Tasmania in May 2022: wetter and warmer than average

May rainfall was higher than average across the south-east and parts of the west. Maximum temperatures were slightly warmer than average for sites scattered across Tasmania, while minimum temperatures were mostly close to average across the state.

Very wet in the south-east

  • Some sites, mostly in the south-east had their highest May daily rainfall on record on the 6th, after thunderstorms with heavy rain, lightning, and strong winds hit southern Tasmania. Flash flooding occurred and around 2,800 properties lost power, with the SES reporting just under 100 calls for assistance.
  • Some sites also had their highest total May rainfall, including Hobart Airport with 64 years of record.
  • A couple of other sites in the south-east had their highest total May rainfall for at least 20 years.
  • Overall, Tasmania's rainfall was 9% above average (over 1961–1990) for May and the wettest since 2016.
  • Parts of western Tasmania have been in severe rainfall deficiency for periods since December 2021 and received average to above average rainfall in May for the first time since October 2021.
  • Snow fell about Tasmania's peaks several times during the month, with more than 10 cm settling about the Mount Mawson ski field mid-month.

Close to average temperatures for most

  • Monthly maximum and minimum temperatures were generally within ±1 °C of their long-term averages across the state.
  • The mean maximum temperature for Tasmania as a whole was 0.32 °C warmer than the 1961–1990 average.
  • Tasmania's mean minimum temperature was very close to the long-term average (+0.01 °C above average).
  • Some sites, with around 20 to 30 years of observations, had their warmest May night on record on the 3rd when minimum temperatures were more than 8 °C warmer than average across a large area of the north-east.

Hobart (Ellerslie Road)

  • Total rainfall for Hobart (Ellerslie Road) was 134.6 mm, which is 283% of the long-term average of 47.6 mm. The highest May monthly total on record at Hobart (Ellerslie Road) is 213.8 mm in 1958.
  • The mean daily maximum temperature for Hobart (Ellerslie Road) was 15.1 °C, which is 0.6 °C above the long-term average of 14.5 °C.
  • The warmest day was 21.7 °C on the 2nd, and the coolest day was on the 31st when the temperature reached 10.2 °C.
  • The mean daily minimum temperature for Hobart (Ellerslie Road) was 7.1 °C, which is 0.1 °C above the long-term average of 7.0 °C.
  • The coldest morning was 3.0 °C on the 25th, and the warmest morning was on the 3rd when the minimum temperature was 14.2 °C.

Further information

(03) 9669 4057

Extremes in May 2022
Hottest day 22.3 °C at Campania (Kincora) on the 2nd
22.3 °C at Dunalley (Stroud Point) on the 2nd
Warmest days on average 16.7 °C at Bicheno (Council Depot)
16.7 °C at Flinders Island Airport
Coolest days on average 5.9 °C at kunanyi (Mount Wellington Pinnacle)
Coldest day -0.1 °C at kunanyi (Mount Wellington Pinnacle) on the 16th
Coldest night -9.9 °C at Liawenee on the 24th
Coolest nights on average -0.6 °C at Liawenee
Warmest nights on average 11.4 °C at Hogan Island
11.4 °C at Swan Island
Warmest night 15.9 °C at St Helens Aerodrome on the 3rd
15.9 °C at Swan Island on the 3rd
Warmest on average overall 13.8 °C at Swan Island
Coolest on average overall 3.6 °C at kunanyi (Mount Wellington Pinnacle)
Wettest overall 428.0 mm at Mount Read
Wettest day 132.6 mm at Lachlan (Williams Road) on the 6th
Strongest wind gust 137 km/h at Maatsuyker Island Lighthouse on the 17th

ObservedAnomalyDecile rank
Map of Rainfall totals Map of Percentage of normal rainfall Map of Rainfall deciles
Map of Mean maximum temperature Map of Anomaly in mean maximum temperature Map of Decile rank of mean maximum temperature
Map of Mean minimum temperature Map of Anomaly in mean minimum temperature Map of Decile rank of mean minimum temperature

Click on a map to show it full size in a pop-up window

Record highest May daily rainfall
New record
Years of
Bushy Park (Bushy Park Estates) 52.0 on the 6th 46.2 on the 11th in 2018 117
Bream Creek (Stroud) 73.0 on the 6th 65.0 on the 23rd in 1949 96
Richmond (Brookbank) 89.0 on the 6th 67.2 on the 11th in 2018 96
Wattle Hill 99.8 on the 6th 86.4 on the 11th in 2018 88
Woodbridge 78.4 on the 6th 67.0 on the 11th in 2018 71
Hobart Airport 79.4 on the 6th 61.7 on the 17th in 1969 64
Mauriceton (Jordan River) 58.0 on the 6th 49.4 on the 11th in 2018 57
Marrawah 60.0 on the 7th 50.2 on the 20th in 2017 52
Tea Tree (The Point) 99.0 on the 6th 67.2 on the 11th in 2018 37
Richmond (Strathayr) 88.2 on the 6th 74.2 on the 11th in 2018 34
Below Craigbourne Dam (Coal River) 107.8 on the 6th 100.8 on the 11th in 2018 24
Wayatinah (Saltas) 58.8 on the 9th 41.0 on the 11th in 2016 24
Campania (Kincora) 96.0 on the 6th 67.6 on the 11th in 2018 23
Mount Dromedary 72.2 on the 6th 59.0 on the 11th in 2018 23
Ouse Fire Station 49.0 on the 6th 30.4 on the 11th in 2018 23
Tea Tree Point 92.8 on the 6th 66.6 on the 11th in 2018 22

Record highest May total rainfall
New record
Years of
Average for
Hobart Airport 133.4 112.8 in 1969 64 37.2
Taroona (Taroona Crescent) 129.0 116.8 in 1986 58 46.2
Tea Tree (The Point) 141.7 115.8 in 2012 37 39.6
Richmond (Strathayr) 135.2 90.4 in 2016 32 32.7
Judbury (Huon River) 153.2 151.4 in 2018 24 55.3
Campania (Kincora) 133.2 103.8 in 2012 23 37.8

Highest May total rainfall for at least 20 years
Most recent
Average for
Richmond (Brookbank) 133.7 138.8 in 1958* 39.6
Woodbridge 169.6 189.5 in 1960* 72.3

* note: there are gaps in the historical record at this site, so it is possible a higher value has gone unreported

Record lowest May daily maximum temperature
New record
Years of
Average for
Friendly Beaches 9.8 on the 31st = 9.8 on the 27th in 2016 26 16.2

Highest May mean daily maximum temperature for at least 20 years
Most recent
Average for
Cape Sorell 15.2 15.4 in 1947* 13.8

* note: there are gaps in the historical record at this site, so it is possible a higher value has gone unreported

Record highest May daily minimum temperature
New record
Years of
Average for
Devonport Airport 15.3 on the 3rd 15.2 on the 24th in 2009 31 6.8
Ross (The Boulevards) 13.5 on the 3rd 13.2 on the 4th in 2005 29 3.3
Tunnack Fire Station 11.7 on the 3rd 11.6 on the 18th in 2003 25 3.7
Cressy Research Station 13.8 on the 3rd 13.5 on the 6th in 2016 24 3.5
St Helens Aerodrome 15.9 on the 3rd 15.6 on the 15th in 2016 22 7.2

Summary statistics for May 2022
Maximum temperatures
Minimum temperatures
Mean for
Highest for
Mean for
Lowest for
Total for
Rank of
Fraction of
Northern (district 91)
Cape Grim 14.8 +0.4 18.2 3rd 10.2 0.0 5.9 30th 132.0 104.0 average 127%
Cape Grim BAPS (Comparison) 15.3 +0.6 18.9 13th 10.4 +0.2 6.9 5th 134.0 84.6 high 158%
Cressy Research Station 14.8 0.0 19.2 2nd 4.5 +1.0 -1.7 20th 25.2 48.2 low 52%
Devonport Airport 16.0 +0.6 19.2 13th 8.0 +1.2 2.5 20th 47.8 73.7 average 65%
Launceston (Ti Tree Bend) 16.3 +0.5 21.4 13th 5.5 +0.4 -0.4 23rd 43.0 64.3 low 67%
Launceston Airport 14.7 0.0 19.1 2nd 4.9 +0.6 -0.6 20th 32.0 55.5 low 58%
Low Head 15.6 +0.2 18.7 11th 9.3 -0.1 4.4 30th 68.6 63.3 average 108%
Luncheon Hill (Forestry) 13.7 +0.9 20.3 13th 7.4 +0.4 3.0 5th 152.2 166.9 average 91%
Marrawah       9.2 +0.1 5.0 30th 171.1 110.8 high 154%
Scottsdale (West Minstone Road) 15.0 +0.2 19.2 13th 7.0 +1.1 1.1 30th 84.4 95.6 average 88%
Sheffield School Farm 13.5 0.0 17.5 13th 5.5 +0.2 -0.3 23rd 91.0 96.3 average 94%
Smithton Aerodrome 16.0 +0.6 20.2 3rd 7.2 +0.9 0.8 30th 108.2 91.5 average 118%
Wynyard Airport 15.6 +0.4 19.4 3rd 6.6 +1.2 1.1 30th 99.0 96.5 average 103%
East Coast (district 92)
Bicheno (Council Depot) 16.7 +0.1 22.0 2nd 9.4 +0.9 4.8 20th 62.8 55.5 high 113%
Friendly Beaches 16.0 -0.2 21.1 2nd 8.4 +0.3 3.5 25th 85.0 53.7 high 158%
Lake Leake (Elizabeth River) 11.5 +0.1 15.6 3rd 2.8 +0.6 -2.2 25th 67.4 72.4 average 93%
larapuna (Eddystone Point) 16.5 +0.9 19.3 2nd 10.3 +0.9 6.7 30th 67.4 64.8 average 104%
Maria Island (Point Lesueur) 14.9 -0.3 19.6 2nd 10.1 +0.5 7.0 31st 126.2 43.3 high 291%
St Helens Aerodrome 16.1 0.0 19.8 3rd 8.0 +0.8 2.4 20th 70.4 49.5 high 142%
Swan Island 16.3 +0.4 18.9 1st 11.4 +0.6 7.1 30th 79.0 54.7 high 144%
Swansea (Francis Street) 15.8 -0.4 21.1 2nd 6.2 -0.3 1.1 20th 34.0 44.3 average 77%
Southeast (district 94)
Campania (Kincora) 15.6 -0.3 22.3 2nd 5.3 -0.5 0.4 25th 133.2 37.8 highest 352%
Cape Bruny (Cape Bruny) 14.5 +0.2 19.2 3rd 8.8 +0.1 5.6 31st 91.6 69.2 high 132%
Dennes Point 15.0   21.2 3rd 8.5   4.0 25th 113.0 54.4 v high 208%
Dover 14.6 -0.1 19.5 3rd 5.2 -0.6 1.5 21st 151.8 73.3 v high 207%
Dunalley (Stroud Point) 15.1 -0.1 22.3 2nd 8.6 -0.2 4.3 31st 89.2 56.3 high 158%
Grove (Research Station) 14.5 -0.5 21.7 3rd 4.4 +0.1 -1.4 9th 175.0 70.3 high 249%
Hobart (Ellerslie Road) 15.1 +0.6 21.7 2nd 7.1 +0.1 3.0 25th 134.6 47.6 v high 283%
Hobart Airport 15.4 +0.1 21.4 2nd 6.8 +0.1 2.9 25th 133.4 37.2 highest 359%
kunanyi (Mount Wellington Pinnacle) 5.9 +0.2 10.3 11th 1.3 +0.7 -2.6 17th 204.4 72.8 v high 281%
Maatsuyker Island Lighthouse 13.2 +0.4 17.6 26th 9.2 +0.7 6.1 17th 120.6 115.7 average 104%
Tasman Island 13.3 +0.1 18.9 2nd 9.4 +0.8 5.7 17th 88.8 70.9 high 125%
Tunnack Fire Station 12.2 -0.2 17.0 2nd 2.8 -0.9 -2.0 21st 107.6 48.1 v high 224%
Derwent Valley (district 95)
Bushy Park (Bushy Park Estates) 13.9 -0.5 21.2 2nd 3.6 -0.4 -1.9 22nd 100.6 46.0 v high 219%
Ouse Fire Station 13.5 -1.3 21.6 3rd 2.7 -0.9 -2.2 25th 104.2 40.1 v high 260%
Central Plateau (district 96)
Butlers Gorge 10.6 +0.6 15.6 13th 1.4 -0.4 -5.0 25th 190.2 162.6 high 117%
Liawenee 9.1 +0.1 14.5 13th -0.6 -0.9 -9.9 24th 80.2 87.1 average 92%
West Coast (district 97)
Cape Sorell 15.2 +1.4 19.1 11th 9.5 +0.4 6.3 21st 160.2 130.0 high 123%
Hartz Mountain (Keoghs Pimple) 8.9 +0.4 15.0 13th 3.6 +0.2 0.6 18th 184.6 90.9 v high 203%
Low Rocky Point 14.6 +0.4 18.6 12th 8.9 -0.1 4.3 5th 153.4 142.3 average 108%
Mount Read 6.5 +0.1 14.0 13th 2.5 +0.3 -0.3 18th 428.0 430.8 average 99%
Scotts Peak Dam 11.9 +0.3 15.9 3rd 5.4 -0.1 1.5 31st 211.2 191.6 average 110%
Strahan Aerodrome 14.9 +0.6 18.8 3rd 7.1 -0.4 0.7 22nd 203.2 160.7 high 126%
Warra 10.8 -0.2 15.1 11th 4.2 -0.4 0.3 31st 206.2 168.1 high 123%
King Island (district 98)
King Island Airport 16.2 +0.6 19.9 11th 9.2 -0.3 1.4 6th 112.2 89.5 average 125%
Flinders Island (district 99)
Flinders Island Airport 16.7 +0.4 19.6 3rd 8.9 -0.1 1.7 23rd 70.0 78.1 average 90%
Hogan Island 15.7 +0.1 18.9 3rd 11.4 0.0 8.1 31st 66.2 59.1 average 112%
Note: From 2017, information about Macquarie Island can be found in the climate summary for the Remote Islands and Antarctica


The Monthly climate summary, usually published in the first week of the following month, lists the main features of the weather in Tasmania using the most timely and accurate information available on the date of publication; it will generally not be updated. More extensive discussion of significant weather events, along with later information and data that has had greater opportunity for quality control, will be presented in the Monthly Weather Review.

This statement has been prepared based on information available at 11 am on Wednesday 1 June 2022. Some checks have been made on the data, but it is possible that results will change as new information becomes available.

In some situations, some or all of the rainfall is in the form of hail or snow. In these cases the totals given are for the water equivalent: the depth of liquid water that results from melting any frozen precipitation. There can be significant 'undercatch' of snow in strong winds, meaning the true precipitation can be higher than that reported.

Averages for individual sites are long-term means based on observations from all available years of record, which vary widely from site to site. They are not shown for sites with less than 10 years of record, as they cannot then be calculated reliably.
The median is sometimes more representative than the mean of long-term average rain.

The Rank indicates how rainfall this time compares with the climate record for the site, based on the decile ranking (very low rainfall is in decile 1, low in decile 2 or 3, average in decile 4 to 7, high in decile 8 or 9 and very high is in decile 10).
The Fraction of average shows how much rain has fallen this time as a percentage of the long-term mean.

Where temperature area averages are mentioned, they are derived from the ACORN-SAT dataset.

Information about Australian Indigenous seasonal calendars is available at the Indigenous Weather Knowledge website.

Further information

(03) 9669 4057

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