Issued 7 January 2002

Deficiencies continue in western W.A. and eastern Queensland

The Bureau of Meteorology announced today that rainfall deficiencies continued in parts of western W.A. and eastern Queensland with December rainfall having relatively little impact.

10-month rainfall deficiencies

The first map below shows the regions in southern and western W.A. with serious to severe deficiencies for the ten-month period from March to December 2001. Heavy rain in the southwest of the State caused a reduction in the extent and intensity of the deficits in that region, but there was little change in the pattern near Carnarvon despite below average December rainfall. The Queensland coast between Mackay and Townsville has also been affected by rainfall deficiencies for this period. Most of western and southern W.A. also experienced rainfall deficiencies during the 2000 southern growing season.

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13-month rainfall deficiencies

Rainfall deficiencies expanded marginally in southeast Queensland as a result of below average falls in December. For the thirteen months from December 2000 to December 2001, serious to severe rainfall deficiencies affect most coastal areas from St. Lawrence to Brisbane and parts of the area between Roma and Gladstone. Southeast Queensland also experienced well below average rainfall in 2000. No further statements will be Issued for this period that began in December 2000. Should routine monitoring reveal any deficits for the current northern wet season (which began in October 2001), a rainfall deficiency statement will be Issued in the normal way.

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