Greater Melbourne in autumn 2021: near-average to above average rainfall

Autumn rainfall totals were near-average to above average in most Melbourne suburbs. Both daytime and night-time temperatures were close to average at all reporting sites.

Near-average to above average rainfall

  • Autumn rainfall totals were near-average to above average in most Melbourne suburbs.
  • Rainfall totals ranged from 75% of average at Cerberus to 131% of average at Viewbank.
  • The highest daily rainfall total this autumn, 59.0 mm, was recorded at Ferny Creek on 11 April.
  • Ferny Creek was also the wettest location in Greater Melbourne this autumn, receiving 376.2 mm during the season.

Close to average temperatures

  • Both mean daytime and night-time temperatures were generally within one degree of the autumn average at all reporting sites.
  • The highest daytime temperatures this season across Greater Melbourne were reported at the beginning of April, when most sites had daily maximum temperatures above 30 °C, mostly on 3 April; Melbourne's highest daytime temperature was 32.7 °C at Laverton RAAF on 3 April.
  • The lowest daytime temperature was 8.0 °C at Wallan (Kilmore Gap) on 15 May, in the wake of a strong cold front that brought winter-like conditions to Greater Melbourne.
  • The coldest nights at most sites this season were on 30 and 31 May, due to the clear skies and light winds under a high pressure system.
  • The coldest night in Melbourne city (Olympic Park) saw 1.7 °C on 30 May; this was Melbourne's lowest daily minimum temperature recorded in May since 1949.
  • The lowest night-time temperature this autumn in Greater Melbourne was -3.7 °C at Coldstream on 22 May.
  • Coldstream and Viewbank had their lowest autumn temperature on record on 22 May and 31 May respectively.

Melbourne (Olympic Park)

  • Total rainfall for Melbourne (Olympic Park) was 158.2 mm.
  • The mean daily maximum temperature for Melbourne (Olympic Park) was 20.0 °C.
  • The warmest day was 31.6 °C on 3 April, and the coolest day was on 15 May when the temperature reached 12.9 °C.
  • The mean daily minimum temperature for Melbourne (Olympic Park) was 11.5 °C.
  • The coldest morning was 1.7 °C on 30 May, and the warmest morning was on 13 March when the minimum temperature was 17.7 °C.

Further information

(03) 9669 4057

Extremes in autumn 2021
Hottest day 32.7 °C at Laverton RAAF on 3 Apr
Warmest days on average 20.4 °C at Viewbank
Coolest days on average 16.1 °C at Ferny Creek
Coldest day 8.0 °C at Wallan (Kilmore Gap) on 15 May
Coldest night -3.7 °C at Coldstream on 22 May
Coolest nights on average 7.4 °C at Coldstream
Warmest nights on average 11.5 °C at Melbourne (Olympic Park)
Warmest night 18.9 °C at Ferny Creek on 13 Mar
Warmest on average overall 15.7 °C at Melbourne (Olympic Park)
Coolest on average overall 12.7 °C at Ferny Creek
Wettest overall 376.2 mm at Ferny Creek
Wettest day 59.0 mm at Ferny Creek on 11 Apr
Strongest wind gust 106 km/h at South Channel Island on 15 May

Record lowest autumn temperature
New record
Years of
Average for
Coldstream -3.7 on 22 May -3.3 on 25 Apr 1999 27 7.5
Viewbank -0.4 on 31 May -0.3 on 10 May 2011 22 10.3

Summary statistics for autumn 2021
Maximum temperatures
Minimum temperatures
Mean for
Highest for
Mean for
Lowest for
Total for
Rank of
Fraction of
Cerberus 19.7 -0.2 31.4 3 Apr 10.0 -0.4 -1.1 31 May 131.4 175.0 low 75%
Coldstream 20.2 -0.7 31.2 3 Apr 7.4 -0.1 -3.7 22 May
Essendon Airport 20.1 -0.1 31.7 3 Apr 10.4 +0.2 0.4 22 May 135.6 142.7 average 95%
Ferny Creek 16.1 -0.9 27.0 2 Apr 9.3 -0.7 1.7 11 Apr 376.2 329.3 high 114%
Frankston (Ballam Park) 19.5   30.6 3 Apr 10.9   1.9 31 May 183.4
Laverton RAAF 20.1 -0.2 32.7 3 Apr 10.2 +0.1 -0.3 31 May 116.4 125.5 average 93%
Melbourne (Olympic Park) 20.0   31.6 3 Apr 11.5   1.7 30 May 158.2
Melbourne Airport 20.2 -0.2 31.6 3 Apr 9.8 -0.6 1.3 30 May 129.4 122.2 average 106%
Moorabbin Airport 19.9 -0.5 32.1 3 Apr 11.1 +0.3 0.6 31 May 161.4 174.8 average 92%
Scoresby Research Institute 20.1 -0.1 31.5 2 Apr 9.9 -0.4 0.0 30 May 194.4 211.0 average 92%
Viewbank 20.4 -0.9 31.5 2 Apr 9.9 -0.4 -0.4 31 May 207.6 158.2 high 131%
Wallan (Kilmore Gap) 16.9 -0.3 28.6 4 Apr 8.8 -0.2 2.8 15 May 185.8 161.8 high 115%


The Seasonal climate summary, generally published on the first working day of each month, lists the main features of the weather in Greater Melbourne using the most timely and accurate information available on the date of publication; it will generally not be updated. More extensive discussion of significant weather events, along with later information and data that has had greater opportunity for quality control, will be presented in the Monthly Weather Review.

This summary includes data from observing sites in or near the Greater Melbourne “Greater Capital City Statistical Area” (GCCSA). The Australian Bureau of Statistics designed the GCCSAs to “include the population within the urban area of the city, as well as people who regularly socialise, shop or work within the city, and live in small towns and rural areas surrounding the city. It is important to note that GCCSAs do not define the built up edge of the city. They provide a stable definition for these cities and are designed for the output of a range of social and economic survey data.

This statement has been prepared based on information available at 10 am on Tuesday 1 June 2021. Some checks have been made on the data, but it is possible that results will change as new information becomes available.

In some situations, some or all of the rainfall is in the form of hail or snow. In these cases the totals given are for the water equivalent: the depth of liquid water that results from melting any frozen precipitation. There can be significant 'undercatch' of snow in strong winds, meaning the true precipitation can be higher than that reported.

Averages for individual sites are long-term means based on observations from all available years of record, which vary widely from site to site. They are not shown for sites with less than 10 years of record, as they cannot then be calculated reliably.
The median is sometimes more representative than the mean of long-term average rain.

The Rank indicates how rainfall this time compares with the climate record for the site, based on the decile ranking (very low rainfall is in decile 1, low in decile 2 or 3, average in decile 4 to 7, high in decile 8 or 9 and very high is in decile 10).
The Fraction of average shows how much rain has fallen this time as a percentage of the long-term mean.

Where temperature area averages are mentioned, they are derived from the ACORN-SAT dataset.

Further information

(03) 9669 4057

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