Definitions - subcategories of Water Information

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Surface water resource information

1a: Level of a watercourse (other than a water storage), expressed in metres

1b: Discharge of a watercourse (other than a water storage), expressed in cumecs


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Ground water resource information

2a: Ground water level, expressed in metres

2b: Ground water pressure, expressed in kilopascals

2d: State aquifer framework information

2e: State NGIS information


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Water storage information

3a: Level of water in a major storage, expressed in metres

3b: Volume of water in a major storage, expressed in megalitres

3c: Volume of water released from a major storage, expressed in megalitres

3d: Total volume of water delivered to a major storage, expressed in megalitres

3da: Volume of water delivered to a major storage from each water source, expressed in megalitres

3e: Volume of water in a minor storage, expressed in megalitres

3f: A list of major storages owned, operated or regulated by the person required to give the information


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Meteorological information

4a: Accumulated precipitation depth, including the water-equivalent precipitation depth, expressed in millimetres

4b: Wind speed (expressed in metres per second), wind direction, and wind run (expressed in kilometres over a specified period)

4c: Evaporation, expressed in millimetres per day

4d: Global solar exposure, reflected global solar exposure, downward longwave exposure, upward longwave exposure, and net exposure, each expressed in joules per square metre

4e: Global solar irradiance, reflected global solar irradiance, downward longwave irradiance, upward longwave irradiance, and net irradiance, each expressed in watts per square metre

4f: Dry-bulb air temperature, expressed in degrees Celsius

4g: Wet-bulb air temperature, expressed in degrees Celsius

4h: Relative humidity, expressed as a percentage

4i: Vapour pressure deficit, expressed in millibars

4j: Dewpoint temperature, expressed in degrees Celsius

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Water use information

5a: Total volume of surface water take in each water management area, expressed in megalitres

5b: Volume of surface water take for irrigation networks in each water management area, expressed in megalitres

5c: Volume of surface water returned from irrigation networks to a watercourse in each water management area, expressed in megalitres

5d: Volume of surface water take (excluding take for irrigation networks) in each water management area, expressed in megalitres

5e: Volume of water delivered to a surface water resource through inter-basin transfer (excluding transfers relating to water trades) in each water management area, expressed in megalitres

5f: Volume of ground water extracted under each ground water licence, expressed in megalitres

5g: Volume of ground water extracted in each water management area, otherwise than under a ground water licence, expressed in megalitres

5h: Volume of water delivered to a ground water resource for aquifer replenishment in each water management area, expressed in megalitres

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Information about water rights, allocations and trades

6a: Water access rights

6b: Trades or leases of Australian water access entitlements and irrigation rights

6c: Trades of Australian water allocations

6d: Formal announcements of Australian water allocations

6e: Permits to operate or construct a minor storage

6f: Permits to self extract water from a bore

6g: Permits to self extract water from a watercourse

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Information about urban water management

7a: Urban water supply information, provided as volumes and expressed in megalitres, of a kind specified for the purposes of this item in the document titled Urban Water Management Information Requirements (see regulation 1.06).

7b: Urban wastewater information, provided as volumes and expressed in megalitres, of a kind specified for the purposes of this item in the document titled Urban Water Management Information Requirements (see regulation 1.06).

7c: Urban recycled water information, provided as volumes and expressed in megalitres, of a kind specified for the purposes of this item in the document titled Urban Water Management Information Requirements (see regulation 1.06).

7d: Urban stormwater information, provided as volumes and expressed in megalitres, of a kind specified for the purposes of this item in the document titled Urban Water Management Information Requirements (see regulation 1.06).

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Information about water restrictions

8a: Water use restriction announcements

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Water quality information

9a: Electrical conductivity of surface water above the tidal limit of a watercourse, expressed in microsiemens per centimetre at 25°C

9b: Electrical conductivity of ground water, expressed in microsiemens per centimetre at 25°C

9c: Total suspended solids concentration of surface water collected above the tidal limit of a watercourse, expressed in milligrams per litre

9d: Turbidity of surface water above the tidal limit of a watercourse, expressed in nephelometric turbidity units

9e: Total phosphorus concentration of a surface water sample collected above the tidal limit of a watercourse, expressed in milligrams per litre

9f: Total nitrogen concentration of a surface water sample collected above the tidal limit of a watercourse, expressed in milligrams per litre

9g: pH of surface water collected above the tidal limit of a watercourse

9ga: pH of ground water

9h: Temperature of surface water collected above the tidal limit of a watercourse, expressed in degrees Celsius

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Water information for flood warning purposes

11a: Level of a watercourse, expressed in metres

11b: Discharge of a watercourse, expressed in cumecs

11c: Accumulated precipitation depth, including the water-equivalent precipitation depth, expressed in millimetres

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Metadata and contextual information about water information in other categories

Metadata and contextual information requirements

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