Australian Water Information Dictionary
Standards: Exposure Draft of Australian Water Accounting Standard
- adjusting event after the reporting period
An event that occurs between the end of the reporting period and the date when the Accountability Statement is signed that provides evidence of conditions that existed at the end of the reporting period.
This definition applies to:
- allocation carryover
Water allocated in a reporting period in accordance with a water resource management instrument that is yet to be accessed, taken or delivered at the reporting date and is able to be carried over to the next reporting period.
This definition applies to:
Auditing and Assurance Standards Board
This definition applies to:
- change in net water assets
The change in net water assets for the water report entity from one reporting date to the next.
This definition applies to:
- change in water assets
Increases or decreases in the water report entity’s water assets from one reporting date to the next.
This definition applies to:
- change in water liabilities
Increases or decreases in the water report entity’s water liabilities from one reporting date to the next.
This definition applies to:
- change in water storage
The change in water storage for a water report entity from one reporting date to the next.
This definition applies to:
- closing water storage
The total water storage for a water report entity at the reporting date.
This definition applies to:
- constructive obligation
An obligation that derives from actions of the management of a water report entity whereby: a) an established pattern of past practice, published policies or sufficiently specific current statement means that the management of the water report entity has indicated to other parties that it will accept certain responsibilities; and b) as a result, a valid expectation has been created on the part of those other parties that the management of the water report entity will discharge those responsibilities.
This definition applies to:
- contingent water asset
A possible water asset that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the management of the water report entity.
This definition applies to:
- contingent water liability
A possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the management of the water report entity.
This definition applies to:
- conveyance water
Water required primarily to operate regulated rivers and utility supply networks to enable the delivery of water.
This definition applies to:
- dead storage water
Water in a storage that is below the elevation of the lowest constructed outlet.
This definition applies to:
Exposure Draft of Australian Water Accounting Standard 1
This definition applies to:
- future water commitment
An expected future demand for water influenced by the availability and management of the water assets and water liabilities of the water report entity. It may arise as a result of an externally imposed requirement or best practices for managing water resources.
This definition applies to:
- general purpose water accounting report
A water accounting report intended to meet the information needs common to users who are unable to command the preparation of water accounting reports tailored to satisfy their information needs. A general purpose water accounting report is prepared in accordance with Australian Water Accounting Standards and comprises a Contextual Statement, an Accountability Statement, water accounting statements, accompanying note disclosures and an Assurance Statement.
This definition applies to:
- Glossary for Standards: Water Accounting Conceptual Framework
- Glossary for Standards: Exposure Draft of Australian Water Accounting Standard
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2010
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2011
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2012-2017
General Purpose Water Accounting Report
This definition applies to:
- groundwater
Subsurface water in soils and geological formations that are fully saturated.
This definition applies to:
- Glossary for Standards: Water Accounting Conceptual Framework
- Glossary for Standards: Exposure Draft of Australian Water Accounting Standard
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2010
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2011
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2012-2017
- Glossary for Water status: Water in Australia
- group water accounting report
The water accounting report of a group water report entity presented as a single water entity.
This definition applies to:
- Glossary for Standards: Water Accounting Conceptual Framework
- Glossary for Standards: Exposure Draft of Australian Water Accounting Standard
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2010
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2011
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2012-2017
- group water report entity
A water report entity comprising individual water entities and for which a group water accounting report is required to be prepared under a regulation, statute or directive.
This definition applies to:
International Accounting Standards Board
This definition applies to:
International Recommendations for Water Statistics
This definition applies to:
International Organization for Standardization
This definition applies to:
- legal obligation
An obligation that derives from: (a) a contract, (b) legislation, or (c) other operation of law.
This definition applies to:
- Glossary for Standards: Water Accounting Conceptual Framework
- Glossary for Standards: Exposure Draft of Australian Water Accounting Standard
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2010
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2011
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2012-2017
- net water assets
The excess of the water assets of the water report entity after deducting all of its water liabilities.
This definition applies to:
- non-adjusting event after the end of the reporting period
An event that occurs between the end of the reporting period and the date when the Accountability Statement is signed that relates to conditions that arose after the end of the reporting period.
This definition applies to:
- obligating event
An event that creates a legal or constructive obligation that results in the management of a water report entity having no realistic alternative to settling that obligation.
This definition applies to:
- opening water storage
The total water storage for a water report entity at the beginning of the reporting period.
This definition applies to:
- prior period errors
Omissions from, or misstatements in, the water report entity’s general purpose water accounting report for one or more prior reporting periods arising from a failure to use, or misuse of, reliable information that: (a) was available when general purpose water accounting reports for those reporting periods were issued and (b) could reasonably be expected to have been obtained and taken into account in the preparation and presentation of those general purpose water accounting reports.
This definition applies to:
- reporting date
The end of the last day of the reporting period.
This definition applies to:
- reporting period
The period for which a water accounting report is prepared.
This definition applies to:
system of integrated environmental-economic accounting
This definition applies to:
system of environmental-economic accounting for water
This definition applies to:
- special purpose water accounting report
A water accounting report tailored to the information needs of a user able to command this information.
This definition applies to:
- Glossary for Standards: Water Accounting Conceptual Framework
- Glossary for Standards: Exposure Draft of Australian Water Accounting Standard
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2010
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2011
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2012-2017
Statement of Water Accounting Concepts
This definition applies to:
- water
The liquid that descends from clouds as rain and forms streams, lakes, groundwater aquifers and seas. Water is a chemical compound comprising two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. Water may exist in solid, liquid or gaseous form.
This definition applies to:
- water accounting policies
The specific principles, bases, conventions, rules and practices applied in the preparation and presentation of water accounting reports.
This definition applies to:
- water accounting report
Either a general purpose water accounting report or a special purpose water accounting report.
This definition applies to:
- water accounting statements
Comprise the Statement of Water Assets and Water Liabilities, the Statement of Changes in Water Assets and Water Liabilities, and the Statement of Physical Water Flows.
This definition applies to:
- Glossary for Standards: Water Accounting Conceptual Framework
- Glossary for Standards: Exposure Draft of Australian Water Accounting Standard
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2010
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2011
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2012-2017
- water asset
Water, or the rights or other claims to water, which the water report entity either holds, or for which the water report entity has management responsibilities and from which an individual or organisation that is a water report entity, or a group of stakeholders of a physical water report entity, derives future benefits.
This definition applies to:
- water entity
A physical entity, an organisation or individual that: (a) holds or transfers water, (b) holds or transfers rights or other direct or indirect claims to water, (c) has inflows and/or outflows of water or (d) has responsibilities relating to the management of water.
This definition applies to:
- water liability
A present obligation of the water report entity, the discharge of which is expected to result in a decrease in the water report entity’s water assets or an increase in another water liability.
This definition applies to:
- Glossary for Standards: Water Accounting Conceptual Framework
- Glossary for Standards: Exposure Draft of Australian Water Accounting Standard
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2010
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2011
- Glossary for Water status: National Water Account 2012-2017
- water report entity
A water entity in respect of which it is reasonable to expect the existence of users who depend on general purpose water accounting reports for information about water, or rights or other claims to water, which will be useful to them for making and evaluating decisions about the allocation of resources. For the purposes of the National Water Account this is the region as defined in the contextual statement.
This definition applies to:
- water storage
The total water in water assets.
This definition applies to: