baw 11.2 10.7 in 2001 20 8.7

Highest January mean daily minimum temperature for at least 20 years
Most recent
Average for
Kerang 18.7 18.8 in 1908* 15.2
Mangalore Airport 16.6 16.7 in 1981 14.3
Moorabbin Airport 16.5 16.6 in 1981 14.3
Echuca Aerodrome 17.6 =17.6 in 1999 15.2

* note: there are gaps in the historical record at this site, so it is possible a higher value has gone unreported

Record highest January mean temperature
New record
Years of
Average for
Wilsons Promontory Lighthouse 20.3 20.1 in 1908 139 17.2
Gabo Island Lighthouse 21.2 21.1 in 1890 138 18.5
Kerang 28.1 27.2 in 1939 110 23.4
Rutherglen Research 27.8 26.9 in 1939 105 22.6
East Sale 22.5 21.6 in 1960 73 19.2
Mildura Airport 28.9 28.7 in 2001 72 24.6
Walpeup Research 27.8 27.3 in 1981 69 23.7
Mangalore Airport 25.8 24.9 in 1981 60 22.0
Scoresby Research Institute 23.4 22.7 in 1981 60 19.8
Tatura Inst Sustainable Ag 25.9 25.0 in 1981 54 22.0
Kyabram 26.8 25.5 in 2001 53 22.4
Essendon Airport 23.4 22.4 in 2018 49 20.1
Lake Eildon 24.0 23.8 in 1999 48 20.9
Melbourne Airport 23.0 22.9 in 2001 48 20.1
Point Hicks (Lighthouse) 22.3 21.9 in 2006 48 19.9
Strathbogie 23.4 22.7 in 1981 41 19.5
Dartmouth Reservoir 26.6 24.6 in 2006 40 21.6
Bairnsdale Airport 22.0 21.5 in 1988 37 19.4
Morwell (Latrobe Valley Airport) 23.4 21.9 in 2001 35 19.7
Mount Buller 17.7 16.4 in 2006 31 13.1
Wangaratta Aero 26.8 25.6 in 2006 31 23.1
Cranbourne Botanic Gardens 22.1 21.3 in 2001 28 19.5
Falls Creek 17.1 15.8 in 2006 28 13.3
Aireys Inlet 20.7 20.5 in 2018 27 18.5
Bendigo Airport 26.1 24.8 in 2018 27 22.1
Mount Hotham 16.6 14.6 in 2001 27 12.2
Rhyll 21.8 21.6 in 2018 27 19.7
Sheoaks 21.9 21.2 in 2001 27 19.2
Gelantipy 20.9 19.5 in 2006 26 17.9
Hunters Hill 24.5 22.6 in 2006 25 20.2
Mallacoota 21.9 21.7 in 2006 25 20.0
Mount Moornapa 22.3 21.5 in 2001 25 19.4
Redesdale 25.5 23.8 in 2018 25 21.4
Wallan (Kilmore Gap) 22.1 20.7 in 2001 25 18.7
Yarrawonga 28.4 26.9 in 1999 25 24.3
Coldstream 22.7 21.6 in 2001 24 19.9
Combienbar AWS 22.7 21.3 in 2006 24 19.6
Avalon Airport 22.4 21.8 in 2001 23 20.3
Mount Nowa Nowa 21.9 21.2 in 2006 23 19.6
Eildon Fire Tower 23.5 22.5 in 2001 22 20.4
Shepparton Airport 27.2 25.6 in 1999 22 23.6
Stawell Aerodrome 23.6 23.5 in 2001 22 21.4
Swan Hill Aerodrome 28.2 27.2 in 2001 22 24.7
Horsham Aerodrome 24.3 = 24.3 in 2001 21 21.9
Mount Baw Baw 15.8 15.3 in 2001 20 13.1

Highest January mean temperature for at least 20 years
Most recent
Average for
Echuca Aerodrome 27.2 28.1 in 1908 23.1
Ballarat Aerodrome 21.9 22.6 in 1908* 18.1
Maryborough 24.2 26.6 in 1908* 20.9
Longerenong 24.8 27.6 in 1908* 21.5
Laverton RAAF 22.4 23.1 in 1981 19.8
Moorabbin Airport 22.8 23.1 in 1981 20.0

* note: there are gaps in the historical record at this site, so it is possible a higher value has gone unreported

Summary statistics for January 2019
Maximum temperatures
Minimum temperatures
Mean for
Highest for
Mean for
Lowest for
Total for
Rank of
Fraction of
North Mallee (district 76)
Mildura Airport 37.8 +5.4 46.4 4th 20.1 +3.3 13.5 6th 2.6 22.2 low 12%
Ouyen (Post Office) 37.7 +5.3 46.7 4th 18.5 +3.0 12.4 6th 1.8 21.0 low 9%
Walpeup Research 37.6 +5.7 46.6 4th 18.0 +2.6 10.5 6th 2.6 22.2 low 12%
South Mallee (district 77)
Hopetoun Airport 36.6 +3.5 46.0 4th 17.1 +1.6 10.7 10th 4.0 31.1 v low 13%
Swan Hill Aerodrome 37.7 +4.5 47.5 25th 18.7 +2.5 11.9 6th 2.0 25.0 low 8%
North Wimmera (district 78)
Kellalac (Warracknabeal Airport) 35.6   44.7 4th 15.5   9.1 6th 1.0
Nhill Aerodrome 34.6 +3.4 43.8 24th 14.7 +0.8 8.0 6th 1.0 27.5 v low 4%
Warracknabeal Museum 35.2 +4.3 44.0 4th 15.6 +1.5 9.5 6th 1.6 25.4 v low 6%
South Wimmera (district 79)
Edenhope Airport 32.0 +2.4 43.6 24th 12.8 -0.5 5.3 10th 0.6 30.8 v low 2%
Grampians (Mount William) 24.8 +3.7 34.4 24th 12.6 +2.5 3.9 10th 3.0 67.1 v low 4%
Horsham Aerodrome 34.9 +3.8 44.6 4th 13.6 +1.0 6.2 10th 0.2 28.4 lowest 1%
Kanagulk 32.8 +2.9 43.3 24th 12.7 -0.2 5.6 10th 0.2 34.9 v low 1%
Longerenong 35.3 +5.3 44.8 4th 14.5 +1.5 6.1 10th 0.2 24.7 v low 1%
Pyrenees (Ben Nevis) 29.5 +4.3 39.3 25th 14.9 +2.5 6.1 10th 3.4 40.1 low 8%
Stawell Aerodrome 33.1 +3.8 42.8 4th 14.0 +0.4 9.6 11th 2.4 34.3 v low 7%
Lower North (district 80)
Charlton 36.3 +3.7 45.2 4th 17.0 +1.5 10.5 6th 3.2 28.6 v low 11%
Echuca Aerodrome 36.8 +5.8 46.9 25th 17.6 +2.4 11.0 10th 10.3 27.6 average 37%
Kerang 37.5 +5.8 47.6 25th 18.7 +3.5 12.1 10th 3.2 23.4 low 14%
Kyabram 36.3 +5.9 47.1 25th 17.4 +2.9 11.0 6th 10.0 33.5 low 30%
Upper North (district 81)
Bendigo Airport 35.7 +5.7 45.9 25th 16.5 +2.2 8.4 10th 7.6 33.2 low 23%
Shepparton Airport 36.2 +4.3 46.2 25th 18.1 +2.8 11.9 6th 6.6 27.1 low 24%
Tatura Inst Sustainable Ag 34.5 +4.8 44.8 25th 17.2 +2.9 11.1 6th 14.4 33.3 average 43%
Yarrawonga 37.2 +4.5 45.8 25th 19.7 +3.8 10.5 10th 7.0 33.3 low 21%
Lower Northeast (district 82)
Benalla Airport 36.0 +3.7 44.8 25th 18.7 +3.0 8.4 6th 19.1 38.5 low 50%
Dartmouth Reservoir 34.4 +5.0 40.9 25th 18.1 +4.3 12.8 11th 43.0 62.3 average 69%
Hunters Hill 30.9 +4.9 38.3 16th 18.3 +3.9 9.0 6th 49.2 64.9 average 76%
Rutherglen Research 37.2 +5.8 45.9 16th 18.5 +4.7 8.4 10th 10.0 36.4 low 27%
Strathbogie 32.7 +5.3 41.9 16th 14.2 +2.5 6.2 6th 29.2 48.1 average 61%
Wangaratta Aero 36.3 +4.3 45.4 25th 17.3 +3.1 8.4 10th 11.0 43.1 low 26%
Upper Northeast (district 83)
Falls Creek 21.6 +3.9 28.2 16th 12.6 +3.8 1.3 6th 48.2 109.5 low 44%
Mount Buller 22.3 +4.9 29.3 16th 13.2 +4.3 1.7 6th 51.2 77.2 average 66%
Mount Hotham 21.1 +4.7 28.1 16th 12.0 +4.0 1.0 6th 70.0 102.1 average 69%
Omeo 30.8 +3.4 38.9 25th 13.6 +2.2 5.1 6th 35.0 50.2 low 70%
East Gippsland (district 84)
Combienbar AWS 28.9 +3.4 39.7 25th 16.8 +3.2 10.5 10th 44.0 70.4 average 63%
Gabo Island Lighthouse 23.7 +2.4 28.7 18th 18.5 +2.7 14.4 6th 35.8 69.7 average 51%
Gelantipy 27.5 +3.5 38.2 25th 14.2 +2.4 5.8 6th 28.8 61.1 low 47%
Lakes Entrance (Eastern Beach Road) 26.0 +1.4 44.6 25th 16.9 +1.8 12.4 11th 28.8 38.6 average 75%
Mallacoota 25.9 +1.6 38.7 4th 17.8 +2.1 12.0 7th 45.2 63.9 average 71%
Mount Nowa Nowa 27.7 +2.9 44.5 25th 16.0 +1.7 9.9 6th 32.8 58.6 low 56%
Point Hicks (Lighthouse) 27.0 +3.0 35.3 4th 17.5 +1.7 13.3 7th 31.1 62.8 low 50%
West Gippsland (district 85)
Bairnsdale Airport 28.6 +2.7 45.8 25th 15.4 +2.5 10.0 6th 33.0 47.6 average 69%
Corner Inlet (Yanakie) 26.2   43.7 25th 15.3   7.7 13th 19.6
East Sale 29.5 +4.0 44.6 25th 15.4 +2.5 8.2 6th 18.4 44.4 low 41%
East Sale Airport 30.2   45.5 25th 15.8   9.2 10th 19.2
Morwell (Latrobe Valley Airport) 31.7 +5.1 45.4 25th 15.1 +2.3 6.0 10th 17.8 46.9 v low 38%
Mount Baw Baw 20.9 +3.4 30.0 25th 11.2 +2.5 1.5 10th 26.0 87.8 v low 30%
Mount Moornapa 29.5 +3.9 43.7 25th 15.0 +1.7 9.9 6th 48.8 62.9 average 78%
Nilma North (Warragul) 30.4   43.1 25th 14.7   7.4 10th 10.4
Pound Creek 26.7 +1.4 41.9 25th 14.4 +1.6 5.4 13th 15.2 33.0 low 46%
Wilsons Promontory Lighthouse 23.9 +3.6 38.1 4th 16.8 +2.7 14.7 6th 5.2 51.2 v low 10%
Yarram Airport 28.7 +2.9 45.7 25th 14.4 +1.4 7.6 13th 8.2 35.6 v low 23%
East Central (district 86)
Cerberus 26.5 +2.0 42.1 25th 15.0 +1.1 8.3 10th 2.4 37.1 v low 6%
Coldstream 32.1 +4.2 43.8 25th 13.2 +1.3 6.0 10th 13.2 42.7 low 31%
Cranbourne Botanic Gardens 28.9 +3.4 42.9 4th 15.0 +1.4 9.8 10th 23.0 51.2 low 45%
Essendon Airport 30.2 +3.7 45.2 25th 16.5 +2.9 12.0 6th 19.0 42.2 low 45%
Ferny Creek 27.8   39.5 25th 13.9   7.8 10th 20.4
Melbourne (Olympic Park) 28.4   42.8 25th 17.5   12.9 11th 11.2
Melbourne Airport 30.4 +3.9 46.0 25th 15.5 +1.7 8.8 10th 10.8 39.9 low 27%
Moorabbin Airport 29.0 +3.2 43.8 4th 16.5 +2.2 12.1 11th 13.8 43.9 v low 31%
Rhyll 26.2 +2.3 37.6 4th 17.4 +1.9 14.4 1st 3.2 35.8 lowest 9%
Scoresby Research Institute 31.2 +4.9 43.5 25th 15.6 +2.3 9.6 10th 18.4 51.9 v low 35%
Viewbank 31.4 +3.5 44.8 25th 16.1 +1.5 11.7 11th 22.4 39.6 low 57%
West Central (district 87)
Avalon Airport 29.6 +3.2 45.8 4th 15.3 +1.1 9.5 10th 3.2 32.3 v low 10%
Breakwater (Geelong Racecourse) 28.1   44.3 4th 15.3   8.9 10th 2.0
Laverton RAAF 28.5 +2.8 44.8 25th 16.2 +2.4 10.1 6th 29.8 39.5 average 75%
Sheoaks 30.5 +4.5 43.2 4th 13.5 +1.1 5.1 10th 1.6 33.7 v low 5%
North Central (district 88)
Castlemaine Prison 32.9 +4.7 45.0 25th 14.8 +1.7 6.8 6th 15.0 39.8 low 38%
Eildon Fire Tower 31.1 +3.8 40.7 25th 15.9 +2.3 8.1 10th 18.0 40.7 low 44%
Lake Eildon 34.1 +5.1 43.3 25th 13.8 +1.0 4.5 7th 17.2 47.0 low 37%
Mangalore Airport 35.1 +5.3 46.3 25th 16.6 +2.3 9.7 6th 16.6 40.4 low 41%
Maryborough 33.9 +5.1 44.8 25th 15.0 +2.0 7.9 31st 4.0 31.1 low 13%
Puckapunyal Lyon Hill (Defence) 34.4   45.6 25th 16.9   10.1 10th 8.8
Puckapunyal West (Defence) 33.6   44.8 25th 16.1   10.1 10th 4.0
Redesdale 35.5 +5.9 46.1 25th 15.1 +1.9 7.7 10th 21.0 33.9 average 62%
Wallan (Kilmore Gap) 30.3 +5.3 43.2 25th 14.0 +1.6 8.0 10th 13.2 46.1 v low 29%
Western Plains (district 89)
Ararat Prison 31.8 +4.8 42.0 4th 9.9 -1.3 6.1 10th 1.2 38.7 v low 3%
Ballarat Aerodrome 30.8 +5.6 41.0 25th 13.0 +2.1 5.9 10th 4.0 39.1 v low 10%
Westmere 31.7 +3.3 43.1 4th 11.0 -0.3 2.3 10th 0.8 40.2 v low 2%
West Coast (district 90)
Aireys Inlet 26.4 +3.4 40.5 4th 15.0 +0.9 9.8 10th 2.8 36.4 lowest 8%
Cape Nelson Lighthouse 22.8 +1.4 33.7 24th 15.6 +0.9 10.2 1st 32.3
Cape Otway Lighthouse 22.9 +1.5 35.3 24th 15.2 +1.9 11.5 1st 1.8 43.7 v low 4%
Casterton 30.6 +2.5 42.9 24th 11.7 -0.5 2.8 10th 33.2
Colac (Mount Gellibrand) 29.7 +3.8 42.2 4th 13.6 +1.0 9.0 10th 3.6 32.9 low 11%
Dartmoor 28.7   44.9 24th 12.9   4.5 10th 1.2 35.6 v low 3%
Hamilton Airport 30.7 +4.1 42.6 24th 12.5 +1.4 4.9 10th 1.4 32.9 v low 4%
Mortlake Racecourse 30.1 +4.0 43.6 24th 11.4 +0.5 3.7 10th 5.6 33.4 v low 17%
Port Fairy AWS 23.8 +1.1 43.6 24th 14.9 +0.8 9.5 1st 2.0 30.8 lowest 6%
Portland (Cashmore Airport) 24.3 +2.2 42.5 24th 12.9 +0.6 7.6 1st 1.4 35.8 lowest 4%
Warrnambool Airport NDB 26.1 +1.5 44.3 24th 12.4 +0.6 6.9 1st 4.8 33.5 low 14%


The Monthly climate summary, generally published on the first working day of each month, lists the main features of the weather in Victoria using the most timely and accurate information available on the date of publication; it will generally not be updated. More extensive discussion of significant weather events, along with later information and data that has had greater opportunity for quality control, will be presented in the Monthly Weather Review.

This statement has been prepared based on information available at 10 am on Friday 1 February 2019. Some checks have been made on the data, but it is possible that results will change as new information becomes available.

In some situations, some or all of the rainfall is in the form of hail or snow. In these cases the totals given are for the water equivalent: the depth of liquid water that results from melting any frozen precipitation. There can be significant 'undercatch' of snow in strong winds, meaning the true precipitation can be higher than that reported.

Averages for individual sites are long-term means based on observations from all available years of record, which vary widely from site to site. They are not shown for sites with less than 10 years of record, as they cannot then be calculated reliably.
The median is sometimes more representative than the mean of long-term average rain.

The Rank indicates how rainfall this time compares with the climate record for the site, based on the decile ranking (very low rainfall is in decile 1, low in decile 2 or 3, average in decile 4 to 7, high in decile 8 or 9 and very high is in decile 10).
The Fraction of average shows how much rain has fallen this time as a percentage of the long-term mean.

Where temperature area averages are mentioned, they are derived from the ACORN-SAT dataset.

Further information

(03) 9669 4057

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