Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Projects

Australian Research Council Linkage projects are collaborative projects between higher education researchers and other parts of the national innovation system, which are undertaken to acquire new knowledge, and which involve risk or innovation.

The Bureau will engage in an ARC linkage project where the R&D is deemed to make a significant contribution to Bureau specific functions and has a solid scientific and technological basis. The Bureau is currently engaged in a number of ARC linkage projects with a climate, environment and/or water focus. These will contribute new knowledge to support Bureau activities.

Current projects

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Water focus

A decadal to inter-decadal streamflow prediction system (LP130100072)
This project will develop the first ever decadal streamflow prediction system for Australia, leading to predictions of streamflow for the next 10 years and beyond that take into account both natural climatic variability (driven by factors such as the El Nino Southern Oscillation) and changing greenhouse gas concentrations due to a warming planet.
Optimising seasonal decisions for environmental water use (LP130100174)
This project will develop a tool to optimise the use of environmental water, drawing on seasonal forecasts of streamflow and water price, and predicted ecological responses to changing flows. This tool will strengthen the effectiveness of the government organisations responsible for managing Australia's environmental water reserves.
Automated groundwater level mapping: a tool for catchment scale estimation of aquifer storage changes, fluxes and hydrogeological properties (LP130100958)
Cutting-edge groundwater mapping tools will be developed by this project and made freely available. Water table maps will be derived for Victoria and used to quantify aquifer properties, recharge and the groundwater balance. Fundamental limitations to quantitative groundwater management will be overcome and the Bureau of Meteorology intend to adopt the findings.
A integrated streamflow forecasting framework for Australia (LP140100978)
Improved prediction of future streamflow is vital for Australia's economic prosperity, water security and social well-being. This project aims to deliver an accurate and reliable seasonal streamflow forecast system using a flexible rainfall-runoff modelling approach integrated into a Bayesian inference and prediction framework. This work has the potential to advance the existing operational capabilities of the Bureau.
Predicting water quality at the catchment scale: learning from two decades of monitoring (LP140100495)
Poor water quality affects many rivers and receiving waters such as the Great Barrier Reef and Gippsland Lakes. This project aims to use Bayesian hierarchical models of state-wide data to quantify the effects of a range of environmental and land use factors on stream water quality. These models will provide new capacity to use long-term data sets to predict water quality responses to climatic variations and changes in land use and management.

Further information on each project and past projects can be found at the Australian Research Council website

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