Text Tool Guide - Climate Data Online

Step 1. Select what type of data you want

Screen image showing data selection controls

The Climate Data Online page loads with a data type selected. To select another type of data, choose an option from Data about, for example: 'Weather & climate', and, Type of data: for example, under statistics, 'Monthly'.

Step 2. Select where you want it for

Now you need to find weather stations that have collected the type of data you want, in the area you are interested in.

Most people search by entering a Location name. (Alternatively, you may search by Position.)
Note: People who know the station number, can skip the search, and simply enter the number in step 3.

Step a - Search by Location

2nd step in using the Search by Name option

Step a - Enter a Location name and click find.

Enter the name of the location which you are interested in getting data for, then click 'Find'.

Part of a name may also be entered; for example, entering river will find all locations with the word river in their name. If there are too many matching names, type the full name to limit the choice.

Step b

3rd step in using the Search by Name option

Step b - Select one of the Locations which matched your search.

The next step returns all the matching towns, along with their corresponding state, latitude and longitude. Click the most appropriate location from this list.

Town names are from the Australian Gazetteer. Further information, including the ability to search for locations which are not towns or cities (for example, reservoirs), can be found via the link to the Geoscience Australia web site.

Step c

4th step in using the Search by Name option

Step c - Bureau stations close to the selected location.

When you select one of the town names, a list of the nearest Bureau stations will appear in the next box . Each row shows the Bureau station number, station name, and distance from the location of interest. Stations are listed in order of increasing distance from the selected location, with the list limited to a maximum of 50 locations.

Clicking on a station in this list will display a graph indicating the data available for the station. This graph will show the first and last year of data, and the approximate percentage of data available for each year of record. The example graph shows that for the station called 'Canberra Parliament House', the first year of rainfall data available was 1968, and there were some missing data in several years, including no data for 1996 and 1997. By using the information in this list you will be able to select the closest station which has the data for the years required.

A link is provided to give additional information for each station and a topographic map of the area around the station.

Clicking on a Bureau station name also fills the station number in the input field in the final step below, 'Get Data'.

Step 3. Get Data

Final step, click Get Data

The last step of from the station search automatically fills the station number field.
(If known, you may simply enter a station number.)

Clicking 'Get Data' will retrieve your requested data and display it in a new browser window.

Extra tip. Saving your selection

Extra tip, shows Save link for saving your selection

To the right of the data button, there is a link to save your current data and weather station selection. This is useful for streamlining repeat visits.


Note: The text search page can be used a number of ways. This help page outlines the most popular search process.
Advanced users may prefer to do a search by Position or direct station number entry.


Page updated: 2 September 2010
