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- Aquatic groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDE)
Creation date
PurposeThe aquatic GDE layer depicts aquatic ecosystems that are dependent on the surface expression of groundwater, including all groundwater-fed surface water bodies such as wetlands, rivers, lakes and springs. This relates only to the aquatic component of a system, and therefore excludes any vegetation that may fringe a surface water body.
AbstractThe aquatic GDE layer is comprised of data from the 2012 GDE Atlas layer—GDE reliant on the surface expression of groundwater—combined with new State and regional datasets ranging from 2012 to 2019. The 2012 GDE layer was derived from a national assessment involving remote sensing using Landsat and MODIS, and GIS rules-based analysis. The States/regions that have been updated with new aquatic GDE data including Queensland (wetlands, waterways and springs), Victoria (wetlands, waterways and some springs), the South Australian portion of Lake Eyre Basin (wetlands and springs), New South Wales (springs) and Northern Territory (springs).
The data is categorised by 'potential of ecosystem to be a GDE', which is classified as either known or potential (high, moderate or low) GDEs. This classification also highlights the different data sources, i.e. from the national assessment or from other studies.
- Aquatic inflow-dependent ecosystems (IDE)
Creation date
PurposeThe aquatic inflow-dependent ecosystems (IDE) layer shows the extent of rivers, wetlands and springs assigned with a likelihood of being inflow dependent.
AbstractAll surface water ecosystems (rivers, wetlands and springs) are considered to be inflow-dependent ecosystems, as they all receive inflows from surface water, and potentially groundwater. The aquatic IDE layer has been developed by assigning an inflow dependence likelihood (from remote sensing data) to each aquatic GDE polygon from the feature layer datasets.
- Areas of update
Creation date
PurposeThe areas of update layers show the areas where GDE data has been updated since the initial GDE Atlas release in September 2012.
AbstractThe GDE Atlas was first released in September 2012. Since then it has been updated with more recent and detailed GDE data from State and regional water agencies. The areas of update layers show the areas where GDE data has been updated. There are three layers; one for each type of GDE: aquatic, terrestrial and subterranean. For each area, the layer shows the GDE subtype that has been updated (spring, wetland, river, vegetation or cave) and the type of update that has occurred:
- Replace–new mapping and attributes have replaced the original GDE Atlas data
- Hybrid–area has a combination of original GDE Atlas data and new state/regional data
- New attributes–some attributes have been updated with new State/regional data without changes to the mapping
- No change–area contains the original GDE Atlas data
- Bioregions
Creation date
PurposeThe bioregions layer depicts regions with a similar set of major environmental influences (climate, geomorphology, landforms and lithology) that shape the occurrence of flora and fauna and their interaction with the physical environment.
AbstractThe bioregions layer was derived from the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) version 7.0. The IBRA Version 7.0 data consists of 89 biogeographic regions, which are larger-scale regional classification, and 419 sub-regions, which are more localised.
- Bores
Creation date
PurposeThe bores dataset is sourced from the National Groundwater Information System and is a point feature class in which each point represents the location of a bore and associated attributes.
AbstractThe bores dataset contains groundwater bore information collected by State and Territory lead water agencies including:
- Unique bore identifiers including the State bore ID
- State and agency responsible for collecting the information
- Depth and date that the bore was drilled
- Hydrogeological unit screened by the bore
- Spatial location and reference elevation of the bore.
This information is exported from the relevant State or Territory groundwater database to the National Groundwater Information System.
- Climate zones
Creation date
PurposeThe climate zones layer maps the six major climate zones across Australia based on the differences between summer and winter rainfall.
AbstractThe climate zones layer is derived from the ‘Seasonal rainfall zones in Australia’ dataset (Bureau of Meteorology). This dataset uses the median annual rainfall (based on the 100-year period from 1900 to 1999) and seasonal incidence (the ratio of the median rainfall over the period November to April, to the period May to October) to identify six major climate zones.
- Eco-hydrogeological zones
Creation date
PurposeThe eco-hydrogeological zones layer delineates regions with similar ecology, geology, climate and groundwater/surface water connections. In each region similar processes are expected to determine the interaction between groundwater and ecology, and therefore consistent GIS analysis rules can be used to identify the presence of GDEs.
AbstractThe eco-hydrogeological zones (EHZs) layer was developed by the former SKM during the original GDE Atlas development. It integrates several national spatial datasets that, when combined, reflect key hydro‐ecological processes at this scale:
- Bioregions (Geoscience Australia): eco‐hydrology zonation which brings in hydrological characterisation;
- Groundwater flow systems (BRS): delineates regional, local, intermediate groundwater flow systems
- Groundwater provinces (Geoscience Australia): defines hydrogeological extents such as the Great Artesian Basin and Murray–Darling Basin,
- Watertable aquifers (Bureau of Meteorology): identifies watertable aquifers across Australia
This layer identifies a total of 57 EHZs. Further information is available from the GDE Atlas methodology report.
- Elevation
Creation date
PurposeThe elevation layer is a representation of land surface elevation in metres above the Australian Height Datum (mAHD). The elevation has been generalised into seven classes from low elevation (cream) to high elevation (brown).
AbstractThe elevation layer is derived from Geoscience Australia’s GEODATA 9 Second Digital Elevation Model (DEM-9S) Version 3 to enable quick loading of an elevation layer at a national scale. The raster has been categorised into seven classes ranging from low elevation ( < 150 mAHD) to high elevation ( > 950 mAHD).
- Geomorphology
Creation date
PurposeThe geomorphology layer represents geomorphological regions of Australia. Each region has similar landform characteristics and is described in terms of its geographic name, major geologic and geomorphic features, and regolith materials.
AbstractThe geomorphology layer is a representation of the regions from the ASRIS Physiographic Regions of Australia (Geoscience Australia and CSIRO).
- Groundwater flow systems
Creation date
PurposeThe groundwater flow systems layer identifies regional, intermediate and local flow systems at the national scale.
AbstractThe groundwater flow systems layer is a representation of the Australian Groundwater Flow Systems dataset (National Land and Water Resources Audit). The dataset was created by combining geology, geomorphology and topographical information at a national scale.
- Groundwater management areas
Creation date
PurposeEach State and Territory has groundwater management areas. The groundwater management areas layer is a collation of jurisdictional groundwater management areas into a national dataset by the Bureau for use in groundwater products.
AbstractGroundwater management areas are identified by lead water agencies in each State and Territory for management and reporting purposes. Groundwater management area boundaries are created by lead water agencies on the basis of natural catchment or aquifer boundaries, as well as administrative and management boundaries. These jurisdictional datasets have been integrated into a single national dataset by the Bureau for use in groundwater products.
- Groundwater provinces
Creation date
01-06-1999 to 15-12-2001
PurposeA groundwater province is a major area having a broad uniformity of hydrogeological and geological conditions, with reasonably uniform water-bearing characteristics, and identified as either predominantly sediment or fractured rock.
AbstractThe groundwater provinces layer is derived from National Land and Water Resources Audit, Water Resource Assessment Database 2000.
- Irrigation areas
Creation date
PurposeThe irrigation areas layer provides a national coverage of areas with administratively defined boundaries and associated rights and obligations relating to the use of water for irrigation.
AbstractThe irrigation areas layer builds on the Australian Irrigation Areas, Version 1a (dataset published by the former National Land and Water Resources Audit in 2001) and an unpublished update to this dataset by the former Bureau of Rural Sciences in 2006. Recent improvements made by the Bureau of Meteorology include adding extra areas in Western Australian and Tasmania, and updating the names.
- Lakes
Creation date
PurposeThe lakes layer depicts surface water features that may interact with groundwater. For example, groundwater may discharge into rivers and provide base flow. Conversely the lakes may recharge the groundwater.
AbstractThe lakes layer has been created from the Bureau of Meteorology’s Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric) Surface Cartography Version 2.
- Land use
Creation date
PurposeThe land use layer represents national scale land use as nine broad classes relevant to water use and management in Australia:
- Built environment
- Dryland agriculture—non-irrigated drylands under cultivation
- Irrigated agriculture—lands under irrigated cropping, horticulture and pastures
- Livestock grazing—natural vegetation and modified pasture grazing lands
- Forestry—plantation and production forestry
- Nature conservation
- Other protected areas, including indigenous uses
- Minimal use
- Waterbodies
The land use layer was derived from the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences’ (ABARES) Land Use of Australia 2010–11, a land use map of Australia for the year 2010–11. The primary land use was classified into nine broad classes relevant to water use and management in Australia.
- Likelihood grid for inflow-dependent ecosystems
Creation date
PurposeThe likelihood grid for inflow-dependent ecosystems expresses the likelihood that landscapes are accessing water in addition to rainfall. The likelihood is expressed as a range of values between 1 (low) and 10 (high), where 10 indicates landscapes that are most likely to access additional water sources. The additional water source may be soil water, surface water, or groundwater. A likelihood of 1 indicates landscapes that are most likely to rely solely on rainfall.
AbstractThe likelihood grid for inflow-dependent ecosystems was constructed using data from multiple satellite sensors, namely MODIS and Landsat. While MODIS estimates evapotranspiration from land surface (van Dijk et al., 2011 ), the Landsat measures vegetation dynamics sustained during a prolonged dry period (Barron et al., 2012). The two sources were combined by converting these metrics into a standard unit, based on the likelihood of additional water use ranging from 1 (low) to 10 (high). Within different landscapes, rules were applied to determine the combination of MODIS and Landsat data to develop a continental likelihood of IDE, expressed at 25 m resolution.
Van Dijk, A., Warren, G., Van Niel, T., Byrne, G., Pollock. D., Doody, T. (2011) Derivation of data layers from medium resolution remote sensing to support mapping of groundwater dependent ecosystems. CSIRO Land and Water, Internal Document for GDE Atlas.
- Places
Creation date
PurposeThe places layer depicts towns and places at a range of scales to provide context for the groundwater features.
AbstractThe places layer is derived from Geoscience Australia's topographic mapping product, Geodata Topo Series 3.
- Rivers
Creation date
PurposeThe rivers layer depicts surface water features that may interact with groundwater. For example, groundwater may discharge into rivers and provide base flow. Conversely the rivers may recharge the groundwater.
AbstractThe rivers layer has been created from the Bureau of Meteorology’s Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric) Version 2 Surface Cartography.
- River regions
Creation date
PurposeThe river region layer represents hydrological boundaries at a regional scale.
AbstractThe river region layer is taken from the Bureau of Meteorology’s Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (‘Geofabric’) Version 2 Hydrology river regions. These regions are designed for use in regional scale reporting and hydrological modelling. They are an aggregation of contracted catchments developed to meet Bureau’s requirements for regional scale water resources assessment.
- Roads
Creation date
PurposeThe roads layer depicts roads at a range of scales to provide context for the groundwater features.
AbstractRoads is a composite layer that comprises several road datasets at a range of scales to show varying levels of detail. The data is sourced from Geoscience Australia's topographic mapping products including:
- Geodata Topo 10M 2002
- Geodata Topo 5M 2004
- Geodata Topo 2.5M 2003
- Global Map 1M 2001
- Geodata Topo Series 3.
- State and Territory boundaries
Creation date
PurposeThe State and Territory borders layer depicts the administrative boundaries for Australian States and Territories. This layer provides context for the groundwater features.
AbstractState and Territory borders is a composite layer that comprises national several datasets at a range of scales to show varying levels of detail. The data is sourced from Geoscience Australia's topographic mapping products including:
- Geodata Topo 10M 2002
- Geodata Topo 5M 2004
- Geodata Topo 2.5M 2003
- Global Map 1M 2001
- Geodata Topo Series 3.
- Subterranean GDE
Creation date
PurposeThe subterranean GDE layer depicts groundwater-dependent ecosystems that occur below the surface of the ground within fractured, porous or unconsolidated aquifers, and in caves in both the saturated and vadose zones.
AbstractThe subterranean GDE layer is comprised of data for Tasmania from the 2012 GDE Atlas subterranean GDE layer, combined with new State data for Queensland (DSITI, 2015). The 2012 subterranean layer was derived from other studies, both desktop and fieldwork based. The new Queensland GDEs were mapped using a combination of fieldwork and GIS rules-based analysis.
The data is categorised by 'potential of ecosystem to be a GDE', which is classified as either known or potential (high, moderate or low) GDEs. This classification also highlights the different data sources, i.e. from the national assessment or from other studies.
- Surface geology
Creation date
PurposeThe surface geology layer depicts broad groupings of Geoscience Australia’s 1 million and 2.5 million scale surface geology of Australia. The groupings are based on the age of the geologic unit. This simple representation of outcrop and surficial geology is useful for understanding the hydrogeology of an area.
AbstractSurface geology is a composite layer. It is based on the 1:2.5 million scale geology of Australia at coarse resolutions, and the 1:1 million scale geology of Australia at fine resolutions. Both geology datasets have been sourced from Geoscience Australia.
This dataset has been simplified to show the age of the geologic units: Archean, Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras, and Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary periods.
- Terrestrial GDE
Creation date
PurposeThe terrestrial GDE layer depicts ecosystems which access subsurface groundwater to meet all or some of their water requirements, including vegetation.
AbstractThe terrestrial GDE layer is comprised of data from the 2012 GDE Atlas subsurface GDE layer, combined with new state and regional datasets ranging from 2012 to 2019. The 2012 GDE layer was derived from a national assessment involving remote sensing using Landsat and MODIS, and GIS rules-based analysis. The States/regions updated with new terrestrial GDE data include Queensland, Victoria (attributes only), New South Wales, and the South Australian portion of Lake Eyre Basin.
The data is categorised by 'potential of ecosystem to be a GDE', which is classified as either known or potential (high, moderate or low) GDEs. This classification also highlights the different data sources, i.e. from the national assessment or from other studies.
- Terrestrial inflow-dependent ecosystems (IDE)
Creation date
PurposeThe terrestrial inflow-dependent ecosystems (IDE) layer presents the vegetation ecosystems that are likely to use groundwater in addition to rainfall.
AbstractThe terrestrial IDE layer has been developed by assigning an inflow-dependence likelihood (from remote sensing data) to each vegetation ecosystem polygon from the feature layer datasets. The resulting IDE mapping identifies vegetation ecosystems that are likely to use a water source in addition to rainfall, such as water stored in the unsaturated zone, surface water or groundwater. This layer has been further analysed to distinguish the vegetation ecosystems that potentially use groundwater, from those that rely on water stored in the unsaturated zone or surface water.
- Vegetation
Creation date
PurposeThe vegetation layer depicts the major native vegetation within an area. The classification contains different mixes of plant species within the canopy, shrub or ground layers, but are structurally similar and are often dominated by a single genus.
AbstractThe vegetation layer is derived from the Major Vegetation Groups of the National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) Version 3.1.