WDTF Visualisation Tool
Download the WDTF Visualisation Tool.
About the Visualisation Tool
The WDTF viewer is a visualisation tool which allows users to explore WDTF data; including plotting and comparing time series and ratings or gaugings.
The WDTF viewer is the result of collaborative research and development between CSIRO and the Bureau. The current tool is provided "as is"; more formal documentation is in development.
Using the Visualisation Tool
- Java 1.6 or higher
- Download the WDTF Visualisation Tool.
- Extract the contents of the package to a location on your computer.
- Under the [Extracted location] execute either:
- vistool.bat in a Windows environment, or
- vistool.sh in a Linux/UNIX environment.
Supported versions of WDTF
- WDTF 1.0
- WDTF 0.3
Further documentation
Please read the WDTFvisulisationTool-UserGuide.pdf packaged with the Visualisation tool.
Please direct your comments to waterdatasupport@bom.gov.au.