Australian Water Accounting Standards provide guidance and explanatory material to assist in preparing, presenting and assuring general purpose water accounting reports.
- Water Accounting Conceptual Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of General Purpose Water Accounting Reports
- Australian Water Accounting Standard 1
- Australian Water Accounting Standard 2
Associated Illustrative Water Accounting Reports for the AWAS 1 were compiled to demonstrate the presentation and disclosure requirements of the standard. These illustrate many of the principles in the standard, but are not a comprehensive checklist of requirements.
Stocktake of Australia’s Water Accounting Practice
In 2006, the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries commissioned SKM Stocktake and Analysis of Australia's Water Accounting Practice (PDF 2.44MB) that described existing water accounting capabilities and requirements for future development.
Analysis of effects of adopting Australian Water Accounting Standard 1
The Effects Analysis examines the costs and benefits of adopting the Australian Water Accounting Standard 1. It draws on a series of reports, desktop reviews and industry research. There are a range of benefits to be realised from the application of Australian Water Accounting Standard 1, however it is difficult to fully quantify the cost of existing water information reporting. Further analysis will be required as more data becomes available.
For the further information, please refer to the reports below:
- Effects analysis of AWAS adoption prepared by Deloitte Access Economics
- Standardised Water Accounting: Effects Analysis prepared by Macquarie University
- General Purpose Water Accounting Report: Independent Assurance Cost Estimate prepared by Ernst & Young
Analysis of general purpose water accounting reports
Analysing General Purpose Water Accounting Reports (193Kb) shows how water accounting statements can be read and the information interpreted.
International water accounting
The International water accounting report provides a summary of the development of water accounting across the world.