ENSO Outlook history
An alert system for the El Niño–Southern Oscillation

The ENSO Outlook is no longer available

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The status of the ENSO Outlook is determined using set Criteria and expert analysis by climatologists at the Bureau of Meteorology.

El Niño and La Niña Outlook status

Fortnightly ENSO Outlook values

Monthly ENSO Outlook values


ENW El Niño Watch
LNA El Niño Alert
EN El Niño
N Inactive
LNW La Niña Watch
ENA La Niña Alert
LN La Niña

El Niño and La Niña years

Shading of text in the year column refers to years in which El Niño (red) or La Niña (blue) events began.

Historical values of the ENSO Outlook status prior to 2014 are based on the set criteria alone. Values from the beginning of 2014 include expert analysis by climatologists at the Bureau of Meteorology to make the final assessment on a status level having been reached.

The status of the ENSO Outlook is determined using set Criteria and expert analysis by climatologists at the Bureau of Meteorology.

El Niño criteria

El Niño Watch El Niño Watch

The chance of an El Niño developing in the coming season has increased. When these criteria have been met in the past, an El Niño event has developed around 50% of the time.

All of the following criteria need to be satisfied:

  1. Current climate state: ENSO phase is currently neutral or declining La Niña.
    • Either:
      SOI analogues: Of the 10 years that most closely resemble the current Southern Oscillation Index pattern, 4 or more have shown El Niño characteristics.
    • Or:
      Sub-surface: Significant sub-surface warming has been observed in the western or central equatorial Pacific Ocean.
  2. Models: One-third or more of surveyed climate models show sustained warming to at least 0.8 °C above average in the NINO3 or NINO3.4 regions of the Pacific Ocean by late winter or spring.

El Niño Alert El Niño Alert

The chance of an El Niño developing in the coming season has increased. When these criteria have been met in the past, an El Niño event has developed around 70% of the time.

Any three of the following criteria need to be satisfied:

  1. Sea surface temperature: A clear warming trend has been observed in the NINO3 or NINO3.4 regions of the Pacific Ocean during the past three to six months.
  2. Winds: Trade winds have been weaker than average in the western or central equatorial Pacific Ocean during any two of the last three months.
  3. SOI: The two-month average Southern Oscillation Index is –7 or lower.
  4. Models: A majority of surveyed climate models show sustained warming to at least 0.8 °C above average in the NINO3 or NINO3.4 regions of the Pacific Ocean by the late winter or spring.

El Niño El Niño

An El Niño has been declared and is underway.

Any three of the following criteria need to be satisfied:

  1. Sea surface temperature: Temperatures in the NINO3 or NINO3.4 regions of the Pacific Ocean are 0.8 °C warmer than average.
  2. Winds: Trade winds have been weaker than average in the western or central equatorial Pacific Ocean during any three of the last four months.
  3. SOI: The three-month average Southern Oscillation Index is –7 or lower.
  4. Models: A majority of surveyed climate models show sustained warming to at least 0.8 °C above average in the NINO3 or NINO3.4 regions of the Pacific until the end of the year.

La Niña criteria

La Niña Watch La Niña Watch

The chance of a La Niña developing in the coming season has increased. When these criteria have been met in the past, a La Niña event has developed around 50% of the time.

All the following criteria need to be satisfied:

  1. Current climate state: ENSO phase is currently neutral or declining El Niño.
    • Either:
      SOI analogues: Of the 10 years that most closely resemble the current Southern Oscillation Index pattern, 4 or more have shown La Niña characteristics.
    • Or:
      Sub-surface: Significant sub-surface cooling has been observed in the western or central equatorial Pacific Ocean.
  2. Models: One-third or more of surveyed climate models show sustained cooling to at least 0.8 °C below average in the NINO3 or NINO3.4 regions of the Pacific Ocean by late winter or spring.

La Niña Alert La Niña Alert

The chance of a La Niña developing in the coming season has increased. When these criteria have been met in the past, a La Niña event has developed around 70% of the time.

Any three of the following criteria need to be satisfied:

  1. Sea surface temperature: A clear cooling trend has been observed in the NINO3 or NINO3.4 regions of the Pacific Ocean during the past three to six months.
  2. Winds: Trade winds have been stronger than average in the western or central equatorial Pacific Ocean during any two of the last three months.
  3. SOI: The two-month average Southern Oscillation Index is +7 or higher.
  4. Models: A majority of surveyed climate models show sustained cooling to at least 0.8 °C below average in the NINO3 or NINO3.4 regions of the Pacific Ocean by the late winter or spring.

La Niña La Niña

A La Niña has been declared and is underway.

Any three of the following criteria need to be satisfied:

  1. Sea surface temperature: Temperatures in the NINO3 or NINO3.4 regions of the Pacific Ocean are 0.8 °C cooler than average.
  2. Winds: Trade winds have been stronger than average in the western or central equatorial Pacific Ocean during any three of the last four months.
  3. SOI: The three-month average Southern Oscillation Index is +7 or higher.
  4. Models: A majority of surveyed climate models show sustained cooling to at least 0.8 °C below average in the NINO3 or NINO3.4 regions of the Pacific Ocean until the end of the year.


Inactive criteria

El Niño and La Niña Neutral Inactive

An ENSO event is not active in the tropical Pacific Ocean and there are no signs of an El Niño or La Niña developing.

ENSO Outlook moves to La Niña ALERT

The ENSO Outlook has to La Niña ALERT. This means that even though the El Niño–Southern Oscillation is currently neutral, the chance of La Niña forming in the coming months has increased to around 70%. This is roughly three times the normal likelihood of an event forming in any year.

This status change follows a renewal of cooling in the tropical Pacific Ocean towards La Niña thresholds over recent weeks, as well as the persistence of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) at La Niña levels and strengthened trade winds at La Niña levels. Climate models indicate further cooling is likely, with four of seven models suggesting La Niña could return by early-to-mid southern hemisphere spring.

A La Niña ALERT is not a guarantee that La Niña will occur, rather it is an indication that most of the typical precursors of an event are in place. La Niña conditions increase the chance of above average spring and summer rainfall in northern and eastern Australia.

Bureau climatologists will continue to closely monitor conditions in the tropical Pacific as well as model outlooks for further signs of La Niña re-emergence.

Product code: IDCKGEAS00

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